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Everything posted by PhotoWebMax

  1. Very nice! One nit to pick: the list item triangle icons: I think most viewers will expect these to be links to more content?
  2. How would you present blocks of code to PW pages that would not be executed? (i.e.: just show the code)... Something like the code clipboard feature that everyone uses to showcase code on this forum system? Is there a simple method or a PW Module to handle this chore? Thanks!
  3. There is increasing web and water cooler chatter about MODx and Processwire. I am a MODx guy and sort of stumbled onto this. I looked casually at the PW forum and suddenly noticed that Kongondo was over here. I really paid closer attention then as Kongondo was a very highly respected member of the MODx forum. Since then I cant help notice how many MODx refugees there are over here...
  4. cool, thanks... Gotta run, plane to catch...
  5. Thanks, This is still a local site so in the end I used the obvious full path: echo "<p>Return to: <a href='http://localhost:8888/siteName/articles/'>Articles</a></p>"; Using this would lead you to page not found message: echo "<p>Return to: <a href='/articles/'>Articles.</a></p>"; Even though your tutorial was a PW API demonstration it works great for aggregating posts. The Blog Module is awesome but sort of overkill in some situations. I am glad to put the MODx getResources gymnastics behind me. MODx does have a very simple placeholder system for linking internal pages though...
  6. The container page called Articles aggregates the posts on a hidden page called Posts and a hidden page called Categories, using a renamed page name system based on Joss's tutorial...
  7. I was trying something like this with a template called articles.php: getting a child post to link back to the parent presentation page called "articles"... <?php include("./head.inc"); include("./articles_functions.inc"); // Output the newsDisplay function newsDisplay(); echo '<p>Return to: <a href="$pages->get("/articles/")->url">Articles</a></p>'; include("./sideBar.inc"); include("./foot.inc"); But any variation I tried either links to the same child page or throws a parse error...
  8. In this case the parent page that houses the posts is hidden. The public container page is also using a categories container page (also hidden). As Joss set this up: the News site presents the articles, but the articles themselves are contained in a different hidden page. I have tried several routes here. Should be simple? but...
  9. Quick question: On the child post pages themselves how would you add a "return to News Articles" link back to the parent news page? I can add a direct address link, but doing this the PW way is escaping me (I have tried all kinds of things but nothing works...) Thanks!
  10. I was going to start a new thread labeled "Blown Away", but decided I really should just add a new comment on this thread that I started several weeks ago... My learning and time spent with Processwire has been an "on again - off again" process. I have had some serious "I will never learn this" moments, but I am pleased to say that I am currently thrilled and seduced by the potential that PW offers. "Blown Away" really does describe it. After reading many, many PW forum threads and following some of the tutorials it really is beginning to make sense. I have done some reading on PHP and even ordered a Quick Start book on PHP. This book, more than the websites, has really made me go back to the copy and paste template code that I have been using and figure out what is actually going on. Today I spent a couple of hours slowly rereading (with much greater comprehension) the PW API. I won't go into the details but lately I have been having those "aha" moments. I am also beginning to have fun and even welcome random PW thoughts that float into my brain at odd times. I am sure that many of you can relate to this feeling. I have fiddled with several CMS platforms over the years and know my way around html and css, but I have never felt so enthused about the learning curve ahead. My hats off to the folks that have developed ProcessWire. I also want to thank all the forum members who have offered great help and suggestions along this journey...
  11. I had some trouble adding this Module to my specific template but with some great assistance from a PW forum member got this working just fine (so far)... I must say that I just love this Module. Thumbnails is a gallery extra solution that I have been searching for for a long time. I am quite picky with gallery thumbnails: I like a nice tight grid of square shaped thumbs. This avoids the awkward mess that mixing landscape and portrait thumbs brings. In some of my previous CMS driven galleries I would go back in and hand edit the generated thumbs using Photoshop, one at a time, just to present the best, most honest looking thumbnail possible. This great Module does this within the CMS and the process is quick and effective. Brilliant coding! Thanks to apeisa and others who worked on this project...
