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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. Well, I'd better show an example, I guess. Something like this: http://www.theblog.ca/wordpress-post-notes On the WP dashboard there is a "collaboration notes made by others" and underneath there is an AXAJ form to add more notes. It is like a simple message board when used with this simple setup. This WP plugin has more to it than a "global" message board, but I've never tried those features. Most of the time a simple FB like flow of conversation is enough when only a few editors are using a site. Maybe your module is not about such a feature?
  2. I am wild guessing here but do you have "Check for upgrades on superuser login?" turned on? The Upgrades module utilizes loginHook and maybe your other 3rd party module too and there might be some conflict there.
  3. Maybe related: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/319 There seems to be some mayor issue with setAndSave().
  4. Hi Csaba and welcome to ProcessWire, Can you please provide more info about the issue you are having trouble with? We need to see your actual code you are trying to use to display those links/pages so that we can help you out. Also, maybe you are modifying some existing site profile? If so, which one?
  5. Hi @benbyf What is "Memebers"? Jokes aside, I would love to see "shared message boards", seen by defined group members (roles), so that site editors/administrators can send/discuss important messages in order to better collaborate, say on a dashboard which loads first when logging into admin. Does your module support something like that? I cannot seem to decipher this from your description above. Thanks in advance, BTW, sounds like a nice module anyway.
  6. One might also find it helpful for batch changing pages and more. @adrian's great helper tool, the Admin Actions module:
  7. Currently I have no issues with Upgrades module connecting to GitHub either. In the past once I had issues with it too, but at that time GitHub was brought down by DoS attack or something like that.
  8. So you either have to downgrade to PHP 7.0.x or wait for @justb3a to update the module. You can "hack it" too, either by actually changing the module's code or you can try the "multiple copies of the same module" technique: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/ I never did the latter, BTW.
  9. Hi, Written in the browser – so please excuse my possible mistakes – but one possible solution is not to include the 'limit=$limit' part when you do not need it. Something like this function findArticles($limit, $force) { $force_str = $force === "" ? "" : "force=$force, "; //inject nothing into the selector string if force is empty $selector = "template=article, sort=-published, limit=$limit, $force_str" . trim($selector, ", "); $articles = pages($selector); return $articles; } May the force be with you, BTW
  10. PHP version? 7.1? Or something way older? https://www.google.hu/search?q="[]+operator+not+supported"+php&oq="[]+operator+not+supported"+php
  11. +1 tip then: https://www.lynda.com/learning-paths/Web/become-a-full-stack-web-developer I find that Lynda's video tutorials are among the best ones and with a subscription you can watch them "all". Those that are linked on the page above are good ones to begin with but after watching/doing "Programming Foundations: Web Security" you might want to jump right into ProcessWire because by that time you will have learned enough. These tutorials do not seem long, however, if you don't just watch them but copy what they do (which is recommended) then it can take weeks to do them all. ProcessWire is the best CMS for complete beginners, you've come to the right place, BTW Good luck!
  12. hi @bernhard Can't you just use the complete URL instead?
  13. Oh, yeah, thanks! Then its even simpler to fix: echo ukAlert("Found {$matches->getTotal()} page(s)", "default", "search");
  14. @ryan Currently we count the numper of pages listed on a paginated page (50 or less) and not the actual number of pages found. A possible fix for this in search.php: $selector = "title|body~=$q, has_parent!=2"; // Find pages that match the selector $matches = pages()->find($selector . ", limit=50"); $matches_many = pages()->findMany($selector); ... echo ukAlert("Found $matches_many->count page(s)", "default", "search");
  15. @ryan one more thing I found: $input->whitelist('q', $q); is missing from search.php
  16. Welcom @AlyxGD! I recommend starting with these, in this order: https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/but-what-if-i-dont-know-how-to-code/ http://www.how-to-build-websites.com/ https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/hello-worlds/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3Fwyd5Okrg&list=PLXlVJXqzkgyqQJyxkb4hai3WgoPoD8osO&index=1 https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/installation-moving-and-troubleshooting/ If after checking these above you still feel like diving into web development, I recommend installing ProcessWire on your own machine to play with it a little bit to get the hang of it. If you don't feel like dealing with all you've seen above, I recommend looking for a ProcessWire web developer: https://processwire.com/talk/forum/22-jobs/
  17. This is because as the inventor says: "ProcessWire IS a native category system, whether by structure or relation. I think the distinction is that we don't call them "categories" or "tags". But "does not have" makes it sound like they aren't part of the plan. When in fact, it's one of the underlying purposes of the system." to read more:
  18. +1 and it also flashes a few times instead of closing it.
  19. Reminds me of this one: Is it a similar or same issue? I'm not quite sure, that's why I'm asking. "They have two VDSL lines into the building that feed their router through a load balancer. It seems that their setup meant that responses to outbound traffic did not necessarily come back in via the same line."
  20. I woke up this morning and this was the very first forum topic I had read. I was really happy to start the day with a ProcessWire success story, it made my day. Thank you for sharing it with us and keep up the good work! Cheers from the other side of the Globe
  21. In addition to all the above. @Sipho If you want to make sure hidden pages never show up accidentally (say they have a template, guest access, and someone happens to know/figure out its URL) then you can turn hidden into password protected with @adrian's great PageProtector module easily: Another tip when dealing with related data: you might want to take a look at @Robin S's cool module: Hope this helps too.
  22. Oh I see, banging on open doors again Thanks for the info!
  23. Hi @bernhard Thanks for putting all the work into sharing this module. What came to my mind was that I do not really like providing code in admin input fields, except when it is a few lines of code. So wouldn't it be possible (optionally maybe) to provide paths to files instead?
  24. I was also thinking of using DataTables(.net), but paying for the editor is not something I'm after, so I looked for alternatives and found this one: http://w2ui.com/web/demos/#!grid/grid-21 W2UI is quite feature rich, besides using its Grid I will also use the other UI elements such us Layout, Form, Field, etc... Ajax will be needed to wire them up, of course. First time I'm building something like this, it will be quite an adventure, I'm sure
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