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Everything posted by AndZyk

  1. It works with PrivacyWire if I edit the InputfieldFormBuilderRecaptcha.module on line 109 like this: <?php /** * Render Google reCAPTCHA script * * @return string * */ public function ___renderScript() { $url = $this->getScriptUrl(); return "<script class='require-consent' type='text/plain' data-type='text/javascript' data-src='$url' data-category='functional'></script>"; } But I don't think I can hook the ___renderScript function. Has anybody a suggestion how I can hook into the output of the script? Currently I don't have access to the FormBuilder support board, but I will renew our license soon, so I will ask there.
  2. Thank you, next time I will try to use the format options. ☺️ Just FYI I had selected None and had the default values in the options textarea of the module settings. Regards, Andreas
  3. Hi @adrian, thanks you for your response. You are right. When I developed the website I wanted a special phone number format, so I choose under Phone Output Format "None" and build my own format like this: <a href="tel:<?=$person->phone->unformattedNumberNoExt?>"> <?php if ($person->phone->area_code) { echo $person->phone->area_code; } else { echo "07723"; } ?> <?php if ($person->phone->number) echo "/{$person->phone->number}"; ?> <?php if ($person->phone->extension) echo "-{$person->phone->extension}"; ?> </a> Probably because I didn't understand the syntax of the Phone Output Format at the time. ? If you have to choose a Phone Output format, wouldn't it be better to remove the option "None"?
  4. Hello @ryan and @joshua, I am using the InputfieldFormBuilderRecaptcha on many sites and it is working great. But it came to my attention, that the InputfieldFormBuilderRecaptcha maybe isn't GDPR compliant, because it sets a cookie and communicates with Google without user interaction. Would it be possible to couple the reCAPTCHA with for example PrivacyWire, so that you first have to confirm the cookie consent, before you can see the reCAPTCHA? I think you could also use the render hooks of Form Builder. I will try this, but don't often use hooks. Regards, Andreas
  5. Hello @adrian, thank you for this module. I am using it on one of our websites and get following warning with PHP 8.2.0 in TracyDebugger: Could you please update your module to remove this warning? ? Regards, Andreas
  6. LocomotiveCMS is also similar to ProcessWire. But I only have little experience with it. What turned me off was the need for Ruby and long responding time to questions.
  7. I have already mentioned it a few times, but I can recommend Kirby CMS as alternative to ProcessWire. It is very similar to ProcessWire in the structure and API, but needs no database because it is file based. Also they have a nice website, documentation and marketing including detailed changelogs. It is not as feature rich as ProcessWire and not free, you have to pay a license for commercial use, but the marketing and presentation is better in my opinion.
  8. Sorry, I should have read the question more carefully and not made a typo in my example. I just wanted to give some solutions, based on litte information, but was in a hurry. Ignore my code and use the other examples.
  9. Freut mich zu hören, dass es funktioniert hat. Ohne mehr Informationen, kann ich leider nichts zu dem Zähler sagen. Ist der Zähler ein Feld vom Typ Nummer in einem Template? Ist der Zähler die Gesamtzahl aller Seiten mit dem Template „Authlogs“? Die Seiten mit dem Template „Authlogs“ sollten im Papierkorb sein und je nach Selector, können diese immer noch gefunden und für eine Gesamtzahl dazu gezählt werden.
  10. Hallo @Frank Schneider, du könntest die Seiten per API $pages->delete() löschen: // Alle Seiten mit dem Template authlogs nacheinander $authlogs = $pages->find('template=authlogs'); foreach ($authologs as $authlogPage) { $pages->delete($authlogPage); } // Alle Seiten der Elternseite mit dem Titel Authlogs rekursiv $authlogsParent = $pages->get("title=Authlogs"); $pages->delete($authlogsParent, true); Einfach irgendwo in einem Template einfügen und die Seite mit dem Template aufrufen. Ansonsten können glaube ich Module wie der ListerPro oder Batch Child Editor Stappelbearbeitung von Seiten. Gruß, Andreas
  11. Hello @MoritzLost, I had a similar issue with a selector a few weeks ago containing not equal to (!=) and an or-condition. My issue was fixed, but maybe this could be related: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1802 Regards, Andreas
  12. Thanks for your feedback. I usually also upgrade, whenever there needs to be something done on the website. From a security perspective I also don't think there is a need for auto upgrades, because there are never security risks, that need to be fixed. Auto upgrades would be nice mainly for convenience. ?
