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Everything posted by szabesz

  1. I like the idea of turning this module into an issue tracker with debug support Jokes aside: If we could somehow list both php code TODOs and these Notes in an aggregated view, that would be great. When I cannot list all of them, those notes/todos are are kinda useless. Also, I always put my todo list in priority order, my todo items are even further organized into "categories" such as: asap, before launch, after launch, "nice to have in the future", etc... since an unorganized list is not too useful either. But the coolest thing would be to be able to indicate if a Note is only for the developer or for the client too. This way we could place Notes on the pages where they belong to, so that clients checking the site during development can instantly see what is done and what is still under construction, so they do not start reporting bugs, typos, missing elements, etc... in the first place. It could save a lot of time (fewer and shorter discussion/emails exchanged). Better yet, what if clients could also take Notes, I mean open issues belonging to that page? Ok, I stop it here, this is too much already...
  2. I must admin I never read this thread properly, I just loosely followed it, but I thought it might be of some sort of help: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12151-wire-queue-basic-implementation-of-simple-queues/
  3. Sure, the Tile, thanx for correcting me. Using my numbering of the levels described above, if we have level1-level2-level3 open and click on level1's Title, then level2-level3 "disappears", so even the direct children are closed up. If you have the same subtree open and click on Home (level0), the direct children of Home do not close up, only level2-level3. You need to click on Home once more to have a completely closed three. Maybe it is intentional, since a completely closed three might not be that useful after all.
  4. Thanks for the explanation! Sure, the built in module installer works fine. The idea behind using your module is to search for modules. The module directory's search on processwire.com works, but your module provides additional ways to fiter the directory which I like a lot. The best thing would be to implement similar features for modules.processwire.com I suppose.
  5. Well, the current implementation seems to be inconsistent. Let's say Home is level0 and I have a tree form level0 to level3. When I have level3 open, by clicking on Home level3 and level2 are closed up, level1 remains open. Levels should be closed either: level-by-level , I mean stepwise, as ottogal pointed out above: e.g. by clicking on the Name Title the complete subtree: e.g. by clicking on an icon between Name and the number of usage count Edit: Title vs Name
  6. Besides, it's more like a hack than a solution, anyway
  7. In addition to this, I also recommend reading up about the very basics of Object Oriented Programming, http://www.tutorialspoint.com/php/php_object_oriented.htm at least the concepts behind it. Although in the case of ProcessWire frontend development you are not "forced" to implement anything in OOP, knowing the fundamentals helps a lot to understand the API and its usage. An often used technique in the OOP world is method chaining. You do not have to use it, but when you want to look up someone else's code, you need to how and why it works: http://www.xpertdeveloper.com/2010/09/method-chaining-in-php/ BTW I highly recommend bookmarking http://www.tutorialspoint.com/php/ You can use this method before you jump into your trial-and-error experiment: Whenever you start working on something unfamiliar, say sending emails, study some basics in pure PHP, say: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/php/php_sending_emails.htm After that, look for alternatives in the ProcessWire world: API support, module support Of course, it is recommended to use the API and/or modules whenever you can, but understanding why is so makes working with them easier. Hope this helps, good luck, and never give up!
  8. The UI of the two panels should match as much as possible, otherwise I'm quite happy with anything that works with the fewest clicks possible, and provides ways to easily see in which states the settings are Oh, and many thanks for the new panel! Now I just need to train my memory not to forget about all the goodies your wonderful module offers
  9. Hello Sephiroth, If you do not feel uncomfortable just by installing WordPress, I recommend cloning this one: Alo EasyMail Newsletter: http://www.eventualo.net/blog/wp-alo-easymail-newsletter-guide/ A few important points to consider: - emails should be sent in "small" batches, to avoid being blacklisted quickly - the possibility to test the newsletter with a small set of test email addresses is a must Sure, tons of other features are needed, that is why I pointed to this WP plugin, which works well.
