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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. Another factor is the user's personal preference. For example, when adding products to a cart in a webshop, I prefer a short notification of some sort (even just an animated counter on the shopping cart's icon) so that I know my submit action worked, ie. the item was added to cart. I never want to be redirected to the Cart, for example, nor I need a modal window trying to sell me something else as well. So, what is pleasant UX for me might not be a pleasant experience for others and vice versa, of course.
  2. If you have the time, maybe reading some Sitepoint articles you can find some useful info. Just a few examples: https://www.sitepoint.com/premium/books/designing-ux-forms/read/1/jzjar4hq/ https://www.sitepoint.com/premium/books/form-design-patterns/read/1/jz0sdfcg/ https://www.sitepoint.com/premium/books/html5-forms-interactive-elements/read/1/ https://www.sitepoint.com/html-forms-constraint-validation-complete-guide/ I have not read those, but in the past I did read some Sitepoint articles and there were all very good reads.
  3. I think a lot depends on the form's purpose, the client's needs and – of course – on how much time you can spend on a given task. For example, I am working on an "online ordering solution", where the management of multiple addresses is needed, and this is what I already have working for this particular purpose: [image has been removed] So, for this form and for other "record management like" forms in the system, I opted for modal windows, toast messages and inline form error notifications (validation messages). I use Unpoly 2 and Bootstrap 5, btw.
  4. This is the same UX issue I always encounter with "ProFields: Page Table" (aka FieldtypePageTable) as well. So far, I have only solved it for Page Table, but I guess you could do something similar in your case as well. I used JavaScript for the admin to clone the button, like this: /* * Adds a clone of the PageTable field's Add New button to the top of the table */ function clonePageTableAddButton() { $(".InputfieldPageTableButtons").each(function () { $myButtons = $(this); $myTableContainer = $myButtons.closest(".InputfieldPageTableContainer"); //Only add button when Table is not empty (length != 0) and no button has been added already (length < 2) if ($myButtons.closest(".InputfieldPageTableContainer").find(".AdminDataTable").length != 0 && $myTableContainer.find(".InputfieldPageTableButtons").length < 2) { $myButtons.clone().prependTo($myTableContainer); } }); } I also had to solve the issue what crops up when the Page Table is updated via ajax calls, so I had to implement a little bit more what I posted above, but if repeatable fields are not updated via ajax, then probably something no too complex to code should be enough to clone the button after the DOM is ready to be manipulated. Hope this helps.
  5. I agree. However, to make a tutorial series complete, one needs to introduce the basics as well. Perhaps a concise but not too long overview would do the trick (especially if it links to all the official docs and blog posts in order to point out where to learn more about the basics). @3fingers In order to teach as much as possible in the shortest possible time, you might want to provide your learners an installable site-profile which does all the basics already, and you "just" finish it off by implementing the rest (which is everything beyond the basics). I would also pay for such a course, so that I can think outside of my box (and to support your efforts, of course).
  6. Have you already seen this library perhaps: https://github.com/k-samuel/faceted-search ?
  7. Hello @3fingers, +1 to this approach. What I think nowhere demonstrated in a nice and concise tutorial is the broad topic of search. One can take a look at Ryan's Skyscrapers demo profile but other than that there are just scattered bits of info on the topic. There is also @teppo's SearchEngine but that is a 3rd party module and I am not sure it can be used for Faceted Search or not, for example. With all that ecommerce raging these days, showing how to implement Faceted Search would be invaluable (along with listing products, sortable by categories), I think. Also, frontend autocomplete is another valuable topic, and what I have not yet tried but looks useful to build upon is InputfieldTextTags: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.177/ See this related quote from Ryan: "...InputfieldTextTags works on the front-end, such as in FormBuilder or LoginRegisterPro forms, or any other InputfieldForm on the front-end." I have done some of the above over the years (built on ProcessWire of course) and I had to dig up ideas from source code of modules and from this forum of course. However, a guided tour can always speed up the learning process. Good luck with your endeavor!
  8. Inserting some HannaCode into the editor via TinyMCE Templates could be an easy way to add HannaCode with a simple preview and some description. Maybe something as complex as HannaCodeDialog by @Robin S could be based on the TinyMCE Template plugin. Anyway, my current issue is, that I could not make TinyMCE Templates work because InputfieldTinyMCE seems to be parsing the template options setting improperly, see my issue report for details: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/InputfieldTinyMCE/issues/16
  9. Another option is to use the Toggle InputField: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.139/#new-toggle-field as it has a "Default selected option" (yes / no / no selection) setting among other useful settings.
  10. It used to close just the InputField in question, yeah, which I always found strange. Currently, the most up-to-date dev version I am working with is 3.0.205 which also works the way you noticed, except that there are cases when the label and icons left to the closed InputField disappear:
  11. Was it generated with an Ipsum creator, I wonder? As it does not even make any sense. BTW, if anyone interested, here is one that can even generate fake code snippets: https://jaspervdj.be/lorem-markdownum/ which is kinda cool.
