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Richard Jedlička

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Everything posted by Richard Jedlička

  1. Hi guys, I'm sorry to hear you have the issues. Unfortunatelly I don't have enough time to look at it now, I hope I'll find some in a few weeks. If you can examine it by yourself, you are welcome to send a PR. Cheers, Richard
  2. But the truth is my tool is more suitable for module or site profile development rather than for site testing, where you would test the specific PW instance.
  3. Hello there, it is good to hear that someone cares about code testing in PW community. Some time ago I've created a tool which helps you to run your tests against multiple version of PW quite easily. You can check it out there: https://github.com/uiii/tense. It is compatible with any testing framework. I would be really glad if I'm not the only one using it ?
  4. @ICF Church Hi, I've released new version which should fix your problem, I know it is a little bit late but if you are still interested, you may try it. I didn't face the error before but now, there are some misterious ways to me how PW detect module updates and sometimes detect the updated module as a new module so the `upgrade` method is not executed and the namespaces are not fixed which leads to the error mentioned by you. So I've moved the 'namespaces fix' code to the init method so it will check if the namespaces are fixed each time the module is initialized. It may happed that you will see the 'Fieldtype 'FieldtypePDF' does not exist' when updating the module, just hit the refresh button again and you are fine.
  5. @ICF Church One more question. Did you installed it as a new module, or updated the older version?
  6. @ICF Church Hi, I'm trying to solve your issue, but I can't reproduce the error. What version of PHP are you using? During module installation there is a step where the `use` statemenents in source files under FieldtypePDF folder are prefixed with `Processwire\' namespace if PW 3.x detected. Could you please examine what's wrong? Look into this method https://github.com/uiii/ProcessWire-FieldtypePDF/blob/d11ff962d520782fa25215f5ce606886773a5a44/FieldtypePDF.module#L232. Thanks
  7. @ICF Church Please go to the page /admin/module/edit?name=FieldtypePDF a post here the exact version of FieldtypePDF you have, thanks
  8. @ICF Church Hi, what version of ProcessWire and FieldtypePDF are you using?
  9. I had some problems with the database. E.g. the one @esper mentioned. So I deleted the table manually and uninstall the module, because it breaks the frontend when you accessing non-existing page. The error was something with myslqi and the message was Couldn't fetch ProcessWire\Database I'm using PW 3.0.70, i'm not sure if it was working on PW 2.6
  10. It's done. I've considered the options and with @LostKobrakai's advice added beforeCmd config option allowing to run specified command after PW installation but before test suite execution. See more https://github.com/uiii/tense#beforecmd. Currently on master branch only.
  11. I'd would like to implement the before_script option, but there are some things I'm not sure about. Your help is appreciated, see the issue: https://github.com/uiii/tense/issues/13#issuecomment-295303576
  12. Hi, version 1.0.0 is released. The main changes are: project's name is changed to Tense (Test ENvironment Setup & Execution) Symfony/Console is used for colored output and arguments parsing config file uses YAML instead of JSON tense init command can be used for config file initialization waitAfterTests option renamed to pause
  13. Or instead of adding an option, you can, as I've written always check the name on page save if it corresponds to the title (according to settings) as a fallback to javascript.
  14. It would be great You, I can handle it myself, but the module handles also the conflicting page names, which is not trivial code.
  15. As I see it's used only when the page has no settings tab, which is not my case. I've tried changing the title using API but it didn't work.
  16. Hi @adrian, I've started to use you module, it is great when editing in admin, but it is useless when I change the title using the API. According to you code it uses javascript for it, which is good that is reflects the changes immediately. But could you consider checking the name on page save if it matches the title and change it if not (of course respecting the module settings)?
  17. You have probably a typo in field migration example https://lostkobrakai.github.io/Migrations/examples/#field-migration $this->insertIntoTemplate('event', 'date', $f->name); should be $this->insertIntoTemplate('event', $f->name, 'date');
  18. Thank for your reply. One more question. What is the letter after the migration filename?
  19. Hi @LostKobrakai, I'm trying to use Migrations module, but I'm not sure how to start. What is you workflow when creating a migration? How do you test it before it is complete. Consider I have quite complex migration which adds a field (page reference type) and a tree of pages which references to. I think I'm not able to create the migration without bugs in one go. I would like to try it during development. The workflow which comes to my mind is I make a change, backup database, run migration, check admin changes, restore database, add other change to migration etc. Yes I should update the downgrade function simultaneously and instead of restoring the database restore the migration, but there is still high possibility of bugs during restore. What do you recommend? Thanks
  20. I've found the problem. There is a method getCoreBranches which returns the branches already loaded in session if the second parameter is false. But it is never called with the second parameter set to true: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWireUpgrade/blob/5333322703f0f47a6d6454e8fdb3107db330eec4/ProcessWireUpgradeCheck.module#L171 So I changed temporarily the call and it works now. But I gues it should be enough to relogin.
  21. Something must be wrong. I even deleted the cache folder, but nothing changed.
  22. Yeah, it is weird. I have a latest version (0.0.7) of a module but it doesn't offer me a PW version from processwire/processwire repo. Only devns branch from old repo which is version 3.0.33, i installed it and realized it later.
  23. Finally I've found out how to support PW 2.x and PW 3.x with one codebase. So here is a new version 1.1.2 compatible with PW 2.5+. I updated the tests as well, turned the script which runs tests against multiple versions of ProcessWire into standalone tool PW-Test.
  24. Tense Tense (Test ENvironment Setup & Execution) is a command-line tool to easily run tests agains multiple versions of ProcessWire CMF. Are you building a module, or a template and you need to make sure it works in all supported ProcessWire versions? Then Tense is exactly what you need. Write the tests in any testing framework, tell Tense which ProcessWire versions you are interested in and it will do the rest for you. See example or see usage in a real project. How to use? 1. Install it: composer global require uiii/tense 2. Create tense.yml config: tense init 3. Run it: tense run For detailed instructions see Github page: https://github.com/uiii/tense This is made possible thanks to the great wireshell tool by @justb3a, @marcus and others. What do you think about it? Do you find it useful? Do you have some idea? Did you find some bug? Tell me you opinion. Write it here or in the issue tracker.
  25. Hi lenoir, There is a version compatible with 3.0, it is in devns branch, it is separated because i didn't find a way to have one codebase compatible with PW 2.x and 3.x (I can tell you more if you want). What happend with your pdf files in 3.0? Why did you have to restore the database? Should I fix something? Cheers, Richard
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