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Everything posted by PhotoWebMax

  1. I will have to check out that module... One of the things I have done recently (with a client) is introduce some of the PW and content editing concepts during the email exchange that happens naturally during the site construction process. This is even before they have even seen the PW admin backend. One curve ball I received recently is that the person who will be managing one of these sites has changed. The new person has almost no experience with CMS platforms. Communication then becomes "interesting". You don't want to assume too much or too little. I think I will create my own "how to guide" that is focused on this particular site. I am sure any efforts in creating this content can be reused and improved over time. I can post my efforts at the appropriate time if anyone is interested. Showing this to the forum might be beneficial in several ways. It would be interesting to see what folks are thinking in this "here are the keys to your new site" arena...
  2. I think I am graduating from a total PW newbie to some murky status that would announce "I know just enough to be dangerous..." I currently have four PW sites under development. Things are going well for the most part. The more I spend with the system the more I like it. Anyways, to the topic at hand. Have any of you produced a guide for your clients on how to manage their Processwire sites? Not looking for a site building guide or how to develop stuff in Processwire, rather just some clear explanation/tutorial/guide for site owners on how the admin works, how to edit page content, how to use the CKEditor, working with images, etc, etc. Of course each developer's sites are going to be different. But I bet the majority of this information would be common to most Processwire sites. Any video screencasts on this topic? Love to see what others have produced. If this is an area that is lacking for the Processwire community then I would gladly contribute to any combined effort here. I am far from a Processwire expert but there might be value in a guy like me who has writing experience. Sort of like taking well intended "geek speak" and helping to translate it into plain english that new site owners would appreciate... Thanks, Max
  3. @horst... I tried this again. On my Mac running Chrome I get just a font color change and lightening of the image on a mouse rollover. On Firefox the individual large thumbnail also changes position slightly. But on Safari several of the large thumbnails move (noticeable jiggle) in unison when you do a mouse rollover on one of the thumbs. So, on this page there are two rows of four images each. The collective jiggle is not consistent either. Mouse over the left images and the entire row will jiggle. Mouse over the second image and the entire row will jiggle except for the left most image. Also, the rate of the jiggle is stronger in Safari than it is in Firefox. No movement in Chrome though. Just pointing this out as I had never seen thumbnails act this way before. Anyone care to confirm this? Great looking site though... Edit: I checked my wife's Macbook. First off when using Safari the site content would not display at all. I got a message saying the Adobe Flash Player needed to be upgraded. I did this and the site looks normal with no image jiggling. I then upgraded the Flash Player on my Mac Pro (older version) and the images are still jiggling when doing a mouse ever while using Safari. Chalk it up to browser weirdness...
  4. I like this! Nice and clean... One question on pages like this: http://superpola.com/recetas/todas/?&category=pastelones when you hover over one of the images the entire row of images jiggles a bit. Is that intentional? I have never seen that before...
  5. Adrian, you are probably correct on the semantic aspect. I will try adding the <ul> back. This will mean adding the <li>s as well, but that will be a good exercise for me. I really need to practice how to write these php code blocks in my templates. I am slowly getting it though... I have done a bunch since you checked out the site. I am back working locally again. Hope to take this live in the next couple of days ( I have a ton of photography (shooting eyeglasses) to do this weekend)...
  6. Do I really even need the <ul> ? I revised this and just used <div class='articlePost"> and the whole system works great and the extra styling is there...