  12. While not "most of them" but surely a lot of them, so I agree that our options are limited. I'm not keen on Font Awesome icons, btw. I guess they can be downloaded and actually be bundled with the core, but I cannot find an easy way being offered to do that. https://github.com/google/fonts What I found is this: Download All Google Fonts You can download all Google Fonts in a simple ZIP snapshot (over 1GB) from https://github.com/google/fonts/archive/main.zip Another option is this, for example: https://icons.getbootstrap.com/
  13. Hi, Can you be a bit more specific? What is the exact wording of the message and what is its actual source? Do you have a backtrace or something else?
  14. Just a quote from Ryan from the past (I forgot to jot down the source of the original, sorry...) "In order to run an upgrade/download process, the module must be loaded and its upgrade() method called. With the exception of "autoload" modules, ProcessWire loads modules on demand, as requested from the API. This is an intended behavior. When you do a "Modules > Refresh", it should tell you about version changes it found and also indicate that it will apply those when the module is next loaded. Module changes are applied when the module is next loaded, so it's not a matter of scheme (http, etc.) but rather just whether the module is needed and thus loaded for the request. Many modules are only used for rendering http requests (such as Process) modules, so it may have that appearance that http is required for some. It's best that updates are only applied when a module is actually going to be used, since it is the module's own upgrade() method that is called to perform the upgrade. And loading a module in a context where it wouldn't typically be used might be problematic or cause errors. But if you have a need for to do this, you could try doing a foreach $modules and load each module individually $modules->getModule($name)... updates will be applied as each is loaded. Again though I think it may be potentially problematic to do that since this is not the way it's designed to apply upgrades."
  15. Thanks a million Ryan! My highlights: it'll be available to install by or before this time next week Yes there's a dark mode! The toolbar configuration ... via InputfieldTextTags ... plugins are selectable from checkboxes Five UI The inline editor after we click in it Multi-language I will especially be happy to use Five UI and the inline editor appearing after we click in it, as these options save a lot of screen space which I prefer to whitespace bonanza. BTW, may I propose that in the "other settings" section we can also have options via InputfieldTextTags wherever appropriate (instead of typing in literals).
  16. As for direct statement about financial advantages I cannot provide anything (thought I remember reading something related to it) but I do infer such a thing from this comment, for example: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2043-drupal-vs-processwire/?do=findComment&comment=19084 Quote: "The problems with Drupal have certainly been a motivation in making ProcessWire happen. Out of the box, ProcessWire is going to be a lot better at the large scale than Drupal. ProcessWire's architecture, foundation and API are far better than Drupal (captain obvious)." Well, while writing this, I actually remember reading somewhere that he wrote that his previous way of doing business (when still using Drupal perhaps) was more profitable than the current one based on ProcessWire, but that is not just about working with PW vs Drupal but as business as general. Maybe we should ask @ryan itself? Anyway, as an addition to the actual topic: This might also help @3fingers when explaining the benefits: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4426-pushing-pw-in-web-design-agencies/
  17. Relying on the frontend cache all the time is the telltale sign of the system's request process being very slow most of the time. Usually it is the result of over-engineering and "enterprise developers" are soo keen on that. In my coding vocabulary: $enterprise === $overEngineering // > true Also tell them that Ryan developed ProcessWire because working with Drupal took so much extra time that even developing his own system was a lot better choice, therefore more profitable. Probably Nette's Tester can do the trick when they complain, see:
  18. Hello @Richard Jedlička May I add +1 item to the wish list? When editing the pages of users, the module does not add its icons/links to the inputfields, in other words it does not work for user pages. Would it be possible to also make the module work there?
  19. This resources list might also help you to get started: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/26720-using-echo-with-delayed-layout/#comment-221298
  20. This is a nice showcase to demonstrate that even one of the oldest tutorials are still relevant today. ProcessWire is evolving in a way that basics never change and even backwards compatibility can be relied upon. Sure bugs come and go, but there is no complex software without bugs. Anyway, my recommendation form 2019: Not to mention: https://www.pwtuts.com/tags/ And some up to date tudorials from 2022: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvp33AwVHgFKgsrGaLh-ANg/videos Hope this helps.
  21. @bernhardSorry for watching but not seeing :) since you just posted the module in the post above, there is no room for configuration, I see. Maybe the idea calls for a full-fledged module?
  22. Hi Bernhard, thanks for sharing! Not a better solution but something that lessens the severity of the whole issue is built into Bootstrap 5: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.2/getting-started/rfs/ which is a separate project so not tied to bootstrap: https://github.com/twbs/rfs/tree/v9.0.6 Using RFS means that there is less need for hyphenation but still there is, of course. Also, RFS makes it easier to adapt other values on the fly, if needed. I have not yet installed the module (I will, when I have the time) but 3 dashes look odd to me. I would rather use only one character for that (underscore, maybe). So, if you could make it configurable that would be great, I think. (If it is not yet configurable, perhaps...)
  23. I've been successfully using Dark Reader for years, with these settings (Filter+ is need for my Mac so that coping text still results in the original colors, not the changed ones of the view):
  24. Thanks in advance for releasing it for free! While I am pretty sure it will serve as good example (which I can't wait to learn form) and as a solid base to build upon, I wish there was a way to upgrade site profiles, similar to module upgrades.
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