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Everything posted by Pretobrazza

  1. Hi all, Leaflet is working fine on test pages I made in PW 3.0.58. Now I have 3 questions: Did anyone upgrade this module to leaflet 1.0.3 ? As a basemap with eventual layers I'm requested to use WMS ( http://geoservices.informatievlaanderen.be/raadpleegdiensten/GRB-basiskaart/wms) Does the module support wms? I tried but I'm doing something wrong it seems .. On top of that I should use either a .dbf, shx or shp file of which then I can link each row to a page in Processwire. Can this be done? I have to get started and am hesitating whether PW will be the ideal platform to do this. So, on the first 3 points, is there anyone who could inform me?
  2. Hello Adrian, Firstly a great thank you for giving me the opportunity to discover TracyDebugger which I'll definitely keep as an extremely useful tool! I seem to have found a but though in the script right above here for PW3+: I did the following: made a copy of PW2.7.3 to a subdirectory on the site Removed the old cropimage modules and installed TracyDebugger (and did some other stuff) Upgraded to PW 3.0.44 and installed Croppable Image 3 properly. Ran the script for PW3+ with : $oldFieldtype = 'CroppableImage3'; // CroppableImage3 instead of CropImage otherwise it doesn't do a thing $newFieldtype = 'CroppableImage3'; Instead of taking an exact copy of eg. thumbnail_yyz_20140101_164521.jpg it seems to make its own cropfile called yyz_20140101_164521.-thumbnail.jpg Why doesn't it take an exact copy of the picture in thumbnail_ ... and just rename the file? Do you know a solution or am I going wrong ? Kind regards, Bernard
  3. Hi, Is the script that optionally handles deletion of the source variations available yet? But first and foremost (forgive my ignorance), where do I put the script above? Croppable image 3 works as a dream! ps. I had to change the limit of the image file from 1 to 0 - otherwise it refused to work as it kept on giving me an error: Call to a member function getCrop() on a non-object Kind regards Bernard
  4. Same question here, Following the thread, I downloaded a lot of things and cast them off again. Now I have both Atom and phpstorm (30 day trial) on my machine. Coming from notepad+++ plus filezilla and dreaming to be more efficient, where do I go from here? Earlier tonight I was hoping someone would open a thread with a simple guide as to how to streamline the development of a site with PW on the one side and a php (say html5) template on the other. I'm coming from Joomla/Seblod situations with mainly Yootheme templates. Now I love PW because there's a clear line between content output and rendering but somehow I'm really searching to find an external -in between- tool to tie those two together when developing a site. For sure I'm only learning so .. is there something obvious I'm missing?
  5. Dank je wel Martijn voor dit snelle antwoord. Unfortunately I forgot to mention that I'm on windows 10 ...
  6. Just tested it in win 10 and indeed, it's not maintained and not fully translated neither. So what's the best option as an IDE for someone who's not fully versed in any language and eventually would like to see PW options pop up in that IDE? I read and re-read this tread which mailly dates back to 2013 and in 2016 I am now hesitating between Sublime Text, PHPStorm and to a far lesser degree WeBuilder. Any sugesstions for the long term [edit] for up to windows 10 users ?
