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Everything posted by onjegolders

  1. OK, you've inspired me, I'm going to start trying to build our own version of this for our needs. I like the idea of having exactly what we need for our company and only that. As great as Billings is I still find myself doing most things by hand in Excel. Also I'm sure it will be a great learning curve.
  2. Cheers Diogo, have sent you a message
  3. Am aware that this is quite a lot to ask Diogo, so if you'd be interested in an hour or two's outsourcing work and can come up with a nice solution that I can learn from that would be great (if you have time of course). If not, I can revert to how it was and it was working not too badly, I'm just trying to nail it
  4. Thanks Diogo at what point would you deactivate?
  5. Ah no, sorry those images are being auto-generated from hhhhold.com! (Not my fault) this is purely for dev purposes! Sorry about the confusing explanation, it's kind of hard to explain in words. If you hover over "Gallery", it shifts left so you need to be able to click on the whole thing (otherwise it's annoying for the user). Your (Diogo) code worked great but when you click Gallery again to close it, you have to click twice for some reason. I'm just looking for a simple way of having the hover and two click methods working smoothly. I do appreciate you taking a look, thanks again!
  6. Thanks Diogo! (as usual ) It sort of works but it has to tie in with the permanent link on the side (see live site http://web1.milkhost.co.uk/~est/) So whenever the container is not active then the extra link is there but when clicked, the link gets removed
  7. Anyone out there with 5 minutes spare to help me with a jQuery puzzle? Probably quite simple for anyone with half a brain and a bit more skill than me I can give you a link to the site. It basically involves a hidden area to the side which slides in when clicked upon. (So far so good). The thing is when you hover over the bit of the hidden area that's displayed, it pops out a bit further to tease you with the content. When you click on the link the whole area slides into view. The issue is that when it pops out on hover, I'd like the whole area to become a clickable link so that the user doesn't have to go back to the original link to get the slide to take place. (Confused yet?) All this is still fine. Where I'm stuck is that once the (whole page) link has been clicked upon, that link needs to disappear otherwise all the content on that page becomes one big link. I've tried using wrap and unwrap and I'm now wondering whether it's even possible!
  8. onjegolders


    Not sure if any of you US guys are in Boston but hope everyone's OK. Crazy world.
  9. I find lynda.com has loads of great video series. It's helped me learn everything from HTML to PHP and if I had the time and patience, I could probably become a master of about 10,000 different pieces of software/languages!
  10. Some great points here, be sure to check out Luis' thread about the app he created in PW http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2315-preview-intranet-application-%E2%80%93-office-management/
  11. Great job Lance, the site looks great, responds beautifully and loads very fast.
  12. I can only really speak of websites (and I've been doing it a lot less long than many others on here) and there's certainly a market for making websites for normal people and businesses. I have found in the last year or two that you have to be quite good at almost everything as it is very unlikely with little experience that you'll be able to specialise in one particular area. A lot of freelancers will offer clients everything from setting up domain registration and hosting to coding their site and adding CMS capability. A lot will depend on getting "good clients". If all you find are people who want to pay you a few hundred pounds (or dollars/euros) for their site then you may have to look at reusing your own templates so that you can have a quick turnaround. Ollie speaks very well about other areas of the web and a lot of people do make money in interesting ways though personally, I'm interested in websites, design and code. These other dark arts don't interest me as much
  13. Hi Ko7n it's heredoc syntax, one way of writing PHP to save having to go in and out http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php#language.types.string.syntax.heredoc
  14. @Soma, I thought so too but can't seem to find it! (There were many, many questions I asked ) @pwired, sorry to hear about your job but you're right to be positive, if you enjoy doing this then chances are with enough time spent on it you'll be good enough to make some money out of it. Firstly you probably want to ask yourself "What part of the web do I like the most?" Does the design part inspire you, the coding part? Both? Are you interested in all various parts of the web or do you have one particular area. Also what character do you have? Are you driven? Or do you prefer to be told what to do (Freelancer vs Employee). Also what skills do you currently have?
  15. And your own page in IMDB, I think that's hard to top! (need a nice profile pic though http://uk.imdb.com/name/nm0762708/)
  16. No idea what happened Ryan but there was no install.php file present, have just tried a fresh install and all seems OK. Thanks!
  17. Hi again Ryan, There is no site/assets/installed.php file but also, no /install.php
  18. Aye you canny beat the Georgie accent that's for sh-ooar! Ozzy's an Aston boy! From a supporter of the "mighty" Aston Villa.
  19. Hi Ollie, if I understand correctly you would want to add a $count variable and then use modulus to check if the iteration is even/odd if ($count % 2 == 0) { // even } Then output your alt for the odd or even version. As an example: <?php $array = array("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"); $count = 0; $class = ""; foreach ($array as $e) { $count++; if ($count % 2 == 0) { $class = "testiecolalt"; } else { $class = "testiecol"; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>"> <div class="testie"><h4>Header <?php echo $count ?></h4> <div class="testiequote">Quote</div> <h5>Name</h5></div> </div> <?php } ?> Note: There may well be better ways of achieving this!
  20. You won't get it from me but you might from a "proper" Brummie or a Yam Yam...
  21. I think you may be right Joe. I still find myself wishing there was some way to easily differentiate with CSS various things in the backend. Another example are the tabs on a page edit screen. I often add an SEO or SLIDES tab to my pages so that the client can add different content to the page but they are indistinguishable stylistically from the CHILDREN, SETTINGS, DELETE and VIEW tabs. While that may make sense to us, it may not to a content editor. Even something as simple as having an option to italicize things would have a huge impact on telling editors where they need to be looking. (I don't want my editors touching "CHILDREN" ((that sounds weird)) or SETTINGS generally) You could apply the same logic to some pages.
  22. onjegolders


    I really like it Thomas, you can see a lot of work's gone into it. I'm a bit confused about the mobile menu though as the normal one is still visible and I'm not sure what content is sliding out?
  23. Cheers Marty! Which half Hmmm Birmingham vs Katoomba.....
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