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Everything posted by AndZyk

  1. Hello @dicabrio, I think the Iframe gets stripped out by the Purifier feature in the textarea field settings: Personally I would not disable this feature and use Hanna Code instead: https://processwire.com/modules/process-hanna-code/ Regards, Andreas
  2. Hi @Boost, I don't have much experience with the new TinyMCE yet, but I couldn't find a way to rename classes of the default styles. But you can hide the default styles and add your own classes: #Align { display: none } #UIkit .uk-text-left { text-align: left } /* Text Left */ #UIkit .uk-text-center { text-align: center } /* Text Center */ #UIkit .uk-text-right { text-align: right } /* Text Right */ Source: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/using-tinymce-6-in-processwire/#specifying-element.class-versus-just-class Regards, Andreas
  3. Hello, the last few weeks there were four new versions of ProcessWire on the master branch (3.0.226 - 3.0.229) and there seems to be the next one around the corner. I like to upgrade all my ProcessWire websites whenever a new master version is released. Currently I am upgrading around 50 websites, which takes a few hours for all of them. I have skipped a few of the master releases, but was wondering if it would be possible to provide an module for auto upgrades? I know that there is a certain risk involved with auto upgrades and it would not work for the .htaccess file, because this file has its own rules. But upgrading the wire folder and the index.php is usually unproblematic, so those could be auto upgraded. WordPress for example has auto upgrades enabled for patch versions (x.x.1 to x.x.2) if there is not Git present. Currently ProcessWire has no minor versions (x.1.x) and only patch versions (x.x.1), but maybe one could configure in the module settings which branch (dev or master) should be auto upgraded. Maybe this could be a setting in the ProcessWire Upgrade module or an extension: https://processwire.com/modules/process-wire-upgrade/ After the upgrade you could get an email, that your ProcessWire has been upgraded (similar to the Workflow in WordPress). There could also be an option for auto upgrading modules. (for example Tracy Debugger ?) What do you think? Is there some major issue speaking against the option for auto upgrades? Regards, Andreas
  4. Hello @louisstephens, a 500 server error could be caused by wrong .htaccess rules: https://processwire.com/docs/start/install/troubleshooting/#resolving-an-apache-500-error Did you check that you have the same rules in the new .htaccess like in the old one? Regards, Andreas
  5. Hi @Boost, you have to add the attribute "uk-lightbox" on a container and then add a link to open the lightbox: <!-- Video as link --> <div uk-lightbox> <a class="uk-position-cover uk-cover-container" href="<?= $page->block->video_upload->url ?>" data-caption="Caption for the Video"> <video src="<?= $page->block->video_upload->url ?>" loop muted playsinline uk-video="autoplay: inview"></video> </a> </div> <!-- Link over video --> <div uk-lightbox> <video src="<?= $page->block->video_upload->url ?>" loop muted playsinline uk-video="autoplay: inview"></video> <a class="uk-position-cover" href="<?= $page->block->video_upload->url ?>" aria-label="Video-Link" data-caption="Caption for the Video"></a> </div> Regards, Andreas
  6. Hi @wbmnfktr, I made a similar request years ago for Font Awesome, sadly with no success: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues/9028 It seems the original repository doesn't exist anymore, but you can still download the icon from my request. ? Regards, Andreas
  7. Actually you should leave the styling of the uk-container untouched, because that it is a necessary UIkit class. You can get the container to be full width by adding the class uk-container-expand. <div id="masthead" class="uk-container uk-container-expand">
  8. Hi @mel47, are the divs converted to paragraphs? If so you have to disable this in the input tab under "Markup toggles". This works for me. If the divs get stripped out while pasting, I think you have to allow them in the Pastefiler of the module settings: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/using-tinymce-6-in-processwire/#default-pastefilter-whitelist-rules Regards, Andreas
  9. Hello @Flashmaster82, if you think you found an error: Look in the console of your developer tools if there is an error. Try to reproduce the problem on a clean ProcessWire installation. If you can reproduce it, report it on GitHub (https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/) with more insights. For me the jQuery date picker is working. So maybe there is an issue on your installation maybe with a conflicting module or caching. Regards, Andreas
  10. That is what I am doing. I usually add a file field "downloadsForTextareas", which is collapsed if empty by default, to the bottom of the template. That would be nice but works only for images as far as I know, and I have not really used this option yet. I would be nice, if one could set a preferred file field for downloads in the field settings. ?
  11. I have tested the pull request in the meantime and it works. ? I am now using the module with pull request, but it would be nice if the module author could merge it.
  12. That was just my attempt of being funny. I thought the smiley would make it clear, but of course I don't want to blame or disrespect anybody. ? If you have reasons to use a PHP version, which had its end of life 4 years and 5 month ago, this is fine. Like you said it is your own decision.
