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Everything posted by erikvanberkum

  1. Having same issue with cloudflare as soon as i enable a "proxied" connection, I continously get logged out. When using the cloudflare setting "DNS only" the issue gone. Need to further investigate processwire .htaccess settings as their are options how for running behind a proxy.
  2. I am calling the following on a multilanguage field. $all_options = $field->type->getOptions($field); I am able to get the default language, but how do I access the other languages? I.e. my default is English and one of the other languages is Dutch. When I call this field, on a dutch page it shows up in default English. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? Links below didnt help me. https://processwire.com/docs/fields/select-options-fieldtype/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/fieldtype-options/get-options/
  3. Just an odd thing someone runs into every 6 years it looks like but today was my turn. Doing a makeover of our website and try to reuse a field. Went into the database table fields, and set the parent_id back to 0. I couldn't find how to reset this on the page itself. {"derefAsPage":0,"inputfield":"InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple","parent_id":0,"labelFieldName":"title","collapsed":0,"operator":"*=","searchFields":"title","description":"A maximum of up to 8 promo blocks can be selected a larger number will not be displayed","findPagesSelector":"parent=\/","usePageEdit":0}
  4. Similar problem here: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Pagefiles' not found in site/modules/FieldtypePDF/FieldtypePDF/PagePDFs.php:37 Using PW ProcessWire 3.0.165
  5. I have figured it out, I was missing some required PHP packages: installed additionally: php7.2- bcmath,bz2,intl,gd,mbstring,mysql,zip,fpm
  6. I have an issue with my sitemap.xml on my new development server: Ubuntu 20 with PHP 7.2 and processwire 3.0.165 XML Parsing Error: syntax error Location: http://localhost/pw/sitemap.xml Line Number 1, Column 1: I get the following notice printed at the top of my sitemap: Notice: Undefined index: in /var/www/html/pw/wire/core/Punycode.php on line 201 this template is set to content-type application/xml The issue started after enabling in the config: $config->pageNameCharset = 'UTF8'; $config->pageNameWhitelist = '-_.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789æåäßöüđжхцчшщюяàáâèéëêěìíïîõòóôøùúûůñçčćďĺľńňŕřšťýžабвгдеёзийклмнопрстуфыэęąśłżź仕様土陸上が北市向技術協地ぁピあぃガ消毒気泡サミキ排イズと性質ウル超微細おび制御装置トラファインバブル生成器藻類ファインバブルスタンダド高濃度ウルラファインマイクロバブルステンレス塩化ビニールレイクユッインレッフィルタ製品テクノジーホムシングルデュプレック農業スリプレクスセルフクリングインレッフィルタ 実演セルフクリング インレットフィルタ解説ュスレタオゾン気泡による水質改善アダアンレク高性能カメで見るウルラプスファンバブルの革新スマな人は語る気泡とウォタノベョンについてプバポ検索コ支払店バイオティスアグテッバイオティクス農業ン水処理汚水処理米水産養殖業種子発芽効果モ中研究室ェ池ナ酸素結合大麻幅増加葉先焼け魅力的を栽培す違何衣洗浄利用した長距離鮮魚輸送縮医療用大麻鶏場へ果'; i also enabled this in the .htaccess file. I have copied all the settings from my production server Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?
  7. hello @Richard Jedlička, i found the issue. It was not an issue with the module but a problem with an ImageMagick-6 policy update on my Ubuntu machine, which seems to have happen around the same time as i updated my Processwire version: The solution to my problem was to edit /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml than change the following line from: <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" /> to <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="PDF" /> and added the following line <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="LABEL" /> By changing the policy you have to make sure that you can trust the users that upload the pdf files.