  7. Hi, I just moved a site PW 2.7.2 under construction from a server with php 5.3 to php 7. All went very smooth but in admin I had an error trying to reach 'superuser', modulesettings, 'upgrades', etc referring to ProcessWireUpgrade.module v0.0.4 line 655 Compile Error: 'continue' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context (line 655 of /customers/7/3/[ROOT]/site/modules/ProcessWireUpgrade/ProcessWireUpgrade.module) On stack overflow I saw that 'continue' (on line 655) can be replaced by 'exit' . I did so and all my problems dissappeared. Afterwards I upgraded ProcessWireUpgrade.module v0.0.4 to 0.0.6 and no more problems appeared. I hope that one day this will help someone .. Kind regards, Bernard
  8. Thanks Mike, but I just seem to have solved the problem while reading through and through the forum and experimenting a bit ... 1. In wire/core/password.php (version 2.7.2 around line 230) I changed public function supportsBlowfish() { return version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0 && defined("CRYPT_BLOWFISH") && CRYPT_BLOWFISH; TO public function supportsBlowfish() { return version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0 && defined("CRYPT_BLOWFISH") && CRYPT_BLOWFISH; (I was coming from php 5.3.18 on the old server to php5.4.x on the new one) 2. I did THIS (at the bottom of site/templates/admin.php) with a NEW password and clicked 'mysite'surl.com'/processwire ONCE $u = $users->get('YOURLOGINNAME'); $u->of(false); $u->pass = 'ANEWPASSWORD'; $u->save(); 3. Went back to admin.php and erased what I put in #2 and saved it (ftp) 4. Clicked again on 'mysite's url.com'/processwire and logged in with the new password 5. A miracle happened as I got back into the admin section on the new server Nothing better than the PW forum as it really harnesses all the solutions .. Thanks! Bernard
  9. Hi, I retried to upload everything from one server withe the testsite with ProcessWire 2.7.2 to another server php 5.4. The front end is doing fine but when I try to login I still get a "The process returned no content." On the top or the admin page I get: Unable to generate password hash What is possibly wrong? Kind regards, Bernard
  10. Hi, I have the same problem after having moved the site to a another server. When trying to log in I get the statement: "The process returned no content" Error: wire/core/FileLog.php on line 86 (I've edited my previous comment as I logged into the old server, silly me ..). Any suggestions? Bernard
  11. Hi all, I'm so sorry but I'm not getting out of the wood with my static page navigation in a multilingual site. - Language switcher is working fine on single pages. - In a normal single language site to refer to a single page in the menu, I use for example: <li><a href="<?php echo $config->urls->root; ?>bestuur-kfc-heist">Bestuur</a></li> Now, what must I do so that the links reflect the /fr/ /en/ once I navigate between menu items in a certain language? Am I missing a statement in the head so that $config->urls->root; would include the /fr/ /en/ /nl/ ? For hours I've been searching but I'm simply not getting it right. The live site sits in a subdir 'rubens' and I changed in my htaccess to: RewriteBase /rubens/ I'd greatly appreciate your advice .. Bernard EDIT PW is far too simple for silly nooby's like me looking far too far for things which are yet soo obvious I solved my own stupid problem and indeed it works -right out of the box- If anyone nooby like me would try to walk with his head in the sand, here's the code which works for me: <a href="<? echo $pages->get("/")->url; ?>"><? echo $pages->get("/")->title; ?></a> //home page <a href="<? echo $pages->get("/inlijstingen/")->url; ?>"><? echo $pages->get("/inlijstingen/")->title; ?></a> //some page And for the children of a page: <ul class="someclass"><?php $articles = $pages->get("/inlijstingen/")->children; foreach ($articles as $child) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $child->url; ?>"><?php echo $child->get("headline|title"); ?></a></li> <? } ?> </ul> Compared to Joomla, setting up a multilingual site is as simple as Bonjour!
  12. Hi All, All problems are solved! 1) I renamed apeisa-Thumbnails-aa083a6 to aaapeisa-Thumbnails-aa083a6 . 2) Then I reinstalled FieldtypeCropImage directly. Immediatly all problems were solved with the website version ProcessWire 2.6.1. Again, thank you all for your help with my first attempt to move a live website from a terrible hostingprovider (hostinger.co.uk) with redirects to a temporary one (www.kusttram.com/kfc) so that the website can stay alive while awaiting its proper domain. Kind regards, Bernard
  13. Hello all, Firstly -A BIG THANK YOU for your prompt help but I finally found the real culprit: It is not the foreach statement which is leading nowhere but the cropimage module from Apeisa. When I changed $child->image->getThumb('thumbnail'); to $child->image->url; all images appear (uncropped). This is terrible as the imagefield throughout the site is associated with cropimage. Furthermore, in the backend I cannot get into any page which has an imagefield as it throws an error nor can I get into the Image field. Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 3 passed to FieldtypeFile::setupHooks() must be an instance of Inputfield, instance of stdClass given, called in /home/kusttram/domains/kusttram.com/public_html/kfc/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFile.module on line 61 and defined (line 98 of /home/kusttram/domains/kusttram.com/public_html/kfc/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFile.module) Is there something in the cropimage module that I must change or fix?