  13. My wording "required" wasn't good. Looking at competitors I think it should be maybe: Minimum PHP 7.2 or PHP 7.4. Recommended PHP 8. If you still use PHP 5 in 2023 I think you should search help. ? Thank you for making things clear. I understood your first sentence exactly, that you had experienced those issues with PW, which is not my experience at all. I also think that GitHub branches in general should try to target no warning/errors or blank pages. Regarding PW that is already the case in my opinion.
  14. I think this is an unfair statement. In my experience PW had no warnings or errors with PHP 8.1 since PW 3.0.210. And for compatibility with PHP 8.2 there is a GitHub issue where you can report warnings or errors: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1664 So if you @cwsoft really have experienced a warning, error or "blank page of death", could you please provide an example or report it to this thread? ? Since PHP 8.2 is the latest version and PW has a big core, I think it is fair not to expect it to be compatible with it over night. Requirements In my opinion I think the minimum recommended PHP version should be the last supported PHP version: https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php So at the moment this would be PHP 8.0. Recommending an unsupported PHP version maybe would not make a good first impression. Versioning In my opinion I also would recommend switching the versioning of PW. PW 3.0.xxx started in 2015 and while I understand the explanation for the versioning process, from a marketing and user perspective there is lack of distinction between the different versions. Other CMS celebrate major upgrades with a major version bump (3.1 or 4.0) and some give those versions even silly names just to make it clear in the marketing or for the users, that this version has something special to offer. ? But as always, much love for PW. ❤️
  15. Thank you both for your sharing. Maybe @wbmnfktr wants to share his approach too, because I think he uses TailwindCSS as far as I know? ?
  16. Sorry, if this is off-topic, but I am wondering regarding TailwindCSS: Since TailwindCSS covers the CSS part of components, what do you use for making the components interactive? Like for example a carousel, accordion etc. I saw that there are frameworks for TailwindCSS like daisyUI, Flowbite or Tailwind Elements. But isn't that the same like using a framework like Bootstrap or UIkit? Or do you use a different plugin for every component? One thing I like about frameworks like Bootstrap or UIkit is, that they offer a complete package. I don't want to be too dependent on many third-party plugins.
  17. Hello @zx80, I have no experience with translating modules, but have you tried the instruction of the ProcessHello module? Source: https://processwire.com/modules/process-hello/ It seems that you create those CSV files via the backend and then download them to bundle them with your module. Regards, Andreas
  18. That seems to be the defaultExtractor of the PurgeCSS configuration: https://purgecss.com/configuration.html So sadly no regex for safelisting UIkit classes. ?
  19. I have tried PurgeCSS today on UIkit with my good-old CodeKit App: https://codekitapp.com/help/purgecss/ It works for a majority of the classes, but it seems that PurgeCSS doesn't recognize rules like for example .uk-child-width-1-4@m > *. For this you have to write regular expressions to safelist these classes: https://purgecss.com/safelisting.html But I never really got the hang of regular expressions, so I might will pass. It seems too much of a hassle just to reduce maybe 100 kb of CSS. ? I guess PurgeCSS works best with utility based frameworks like TailwindCSS, where there are not much complex opinionated CSS rules.
  20. You can reduce unused CSS in UIkit if you manually only import the needed component partials from _import.scss. But yeah it would be nice if UIkit would have a automatic way to reduce unused CSS like PostCSS. I hope this will be a feature of UIkit 4. ?
  21. One more thing if you are building your own form: You can clean every data entered in the form by sanitizing every input. ? https://processwire.com/api/ref/sanitizer/ $fullname = $sanitizer->text($input->post->fullname); // Long $fullname = $input->post->text("fullname"); // Short https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.14-brings-major-enhancements-to-sanitizer-and-input-api-variables/#sanitizer-and-input-are-now-a-couple
  22. That is also a option. ? If you just want to exclude search engines, you could make your page hidden and exclude it in your robots.txt But if you wan to protect your page, a .htaccess protection works as well. You could try the free LoginRegister module, if you want a better looking login form integrated with PW: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/LoginRegister There is also a commercial successor of this module: https://processwire.com/store/login-register-pro/ Regards, Andreas
  23. Hello @zx80, I would go with a module for forms like the commercial FormBuilder or aformentioned FrontendForms. I have build forms in the past, but nowadays I use FormBuilder for every form, because forms can be complex to develop and maintain. Both FormBuilder and FrontendForms have protection well covered: https://processwire.com/store/form-builder/#spam-filtering-features https://github.com/juergenweb/FrontendForms#spam-protection-and-security-features For protection I am always using a honeypot and Google reCAPTCHA field with filtering by specific mail addresses or keywords, when I still get Spam. FormBuilder has an extra module for a Google reCAPTCHA field. Regards, Andreas
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