  13. If you disable the Purifier feature, the iframe should not get removed. I have tested this by manually adding an iframe in the source code view.
  14. I guess to rename the default classes you have to use custom JSON settings: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/using-tinymce-6-in-processwire/#using-custom-json-settings https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/configure/content-formatting/ But maybe @ryan knows an easier way. ?
  15. Hello @dicabrio, I think the Iframe gets stripped out by the Purifier feature in the textarea field settings: Personally I would not disable this feature and use Hanna Code instead: https://processwire.com/modules/process-hanna-code/ Regards, Andreas
  16. Hi @Boost, I don't have much experience with the new TinyMCE yet, but I couldn't find a way to rename classes of the default styles. But you can hide the default styles and add your own classes: #Align { display: none } #UIkit .uk-text-left { text-align: left } /* Text Left */ #UIkit .uk-text-center { text-align: center } /* Text Center */ #UIkit .uk-text-right { text-align: right } /* Text Right */ Source: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/using-tinymce-6-in-processwire/#specifying-element.class-versus-just-class Regards, Andreas
  17. Hello, the last few weeks there were four new versions of ProcessWire on the master branch (3.0.226 - 3.0.229) and there seems to be the next one around the corner. I like to upgrade all my ProcessWire websites whenever a new master version is released. Currently I am upgrading around 50 websites, which takes a few hours for all of them. I have skipped a few of the master releases, but was wondering if it would be possible to provide an module for auto upgrades? I know that there is a certain risk involved with auto upgrades and it would not work for the .htaccess file, because this file has its own rules. But upgrading the wire folder and the index.php is usually unproblematic, so those could be auto upgraded. WordPress for example has auto upgrades enabled for patch versions (x.x.1 to x.x.2) if there is not Git present. Currently ProcessWire has no minor versions (x.1.x) and only patch versions (x.x.1), but maybe one could configure in the module settings which branch (dev or master) should be auto upgraded. Maybe this could be a setting in the ProcessWire Upgrade module or an extension: https://processwire.com/modules/process-wire-upgrade/ After the upgrade you could get an email, that your ProcessWire has been upgraded (similar to the Workflow in WordPress). There could also be an option for auto upgrading modules. (for example Tracy Debugger ?) What do you think? Is there some major issue speaking against the option for auto upgrades? Regards, Andreas
  18. Hello @louisstephens, a 500 server error could be caused by wrong .htaccess rules: https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/troubleshooting/#resolving-an-apache-500-error Did you check that you have the same rules in the new .htaccess like in the old one? Regards, Andreas
  19. Hi @Boost, you have to add the attribute "uk-lightbox" on a container and then add a link to open the lightbox: <!-- Video as link --> <div uk-lightbox> <a class="uk-position-cover uk-cover-container" href="<?= $page->block->video_upload->url ?>" data-caption="Caption for the Video"> <video src="<?= $page->block->video_upload->url ?>" loop muted playsinline uk-video="autoplay: inview"></video> </a> </div> <!-- Link over video --> <div uk-lightbox> <video src="<?= $page->block->video_upload->url ?>" loop muted playsinline uk-video="autoplay: inview"></video> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="<?= $page->block->video_upload->url ?>" aria-label="Video-Link" data-caption="Caption for the Video"></a> </div> Regards, Andreas
  20. Hi @wbmnfktr, I made a similar request years ago for Font Awesome, sadly with no success: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues/9028 It seems the original repository doesn't exist anymore, but you can still download the icon from my request. ? Regards, Andreas
  21. Actually you should leave the styling of the uk-container untouched, because that it is a necessary UIkit class. You can get the container to be full width by adding the class uk-container-expand. <div id="masthead" class="uk-container uk-container-expand">
  22. Hi @mel47, are the divs converted to paragraphs? If so you have to disable this in the input tab under "Markup toggles". This works for me. If the divs get stripped out while pasting, I think you have to allow them in the Pastefiler of the module settings: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/using-tinymce-6-in-processwire/#default-pastefilter-whitelist-rules Regards, Andreas
  23. Hello @Flashmaster82, if you think you found an error: Look in the console of your developer tools if there is an error. Try to reproduce the problem on a clean ProcessWire installation. If you can reproduce it, report it on GitHub (https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/) with more insights. For me the jQuery date picker is working. So maybe there is an issue on your installation maybe with a conflicting module or caching. Regards, Andreas
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