  14. Hi all, It's getting better and better, thanks for your help! BUT ... I"m stuck at the statement like: ... foreach ($articles as $child) { ?> ect ect .... < } ?> I installed the site locally as well as on another live testsite but everywhere I have the foreach statement, parsing stops, eventhough I worked on the original site for 10 months. Here is an example: <ul class="social-thumbs"> <?php $articles = $pages->get("/leden/")->children->find("groepen.title=trainer|speler, image!=face.jpg, sort=random, limit=30"); foreach ($articles as $child) { ?> <li> <img src="<?php if($child->image) echo $child->image->getThumb('thumbnail'); ?>" alt="<?php echo $child->voornaam; ?>" /> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> Where am I going wrong? Kind regards, Bernard
  15. Hello Bernhard and LostKrobakai, Yet it has been a long time indeed .. thank you for your answers! I decided to clean up the existing live site locally and prepare it for the next soccer season and that's where I hit snags The good news is as follows: In the live site, I used <? tags instead of <?php and that's where I hit problems it seems as now I see thing appearing There still are a lot of errors but at least from here I can getting moving forward. Tell me, with php 5.5.12 on wamp, can I enable something somewhere which reads <? tags too instead of <?php ? At least anyone moving a live site to a local installation (Wamp AND/OR Xamp) will learn something out of this thread and save a lot of hours I hope! Bernard
  16. Hi all, I installed Wamp 2.5 correctly As a test I set up a new ProcessWire 2.6.1 which works (www/pw) Then I installed an existing site (www/kfc) and I can get into the admin ---> I even managed to do an upgrade to ProcessWire 2.6.1 and to ProcessWire 2.6.2 ) but there too I cannot edit pages as it throws errors Now here"s the problem: I cannot get the front end going as in the debug it throws errors. In debug it refers to links such as: http://www.php.net/ProcessPageView.execute on lines such as ..\index.php:241 ect ect In other words it invokes http://www.php.net/ etc etc --> is this normal? For sure not - But what must I change where for it not to happen anymore? Every blue link in the attached file refer to a link starting with http://www.php.net/ Many thanks for your advise! Bernard
  17. Hi, Sorry for my ignorence but where do I change what to solve the following statement when I try to update modules: Forbidden - You don't have permission to access /processwire/module/download/ on this server Thanks, Bernard PW 2.5.3 the JqueryDataTables module to be installed before you can install Modules Manager. ok "allow_url_fopen" to be enabled in your php.ini. ok "openssl" PHP extension needs to be installed on your server. ok UPDATE: It works like a charm! Sorry - The mistake was on my side
  18. @ Kongondo Firstly, a big thank you for your help! I switched to option #2 and I feel far more confortable with it. Even though I'm far from finished at least I'm really striding foreward as each Soccer team (They all have the same template) now has a different personal blog-category on it's page where the title of the page = the title of the blog-category and obviously ... a single post can appear in several teampages (blog-categories) the code I used for this is: <? $blog = $modules->get("MarkupBlog"); $category = $pages->get("/blog/categorieen/")->children->find("title=$page->title"); $posts = $pages->find("blog_categories=$category"); echo $blog->renderPosts($posts,true); ?> euh so simple to get going .. Now .. before I start digging further and get the blog fully functional (comments, css, etc etc) I first would like to translate all EN words to NL - Q. 1° Is there a specific place where I can do this? Q. 2° If so, in case there is an update, will it affect the translated terms? Many thanks, Bernard