  10. Hi suntrop, Have you already seen this tutorial? It already has tree parts and introduces Template Engine Factory with Twig: http://blog.mauriziobonani.com/processwire-basic-website-workflow-part-1/
  11. Thanks netcarver! Since you recommend it, does it mean that it just works fine in ProcessWire 3.x too? I can imagine that it does not implement anything fancy that might be deprecated, but I have never used it so I thought I ask before wasting some time on it
  12. Just to highlight some recent additions to our toolbox – from ProcessWire 3.0.13 and up – we can construct our selectors by using arrays too: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.13-selector-upgrades-and-new-form-builder-version/#selector-engine-array-support
  13. Welcome, ProcessWireLearner, Check out the link of my recent post: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2985-how-to-create-a-simple-news-system-for-pw/?p=120314 in the Wiki, especially this page: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Pages_Overview and the "long tutorials" tagged pages: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Category:Long_Tutorials but still, probably the most recent tutorial is this: http://blog.mauriziobonani.com/processwire-basic-website-workflow-part-1/ This is not strictly on data relationships, but should give you a head start on understanding the concept of using Pages for all your relationship needs
  14. You might also want to consider adapting one of these methods: Probably good for experimental purposes too: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9638-different-templates-folder-for-different-usersroles/ Best for replacing (e.g. based on some sort for conditions) complete "front end themes": http://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/use-different-sets-of-template-files/ And we also have Adrian's Tracy Debugger which supports "hacking" the compiler cache of ProcessWire 3.x for temporay testing purposes. But this is probably not what you need in this case, I just mentiond it for the record. EDIT: "typo"
  15. I was about to ask it! Thanks a lot!
  16. Thanks trp, fixed the typo As for the accordion: I'm missing the instant access of the second level of the main menu. Besides, positioning the mouse cursor over the little flash icon is troublesome, so I just tend to click the menu anyway. EDIT: second level
  17. Basic admin customizer feature request? I support it! +1 However, I'm still a fan of the classic theme, mainly because the Reno theme has no dropdown menus, which I miss a lot. I no not like clicking around too much, the accordion style menu is not much fun..
  18. Ckeditor is certainly not suited for this. I can imagine that Profield Matrix can make things more intuitive for the Editor in the admin, however, I think it can be implemented with a simple repeater too, and it will be usable. It might depend on the amount of gray matter the client is equipped with Also, we should not forget that simple repeaters might stop working around 50 items (Pages) depending on the available memory.
  19. Something like this to get you started? http://snook.ca/archives/php/the_modulo_oper
  20. Hi kuba2, If you use ProcessWire to crop the image like this: $image->size(800,600);, you will not be able to get a portrait image. I have never used Slick Slider, but you need to change the way you adjust the size of the images in order to work with an image file which is higher than it is wide.
  21. While discussing categories, we must not forget kongondo's evergreen write up on the subject https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/
  22. Hello JeevanisM and welcome to the forum! Joss is still an active member, so I suppose he will be able to properly answer your question, but in the meantime, I would like to point out that his tutorial is rather old, and a lot of new features that make things a lot easier to implement has been added to ProcessWire since then. Probably the most current and therefore one of the most recommended tutorials is this: http://blog.mauriziobonani.com/processwire-basic-website-workflow-part-1/ The only "issue" with it is that is uses Twig, which you might not want to use, however, I recommend to read it anyway. Another resource I recommend reading is the old wiki: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Main_Page Yeah, it is old too, however it is mainly discussing general concepts which has not changed at all, so it's worth reading.
  23. Soma is talking about the "second" <ul> in you code. However, where do you close <ul class='nav navbar-nav'>? I cannot seem to find it. By taking a look at the validity of your generated HTML also helps to iron out your algorithm that generates the output. Adrian's Tracy Debugger module can help: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/tracy-debugger/ as it has validation features as discussed here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12208-tracy-debugger/?p=119538 If you do not want to use the module, you can just use the service manually: https://validator.nu
  24. Hi, Any error/log messages? PHP and/or browser console? Any custom code you might have being executed in a hook that might play a role here? Such code might belong to a plugin, so have you already tried to trouble shoot by disabling/enabling plugins just to see hat happens?
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