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Everything posted by onjegolders

  1. Was just wondering if there was a simple way end-users can add gaps between their paragraphs from within the editor. Am trying to loosen things up a bit and allow them to determine their own page sections from within the editor whereas normally I may have given them two or three separate text areas. I'm trying to avoid adding margin-top to all the h tags/ margin-bottom to the p tags or equivalent. Is there a way to do this within the editor? Or would I be better doing it myself through CSS?
  2. Thanks for the reply Pete. Any thoughts on whether it's better to specify width/height like this or in HTML? (Assuming only one size is needed)
  3. Sorry for the monlogue Just seen in the page source that that leaves out width and height. Is there any downside/upside doing it this way as opposed to just declaring them in HTML?
  4. Is the general consensus here that it is preferable to declare width and height within the PHP? I wanted to just output width and height without declaring another variable (ie: thumb or large) yet I couldn't seem to get it working so I reverted to good old HTML. Was just wondering what the standard way of declaring width and height would be within PW. Think I've just figured this out: $page->test_image->size(400,300) Is that the right way?
  5. I agree! I think often it's about creating a professional, caring and stimulating environment and Ryan seems to have done a very good job.
  6. Have been on a merry-go-round of open-source CMSs for a while now. I seem to spend a couple of days once a month, desperately looking for something that fits my workflow. I have to say that this workflow has been very heavily influenced by ExpressionEngine. Custom fields is the biggest must for me, I am constantly debating with my brother who is an avid Joomla man, the merits of custom fields per channel(ahem 'page') and I can never believe that it just isn't possible in most other CMSs. I have to say that I've come to PW primarily because I cannot always afford to go the EE route, I genuinely love that platform. I am more and more getting the feeling though that even though I was attracted to PW as a cheaper alternative to EE, it may actually be STRONGER in many ways, though I'm at a very early stage with it. One final point, Ryan (and others') kindness, openness and support shine through in not only these forums but also the docs and intro videos. If I stick at PW and make it work for me, this will have been a huge factor - I genuinely feel that you care and that is incredibly important. I got turned off PyroCMS (as one example) because it felt exactly the opposite.
  7. Hijacking this post somewhat but have to say Apeisa that this is the sort of feedback which makes people want to commit to a piece of software! The community here seems very strong and thoughtful and not at all arrogant. I have to say it bears some resemblance to the support from EE, from which I'm coming from and for an open-source product I think that's very impressive. I was put off another similar open-source system because the founder was anything but helpful or polite or forthcoming with help. The documentation here is incredibly thorough and the people seem 'nice' (amazing how much of a difference that makes). Anyway back to the post, am also coming from EE so anything that can help me get my head around the differences in the way things works is very welcome!
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