  19. I'm embarrassed but I need your help. I'm willing to go back to another option but I installed option #4 but every quickpost (add) blog post writes itselve in the root of the 'home' directory. How/where do I tell the system to write each blogpost automatically as a child of say 'Home/blog' ? For sure it's dead simple (and I'll have a red face when I'll read the reply) but I cannot see the tree from the wood right now .. Thanks in advance, Bernard (pw 2.5.3 - Module-blog 2.0.2)
  20. Just for your information - I also got an: Unable to open ZIP file, error code: 19 (downloaded filesize was 133 kb time and time again.) Then I changed my php on the server from php 5.4.33 to 5.5 and the upgrade went flawlessly from PW 2.5.0 to 2.5.3 Maybe this info can be useful to someone ... Kind regards, Bernard
  21. Hi Kongondo, - The omit of the Hyphen was intentional indeed as there only are 2 posts: Yours (when I installed V2) and mine which I postdated to 30/8 or so - I saw your new post appearing but I was writing my previous post to you (and thinking a lot) so .. you solved the post-count problem too hein? For sure this will in future help many noobies to walk a clean road. So happy that even a non-coder like me can be useful for the greater purpose .. fyi on my phone the css display: none; didn't catch on but that's my problem to go digging deeper as to which css-file dictates what. Maybe I should just put it in the html (which in the old books is not good practice but .. who cares) Tomorrow, I will install your new version and also start working towards my final goal (read:dream) for your Blog-system: For each team under the menu tab 2014-2015 I intend to Move the trainers from the Info tab to a Trainer tab because: I want to render a Blog category per team under the Info tab (starting with the Fanions as they are the only team with an independent template file (better to experiment where it disturbs on a limited scale)) (Even though the site is not 'officially' open there already are >150++ pageviews/day .. so I have to hurry to get things right - got no choice ) If I'm thinking right, blog-post is a landing page only from the home page and the menu on the left of that particular page will lead people to the 'team' pages where the 'info' landing-tab will be the 'Team category blog page'. The other tabs (calendar, trainers, players) should co-exist I hope --even on a smartphone-- like they do now. Even more so --IF I understand PW right-- blog-post.php has the ability to act as an invisible filter to render(echo) whatever content elsewhere -if need be-. Next I want to get comments, pagination etc etc working while the 'tab' eco-system stays 'alive' per team within each 'team page'. Only then If that mechanic works, in principle I can start learning as to how to add a script to every member-page of the club (which already has a hidden info page with many fields) and give them the ability to log into their own profile -> which can be extended for those who have to become an author in blog-posts, manager, etc etc ​Even though I'm standing on a sandcastle only 200m from the sea while looking at my first PW site as if I where standing on a mountain, --One thing for sure-- The little things I'm doing now would never have been possible without PW and it's people. Bernard
  22. Hi Kongondo, If you check back now you'll see the first fruit of how you really helped me. OH yes, the road will be long for me to really grasp the basic simplicity of the PW API, selectors, etc etc &co but at least I managed to render content and pictures from a blogpost on 2 separate locations in the middle of my homepage AMAZING !! Sure, I will keep going through trial and error but at least you (once more) showed me the path to follow .. For 'Fanions - K.F.C. Heist - Nieuwpoort' I put the following: <!-- Column --> <div class="col-1-4"> <h3>Heet van de naald</h3> <div class="mosaic-block circle"> <? $blog = $modules->get("MarkupBlog"); $category = $pages->get(1452); $posts = $pages->find("blog_categories=$category"); $post = $pages->get('template=blog-post, sort=blog_date'); $image = $post->blog_images->first();?> <div class="mosaic-backdrop"> <img src="<?php if($image) echo $image->url; ?