  8. I am still having issues with this module. this is what the error log shows running 3.0.148: Fatal Error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to InputfieldPDF::getAdminThumb() must be an instance of FieldtypePDF\PagePDF, instance of Pagefile given, called in /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/FieldtypePDF/InputfieldPDF.module on line 111 and defined in /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/FieldtypePDF/InputfieldPDF.module:57 Stack trace: 1. /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/FieldtypePDF/InputfieldPDF.module(111): InputfieldPDF->getAdminThumb(Object(Pagefile)) 2. /wire/core/Wire.php(389): InputfieldPDF->___renderItem(Object(Pagefile), 'pdf_manual_6feb...', 0) 3. /wire/core/WireHooks.php(823): Wire->_callMethod('___renderItem', Array) 4. /wire/core/Wire.php(450): WireHooks->runHooks(Object(InputfieldPDF), 'renderItem', Array) 5. /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldFile/InputfieldFile.module(562): Wire->__ Line 57 of /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/FieldtypePDF/InputfieldPDF.module Anyone experience or suggestions how to get around this?
  9. David i like your module it works nicely. I have an issue using it in combination with amp pages. With amp pages we are not allowed to inject any java script code. So I want to exclude my amp pages from getting the pagehitcounter.min.js injected. Is their a way to block this? For the pages were I want to have the java script I can load it manually. I know you can set templates from getting tracked and not tracked but my issue is that i don't have separate template for an amp page and the normal page
  10. Sorry yes my mistake its an auto-appended file not a template.
  11. Robin Great module works great in my phpStorm environment. One thing i have some templates files named _main.php, it seems that templates that start with and underscore are not generated in the AutoTemplateStubs directory. Thanks
  12. After upgrading to the latest master 3.0.148 coming from the 3.0.123 version, this module stopped working in the sense that i am no longer able to upload files. I get the following error message: NOT AUTHORISED /files/assets/8888/filename.pdf @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412
  13. I had the same issue after an upgrade from php 7.0 to 7.2, its a matter of php missing a library: sudo apt-get install php7.x-zip apache2ctl restart
  14. @adrian @ipa, installed version TD 4.8.18 on PW 3.0.62 and works with out the nasty bug. Thank you for the good work.
  15. @adrian, thanks issue solved have to consider upgrading to 3.0.84.
  16. @adrian Replacing this code makes it work again. Now I am able to enable and disable Tracey. if($languageID) { echo 'test' . $language->name; //$languages->setLanguage($language); } I cant find the output from the echo test, language name. The default language in my installation is English. I only have the error when i enable or disable the Tracey. When its enabled and I remove the above code it keep working properly.
  17. Adrian Upgraded from to 4.8.11 today but problem stays i am running PW 3.0.62 on PHP 7.0.22-0 on an ubuntu0.16.04.1 echo $languageID before line 813 returns a 0 i have a total of 4 languages installed on this instance. Any ideas for further investigation?
  18. Hello Adrian upgraded to the latest version and i didnt go well, i am unable to enable the plugin: ProcessWire: ProcessModule: Unknown language DEBUG MODE BACKTRACE ($config->debug == true): #0 /var/www/html/wire/core/PagesLoader.php(813): ProcessWire\Languages->setLanguage(NULL) #1 /var/www/html/wire/core/Pages.php(719): ProcessWire\PagesLoader->getPath(21, Array) #2 /var/www/html/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/TracyDebugger.module(2662): ProcessWire\Pages->getPath('21') #3 /var/www/html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(777): TracyDebugger->{closure}(Object(ProcessWire\HookEvent)) #4 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\Modules), 'saveModuleConfi...', Array) #5 /var/www/html/wire/modules/Process/ProcessModule/ProcessModule.module(1309): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('saveModuleConfi...', Array) #6 /var/www/html/wire/modules/Process/ProcessModule/ProcessModule.module(1136): ProcessWire\ProcessModule->renderEdit('TracyDebugger', Array) #7 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(380): ProcessWire\ProcessModule->___executeEdit() #8 /var/www/html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___executeEdit', Array) #9 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\ProcessModule), 'executeEdit', Array) #10 /var/www/html/wire/core/ProcessController.php(244): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('executeEdit', Array) #11 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(380): ProcessWire\ProcessController->___execute() #12 /var/www/html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___execute', Array) #13 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\ProcessController), 'execute', Array) #14 /var/www/html/wire/core/admin.php(113): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('execute', Array) #15 /var/www/html/wire/modules/AdminTheme/AdminThemeReno/controller.php(13): require('/var/www/html/a...') #16 /var/www/html/site/templates/admin.php(15): require('/var/www/html/a...') #17 /var/www/html/wire/core/TemplateFile.php(268): require('/var/www/html/a...') #18 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(380): ProcessWire\TemplateFile->___render() #19 /var/www/html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___render', Array) #20 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\TemplateFile), 'render', Array) #21 /var/www/html/wire/modules/PageRender.module(514): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('render', Array) #22 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(383): ProcessWire\PageRender->___renderPage(Object(ProcessWire\HookEvent)) #23 /var/www/html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___renderPage', Array) #24 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\PageRender), 'renderPage', Array) #25 /var/www/html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(782): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('renderPage', Array) #26 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\Page), 'render', Array) #27 /var/www/html/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageView.module(205): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('render', Array) #28 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(383): ProcessWire\ProcessPageView->___execute(true) #29 /var/www/html/wire/core/WireHooks.php(698): ProcessWire\Wire->_callMethod('___execute', Array) #30 /var/www/html/wire/core/Wire.php(442): ProcessWire\WireHooks->runHooks(Object(ProcessWire\ProcessPageView), 'execute', Array) #31 /var/www/html/index.php(55): ProcessWire\Wire->__call('execute', Array) #32 {main}
  19. I have it running fine on 3.0.62 check link here
  20. I like to showcase my new website acniti on the forum here. History Building and managing a website is a hobby, over the years, making websites got more complicated and more technologies, knowledge and wisdom are required. I started building my first website around 1997. It started out with a static site built with FrontPage, a WYSIWYG HTML editor. A few years later it was time for the first content management system, I looked at Joomla but settled for MediaWiki. I run those websites for 2 years on the MediaWiki platform and then moved on to WordPress. WordPress was good, it did a good job but over time, it became more complicated to make something out of the box, if it's not a blog, it becomes complicated and to have a feature rich website requires a lot of plugins. Little by little it became less fun and more and more hassle juggling the various plugins. In 2014 I became interested in learning PHP programming, I wanted to do this already for many years, but never had enough time to bite the bullet and work my way through the basics. At the end of the courses I though and now what have I learned, how to put this into action? To built modern website with PHP only is difficult, it also requires knowledge of html, MySQL, CSS, java-script etc. I started looking for a framework experimented a little with CakePHP and then came across Processwire via a CMS Critic blog post. Development setup I developed the acniti website on a Linux Ubuntu 16, with PHP 7 and MySQL as the development server. For the IDE I use PhpStorm, before using Storm I have used and tried some other IDE's such as Zend, Eclipse, Netbeans, Aptana but none of them I liked, some were feature poor, Zend and Eclipse were slow and use a lot of memory. PhpStorm not free but definitely worth the investment. I make use of the free tier Git repository of AWS called CodeCommit, I still use GIT Cola to commit the changes, I could also use PhpStorm for this but I never took the time to change my workflow. For project management I am a big fan of Redmine, Redmine is a web-based open-source project management and issue tracking tool. I use this also for my other work so it easily integrates with the website building flow as well. It's easy for maintaining lists of features you want to carry out per version, it supports a wiki which is easy for making notes and keeping a log of the activities. I use it everyday and it runs on Ruby. For images and graphics I switch back to Windows for some Photoshop. Processwire The acniti website runs on the latest stable Processwire version at the time of writing 3.0.62, the website has 4 languages including an Asian language. The Japanese language URL's are implemented with their 3 alphabets kanji, hiragana, katakana i.e. https://www.acniti.com/ja/インレットフィルタ. Some images on the site have text and image language tags help to select the correct language, the Processwire blog post from 30 June was helpful to get this running. The main site has a bootstrap theme, for the mobile version of the site the google AMP specification is implemented. This was really fun to do but challenging at times as the AMP specification is still a little limited. To visit the AMP pages