  12. @thistimj, You Sir, are a rock star! Thanks so much... I had tried the first part of your solution with no luck. I had also tried editing the second part(img src=...) but never had both edits going at the same time. This works perfectly. I really like this Thumbnails Module.... Cheers, Max
  13. I have tried all kinds of experiments with getting this line of code to add the cropped Thumbnails module thumbs to my gallery system. Still getting errors, no thumbs or blank thumbs? I have read the entire forum thread on this module but I do not see anyone who has tried adding this module to a similar gallery script like we have in this tutorial thread. I finally got the gallery system working on a single stand alone gallery page and to paginate on a separate parent gallery page that presents child galleries, all using a working jQuery script. I like how it all works so far. But I really want to be able to customize square thumbnails on my galleries. It makes the presentation of a mix of full sized landscape and portrait images so much nicer...
  14. I am trying to do that... I have the Images Field set to the CropImage Type and the Input Thumbnail setting is this: thumbnail, 100,100 Therefore, I think I do not need the configuration of the thumb width and thumb height near the top of this template? I assume the critical element is the following inside the foreach of the album row: $thumb = $image->size($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight); On the Thumbnails Module page there is the usage suggestion of needing this: echo $page->images->eq(0)->getThumb('thumbnail'); I have tried substituting all of that line and parts of it into the $thumb call while leaving out the size settings. So far I either get a parse error, blank thumbs or no thumbs at all. Obviously I am missing something...
  15. I have installed the Thumbs module and adjusted the Images Field type to CropImage instead of the default Image. I then imported a bunch of test images onto a page. I could then click the thumbnail link in the Images Field while editing the page. I could then crop the thumbnails as I liked and saved the page. But the cropped thumbs do not show as the 100x100 square I wanted. The generated thumbs on the front end page still take on a irregular rectangle shape depending on the different heights of the full size image. This makes for a unappealing grid display. Say I upload a full size image called garden1.jpg. The system will generate two thumbnails for this one image: garden1.100x100.jpg and thumbnail_garden1.jpg. The page will show the garden1.100x100.jpg thumbnail but this thumb is not cropped. The thumbnail_garden1.jpg is cropped like I wanted (via the Thumbs module) but this version is not displayed on the page. I think I need to adjust the template I am using for the gallery page (see code below). <? $config->styles->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.css"); $config->styles->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.css"); $config->scripts->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.pack.js"); $config->scripts->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js"); // Configure thumbnail width/height & number of photos to display per page $thumbWidth = 100; $thumbHeight = 100; $imagesPerPage = 50; // Make ProcessWire pagination work on the images field (see for full explanation of this) $start = ($input->pageNum - 1) * $imagesPerPage; $total = count($page->images); $images = $page->images->slice($start, $imagesPerPage); // Create a new pageArray to give MarkupPagerNav what it needs $a = new PageArray(); // Add in some generic placeholder pages foreach($images as $unused) $a->add(new Page()); // Tell the PageArray some details it needs for pagination $a->setTotal($total); $a->setLimit($imagesPerPage); $a->setStart($start); include("./head.inc") ?> <?= $a->renderPager() ?> <div class="album"> <ul class="album-row row"> <? if(count($images) > 0) { foreach($images as $image) { $thumb = $image->size($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight); ?> <li class="album-photo darkenOnHover col span3"> <a href="<?= $image->url ?>" rel="fancybox-gallery" class="fancybox" title="<?= $image->description ?>"> <img src="<?= $thumb->url ?>" alt="<?= $thumb->description ?>" /> <!-- Uncomment this line if you want descriptions under images <p class="album-photoDescription"><?= $image->description ?></p>--> </a> </li> <? } } ?> </ul><!-- /album-row --> </div><!-- /album --> <div class="group"><?= $a->renderPager() ?></div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(".fancybox").fancybox({ prevEffect : 'elastic', nextEffect : 'elastic', loop : false, mouseWheel: true, helpers : { title : { type: 'outside' }, thumbs : { width : 100, height : 100 } } }); }); </script>
  16. @everfreecreative Have you ever used the Thumbnails module for customizing cropped thumbnails for your gallery images? Any tips for doing so? Ultimately I would like to have the full collection of gallery thumbnails set to a specific square size. I would also like to present the index gallery thumbnails (that point to the actual child galleries) at a different larger thumbnail size... Thanks!