>" alt="Mock" /></div> </div> <? echo $blog->renderPosts($posts,true); ?> </div> =>> AND FOR "Hoogtepunten van de laatste match" I changed the $variableNames as I intend to eventually pull random pictures out of many posts and limit them to 8 or 12 or so <ul class="col-1-1 thumb-gallery super-list variable-sizes clearfix" id="thumb-gallery"> <!-- Start Thumbnail --> <? $postimgblog = $pages->get('template=blog-post, sort=blog_date'); $imageblog = $postimgblog->blog_images; foreach ($imageblog as $image) { ?> <div class="col-1-5 element cat-1"> <li><div class="mosaic-block circle"><a href="<?php if($image) echo $image->url; ?>" class="mosaic-overlay fancybox" data-fancybox-group="gallery" title="plock"></a> <div class="mosaic-backdrop"><img src="<?php if($image) echo $image->url; ?>" alt="plock" /></div></div> </div></li> <? } ?> </ul> => selectors & co will help me to filter things in time and there is plenty of playing room I guess to fill ALT and TITLE with who knows ... blogtitles, category-names, dates or whatever combination, not so? Even though I'm an primate in PW I've got hope everything will work out in time and sweat - THANK YOU AGAIN! Bernard ps. how do I make Post x to x of xy post dissapear? And where do I translate things to dutch?
  23. @ Kongondo Pffiew wow, now I think I'm starting to see clearer, Kongondo. So I guess the same for: .num-comments-icon { display: none; } => in your tutorial I see no class for 'Posts 1 to 1 of 17' - Can this be hidden too? (actually this is the most disturbing one ... imho) Concerning the image(s), I want to pull one image out of the images field of the blog post and render it above the blogpost and the rest of the images, a little deeper in the page where you see 'Hoogtepunten van de laatste match' Thank you, Kongondo for stopping me to look in the wrong direction! EDIT: - Hiding 'num-comments-icon' and 'post-byline' works perfectly (newbees will love me reading this) yet for the <h3 >e.g. ''Posts 1 to 1 of 17" I'm still in the dark as how to make it disappear too. - Images: The intro to the blog-post resides in the middle of the home-page with lots of content from different sources around it. Just like I tried to get 'title' and 'blog_body' without success, how do I tell the PW images API not to look in $page->etc but in the post being generated by the MarkupBlog? I'm feeling so close to the answer yet I'm still flopping around generating tons of Error Notifications in my mailbox. Am I dreaming for the impossible or should I just forget about this? It was my plan that every time a new post gets added to the blog in a specific category (in my case: a soccergame of the main team + pictures) THEN the center piece my home page would automatically change as well (small intro to the blog + lots of pictures)
  24. @kongondo Hello Kongondo Firstly, Thank you for showing me the way as to how to upgrade. I did so successfully and even learned as to how to 'Cleanup' and then successfully re-install from within the module page one of the 4 options. I'm sorry to be a pain but I'm simply not finding my way as to render a post on the homepage without things like: Posts 1 to 1 of 1 0 (referring to comments) and also e.g. Posted by bernard, 23 SEPTEMBER 2014 3:24 PM I tried just about everything but I'm not doing it right so after struggling for the whole day could you please show me how to get ONLY the title, blog_body and an image out of a situation like: <? $blog = $modules->get("MarkupBlog"); $category = $pages->get(1452); $posts = $pages->find("blog_categories=$category"); echo $blog->renderPosts($posts,true); ?> I really looked everywhere but I simply don't understand how to put 1+1 together. Silly hé Thank you in advance Bernard
  25. Hello Kongondo, To update you mention: 3. Update Blog version 1 to version 2. Grab version 2 in the previous post. Does this mean I just overwrite the existing files via FTP or do I perform an uninstall v1/install v2? Thank you in advance, Bernard ps. I'm running on PW 2.5
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