type /amp/ behind any URL like https://www.acniti.com/amp/ for the homepage. The Google webmaster portal is really easy to troubleshoot and check for the correct AMP implementation. Finally structured data according to schema.org is added to the site via the JSON-LD markup. The commercial modules ProCache and Formbuilder are installed. The ProCache module is really amazing and makes the website lightning fast. Besides the commercial modules around eleven open-source modules are used, Database Backups, Tracy Debugger, Wire Mail SMTP, Protected Mode, Batcher, Upgrades, PublishAsHidden, URL (Multi-language), Twitter Feed Markup, Email Obfuscation (EMO), Login History, Selector test. During development the Processwire forum is really helpful and checked often. The forum is good for two reasons, most of the questions, I had during development of the site, are already on the site. Secondly the only 6 questions I posted over the last 2 years, are quickly and accurately answered. The downside I didn't become a very active member on the forum but see that as a compliment. An open issue on the acniti site is the AMP contact form with Formbuilder, the restricted usage of java-script for the AMP specification requires some more in-depth study. Hosting setup For the hosting services the acniti site uses Amazon EC2, I use AWS already many years to manage my cloud office so it was easy to decide to use it for the web hosting as well. The site is running on a micro instance of EC2 and with the ProCache module CloudFront is serving webpages worldwide fast. Updates from the development server are sent to CodeCommit and from there to the production server. From a site management point of view it would be nice to use AWS RDS to manage the MySQL databases, but from a cost perspective I decide not to do that for now. Via a cron I have set up automatic MySQL backups and these are via another cron job uploaded to AWS S3. To make sure the server is safe, a cron job runs daily snapshots of the server, this is getting initiated via AWS Lambda. Lambda also removes older snapshots because during creation a delete tag is attached for sevens days after their creation. It's important to make a separate MySQL backup as with snapshots the database often gets corrupted and its easier to restore a database backup than to fix a corrupted database. Another nice feature to use AWS Lambda for is a simple HTTP service health checker, which reports to you by email or sms when the website is down. Making use of all these Amazon services cost me probably somewhere between 10 - 15 $ a month, I have to estimate a little since I am running a lot more things on AWS than only the website. The site is running on a Comodo SSL certificate but next year I will change to the free LetsEncrypt, as it is easier to add and will automatically renew after 90 days. The Comodo certificate requires manually copy pasting and editing the certificates in place. Writing Content The content for the site I write in the Redmine wiki, most of the content I write requires research and it takes about two weeks before I publish the content to the Processwire site. For writing content I use the google spell checker with the grammar checker, After the Deadline. To ensure catchy headlines they are optimized with the Headline Analyzer from CoSchedule Social Media Now the site is running, it needs promotion. The robots.txt files shows the search engines the way as does the sitemap.xml both of these I have made in a template file. Most of the blog articles I promote are republished on social networks like, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Google+, Twitter, and some branch specific networks as the Waternetwork and Environmental XPRT. To check, the search engines index the site well, Google webmaster and Bing webmaster check for any problems with the site. For statics on the same server there is an instance installed of Piwik. Piwik is a leading open alternative to Google Analytics that gives full control over data. The Piwik setup works very well and gives a good overview of the site usage both on the desktop via the site or via a mobile app. As a part of a test I have installed the open-source SEO-panel on the same server to manage keywords and to further improve the scores in the search engine, a nice feature is that you can also track your competitors. I am still new to SEO panel and have to learn more how to use the tool effectively.
  21. I am trying to implement the above method from abdus. All works fine when i have a title of robots But as soon as I name the page robots.txt I get the following error: "The requested file robots.txt was not found." So i tried robots.doc and that work perfectly well. Their must be something preventing me to use the extension .txt anyone any ideas?
  22. I just had this issue, the problem was caused by a full hard drive.
  23. Jean Luc, Thank you for the prompt reply, commenting out line 14 did the trick, removed the error and the module is now fully functional in Processwire 3.0.42. Kind regards, Erik van Berkum
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