  17. Thanks for the suggestions gentlemen. I doubt the 2500 hit limit will ever be an issue. I will take a look at this soon. I need to have more conversations with the site owner to see how he would like to manage things. There is always the fallback option of using a graphics program & FTP to update the map each time...
  18. Hi All, I manage a site for a group of medical professionals who do humanitarian alternative medicine clinics in remote poor areas across the world. They do basic medicine with an emphasis on acupuncture, etc. This is all volunteer effort, including me. I am thinking about switching the site over from MODx Evo to Processwire, probably heavily leaning on Kongondo's new blog module. One of the things we would like to have is a large footer that will present a map of the world. On this map there will be little graphic image icons of pushpins: to show where all the project mission clinics took place. Right now a team is working in the Amazon jungle in Peru. So, what I would to have is a system that will allow the site editors to be able to add a pushpin every time the team goes to a new location. I can do this easily with Photoshop: just add a new pushpin PNG graphic to the map (via PSD layers) and save the map (and representative pushpins) as a new version of the footer map image. This is sort of clunky procedure though... My question is this: is there a cool PW way of using a PW Field that would update the map with new pushpins? The site owners are busy doctors with little time for coding or extra steps. I would like to make this as easy as possible. Maybe I could use some kind of dynamic code that would use the latitude and longitude of the new location and then generate a fresh pushpin from there? I really do not have the PW or PHP skills to do this. This is a good cause and I would love to make this site more simple and effective for these folks... Thanks! Max
  19. Mary, I am really pleased to hear that you are working on a set of PW video tutorials! The more the merrier. I like short focused tutorials that build from previous episodes. Your MODx tutorials were so helpful for so many people...
  20. I will download and take it for a spin. For those who are familiar with MODx would it be correct to say that this Hanna Code system is similar to deploying MODx Chunks? (creating placeholders for HTML and PHP code?) Another question: is using Hanna Code more useful for site developers or site owners (or both)? I can see how it would be useful in avoiding some unwanted tag actions when using a editor like TinyMCE. Just to give this thread some value: if you guys can recall facing any stumbling block or barrier where Hanna Code came to the rescue I would love to read about it... Thanks!
  21. During my visits to the PW forum I keep noticing references to Hanna Code. Can anyone add some background to this arena? Thanks!
  22. Really nice! * Love the home page image and how it scales to the screen size. * Typography is very cool. * The main nav menu on the left hand side: you don't see the nav on the left that much but it works so well. * The scalable layout for the Video page is really nice. It creates a very cool effect. * The contact form is a thing of beauty. Love the anti spam question: nice touch! * The eye candy on the Discography page is also very cool. ** A nit to pick: I think the Writing page needs some refinement. The headline should match the link in the nav. I also the <ul> list of of PDF links could be jazzed up somehow... ** One other thing: the main text (the name Charles Wuorinen) on the home page image: its rather plain and vanilla. Maybe add some "designer" flourish to the typography? Well done!!!
  23. Interesting... For years I have been using TextMate for my editor and Transmit for FTP. But color highlighting for PHP syntax seems like a useful feature. I just downloaded TextMate 2 which is still free and looks promising...
  24. Just wondering which text editor you PW Mac guys use for your web development? Seems like there are more choices than ever... Thanks!
  25. I just installed this module on an existing test site. So far all I can say is "wow!!!" I did try Ryan's Blog Profile, which is also amazing. The profile seems to have everything. This Blog module seems to offer the perfect solution to "I need a blog/news/article system for an existing PW site". I will need to dig into the folders, especially the CSS, to see how difficult it will be to make the Bog module structure fit in with the navigation and design of the previously existing test site... Hats off to you Kongondo...
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