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Mike Rockett

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Everything posted by Mike Rockett

  1. The installer says there's another htaccess file there - just rename it to something else (like old.htaccess) and refresh the installer. You should be good to go.
  2. Sure thing! I think it'll be great to show one of the concepts separately. I think a linked screenshot (with the hero area only) of your favourite one will do fine. (Though I leave it up to you - whatever you think will be best.)
  3. Hi BartekG, As I understand it, the choice was to not allow search engines to index all the conceptuals being posted in the threads, mostly because we'd only want the finished product to be seen by them. (This was a suggestion made by kongondo - not sure about the specifics there.) That said, the idea was not for it to be 'closed'. The Beer Garden's original purpose is to hide discussions that may involve client work, which is why one needs to be a member to see it. For additional 'protection', it does require that users have 10 posts to their name. Therefore, the posts about the brand and site unintentionally (I'd think) fall within that ambit. (Not sure if the post count can be reduced on a per-post basis.)
  4. Hi James - welcome to PW, and to the forums. Have you perhaps had a look at this support article: https://www.hoststar.ch/en/node/2613 ?
  5. Bumped to 1.5.2 - Fixes an issue pertaining to URL sanitization. If you used a period in a destination (tested only with "robots.txt"), the URL was sanitized, and "http://" was added. This issue is now fixed. Using Git Gui now, instead of Desktop - it seems to prefer the fast-forward merge. Am using an older version, but it doesn't matter, really.
  6. Jumplinks is suitable for this task. You could make use of Mapping Collections or Destination Selectors. Browse through the documentation to see if it will work for you. As always, you're more than welcome to ask for help if you need it, either in this thread, or the support thread.
  7. Great to see this exposure! And good quality articles, too.
  8. Honestly, I prefer yours. Hehe!
  9. Nice to see Jumplinks floating around there And with a custom icon
  10. Just upgraded my workspace installation to 305 - same thing on my end. Safe to open an issue.
  11. Not sure why it's doing that - might be worth opening an issue on GitHub. Unrelated: Wow, I haven't seen that mouse cursor in years!
  12. If you'd like to bookmark a specific post, your best bet is to drag its identifying number (the #n to the right of the name of the person who made the post) into a folder on your bookmarks bar.
  13. Hi csaeum. Not sure what you mean here. Are you saying something is broken since the last update?
  14. Wowee. I admit, though: young as I am, I have seen much of the old days.
  15. Interesting to see an eol for 10, considering that MS is moving to a more Windows-as-a-service approach... I'm sure that'll get cleared up one day when they drop the '10' from the name, and just called it Windows (if they even do that). So then your composition software is heavily reliant on the OS? I guess I'd say I'm surprised? Or no?
  16. Must say, I'm still quite a fan of 7 - very efficient system. Never really got used to the whole start screen concept, and can't say I'm too fond of the win10 start menu. As much as I use both 8 and 10, I'll always regard 7 as one of the best releases of Windows.
  17. One of the key areas about Markdown is that you actually write in Markdown, and not using a visual editor. Markdown converts to HTML anyway, so why have a visual editor save in Markdown?
  18. Hi! I think I've outgrown this idea, having grown to love the Reno theme since I put this together.
  19. This is definitely spam: See https://www.google.com/search?q=canousajulia and please delete the account.
  20. So, assumedly, PW serves the home page if ?it=something is not specified? (Still wish that PW used index.php/something instead.)
  21. No, I mean the field on the MRF Work Flows page that specifies the category for that page. So what field type is the 'categories' field? Sorry, I read that wrong. Was picturing a different screenie in my head. Not sure why this isn't working. Could you try it on a fresh install of the latest stable and see what happens? Is Debug Mode on?
  22. What field type are you using to store the category on the page? Question may be irrelevant, though, as you say it is returning the correct ID anyway.
  23. How exciting! So amped for final release. Ryan, you are amazing. :D :D wire('payments')->recipient('ryan')->amount(10000000.00)->currency('us_dollars')->pay(['express' => true]);
  24. Must have been a left over schema? That would be the only thing that explains it...
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