  7. Never mind, I think I got it... <h2>Articles & More...</h2> <div id="articlesContainer"> <?php foreach($page->children as $article){ ?> <ul class="articlePost"> <?php echo "<a id=".$article->name."><h2>".$article->title."</h2> ".$article->article_maintext.""; ?> <?php echo "</ul><!--articlePost ends-->" ?> <?php } ?> </div><!--articlesContainer ends-->
  8. I am still messing with this... I now have my posts.php template controlling the appearance of my articles (that are housed in a hidden page called posts). The html fragment identifier works perfectly. One issue: before I got the html fragment identifier working I did have a <ul class="articlePost"> selector added to each post within my template for added CSS styling of each article. This is the code I have now for the foreach statement with the fragment identifier system (note the W3C validator suggested I change name to "a name" to "a id" inside the echo): ... <h2>Articles & More...</h2> <div id="articlesContainer"> <?php foreach($page->children as $article){ echo "<a id=".$article->name."><h2>".$article->title."</h2> ".$article->article_maintext.""; } ?> </div><!--articlesContainer ends--> ... This works. But I want to add the <ul class="articlePost"> wrap to each article foreach. I have tried several attempts at doing this but I seem to keep getting parse errors? The closest (still thawing a parse error) I have come up with no color indicating errors inside Textmate looks like this: <h2>Articles & More...</h2> <div id="articlesContainer"> <?php foreach($page->children as $article){ ?> <ul class="articlePost"> echo "<a id=".$article->name."><h2>".$article->title."</h2> ".$article->article_maintext.""; echo "</ul><!--articlePost ends-->"; } ?> </div><!--articlesContainer ends--> Can someone check my code above and show me how to add the <ul class="articlePost"> for me? It must be getting inside and escaping the PHP tags correctly... Thanks!
  9. How to present ads is always the proverbial can of worms. I used to be a moderator at a film making site and this topic did manage to flame passions for sure. One thing I would suggest with the ads on the right side of the page: keep the column clean and consistent (width and padding). I see some ads sticking out into the center content column. It looks like the padding is displaying in a vertical zigzag fashion? I also think the ad position in the actual article posts can be neatened somehow. The one style of ads I simply hate are the ones that have flickering gif states. Some sites I see have twenty or more ads all blinking at you in a random fashion. It becomes really distracting to enjoy any of the content. And then there are popups. Fortunately cmscritic does not have this issue. I have zero experience which the revenue side of presenting ads to a website but I have always wondered if a successful site should feature less ads but charge the advertiser more to present them on the site. Sort of like saying: "we know viewers hate ads on sites, but we need the revenue. So we have decided to charge more and present way fewer ads. This means the viewers will not become annoyed with the ad scheme and your (the advertiser) ad will stand out much better as it will not become "lost" in a sea of other ads..." Or whatever...
  10. Yes, two minutes ago! Adrian went into the Lightning site and all it was that my post page foreach statement was in the articles template. It should have been in the template that functions for the hidden posts container page that stores the actual articles. Now that I look at this it becomes so obvious. But I spent so much time on this without thinking of this. Hopefully a lesson learned. I hope this thread might serve some other new kid someday... One other thing: I have a working gallery system on this Lightning site. The thumbnails do not show but they do on my localist install that uses the same everything. What do I look for to fix this? Or should I ignore it and track it down when I upload the real live version of this site in the next few days. This will be my first live PW site... Again, thanks to all who contributed so much here...
  11. Welcome Fred! Quick question: do you intend on acquiring all the building blocks to website success so you can learn, continue to grow and build several sites in the future? Or are you needing to build a single site just for yourself and then return to a normal life? This is one of those forks in the road. If you really want to do this then I would put Processwire (or any CMS) aside for the moment and focus on building clean static HTML pages first. Basic HTML is just that, very basic. There are tons of resources to get you started here. Learn how to create your <head> section, body, title, headlines, paragraphs, DIVs, Classes, Lists and page links. These are the very basic building blocks. Learn how to build pages using these elements and learn how to use the W3C.org HTML Validator to check your work. Then comes learning CSS: how to create an external style sheet that controls all the presentation of your HTML docs. All the layout, colors, typography, open space and design goes into your CSS file. A single CSS file will control all of this for all your HTML docs. This stuff is not hard to learn and it can be good fun. Get a folder (no server needed) of HTML pages (with links from page to page) and CSS working and then start with deploying your CMS of choice. Procceswire is an excellent choice for this critical step. Once you can do all this then building templates using Fields and the Processwire API is the next step. Knowing some PHP is a great help here, but like me (and many others) you can begin using Processwire while knowing zero PHP. One of the GREAT things about Processwire is that it is very designer friendly. You can mold just about any custom site vision and design into a working Processwire site. If you only intend on creating one single site and then moving on then I would consider getting direct help. It might cost you some money but it will save you a ton of time. Only you can decide how much personal investment you want to bring here. But the Processwire community is simply awesome. A lot of folks here have amazing programming and design skills. Don't let that intimidate you. Even rocket scientists struggle with coding this stuff when its new to them. Good luck!
  12. I have the site up on the Lightning system. It pretty much mirrors the issues involved with this thread. An additional issue on the Lightning site is that the gallery system thumbnails do not show? I think the paths are broken somehow? The full size images work just fine and the jQuery script I am using does its thing... Anyway, If any of you are gracious enough to take a look I can provide you with the URL and FTP for the Lightning site. (not sure how this sharing of login works). For now I would prefer not to provide this info publicly... Thanks! Max
  13. Did figure out the login procedure for Lightning. I thought you needed the username and password for the site that gets generated... I have the Lightning site (just the section content we are trying to fix) up and running. Copied the files and CSS, etc. Some of my images and thumbs are not displaying. So let me get that sorted out first. I will report back later, maybe tomorrow. I am sort of fried and discouraged at the moment and need to do something else. Going for a dog walk right now... EDIT: a dog walk is always a great thing...
  14. Adrian, I tried all of those suggestions but no cheer. I also got stumped with lightning: the admin login for my generated site fails with the username and password that was provided. So, for now I am beaten and bleeding. I have to go and get other stuff done but will come back to this later... I really appreciate all of your efforts in this quest.
  15. Adrian, If i right click and copy the address it looks perfect: localhost:8888/SREPversion2/posts/#the-tripod Server is "localhost", site name is "SREPversion2", "posts" is the hidden parent folder containing the articles, and lastly "the-tripod" is one of the published articles. We need the # before the article name in the URL and it is there. I have no idea why I only get the page not found message though. If needed I can recreate the entire site at lightning.pw. When I was following SiNNut's suggestions I got the whole page link system working expect for the fragment identifier hashtag. When you clicked on any of the articles links you were presented with the full list of articles, one after another, but the browser curser was at the top of the page and not positioned at article #4, etc...
  16. OK, I am really confused... With the above code in my basic-page template I get a total generic "page not found" message when clicking any of the teaser links? Like no page layout or content. If I add the sitename before the /posts in the first $pages->get statement the teaser section with the links goes blank? If I remove the sitename from that and add it to the <li> echo statement the teaser links reappear. I still get the "page not found message but the rest of the site content and layout is there. So my basic-page template looks like this: <?php include('./_head.php'); // include header markup ?> <div id='content'> <?php // output 'headline' if available, otherwise 'title' echo "<h1>" . $page->get('headline|title') . "</h1>"; // output bodycopy echo $page->body; ?> <div id="lowerContent"> <div id="leftWidget"> <?php include('./leftWidgetContent.inc'); ?> </div><!--leftWidget ends--> <div id="rightWidget"> <h3>Articles & More</h3> <?php $articles = $pages->get("/posts/")->children("limit=4"); echo '<ul class="articlesTease">'; foreach($articles as $article) { echo "<li><a href='/SREPversion2/posts/#".$article->name."'>".$article->title."</a> <p>$article->article_introtext;</p></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; ?> </div><!--rightWidget ends--> </div><!--lowerContent ends--> </div><!-- end content --> <?php include('./_foot.php'); // include footer markup ?> The above generates the articles teaser section inside the rightWidget. My articles.php template looks like this: <?php include('./_head.php'); // include header markup ?> <div id='content'> <?php // output 'headline' if available, otherwise 'title' echo "<h1>" . $page->get('headline|title') . "</h1>"; // output bodycopy echo $page->body; $articles = $pages->get("/posts/")->children("limit=4"); foreach($page->children as $article){ echo "<a name='".$article->name."'><h2>".$article->title."</h2> <p>".$article->body."</p>"; } ?> <div id="lowerContent"> <div id="leftWidget"> <?php include('./leftWidgetContent.inc'); ?> </div><!--leftWidget ends--> <div id="rightWidget"> <h3>Articles & More</h3> <?php $articles = $pages->get("/posts/")->children("limit=4"); echo '<ul class="articlesTease">'; foreach($articles as $article) { echo "<li><a href='/posts/#".$article->name."'>".$article->title."</a> <p>$article->article_introtext;</p></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; ?> </div><!--rightWidget ends--> </div><!--lowerContent ends--> </div><!--end content--> <?php include('./_foot.php'); // include footer markup ?> The core part of this template is the foreach loop below the body echo. I am not sure if I am close or a 100 miles away? Even if I try to adjust the generated URL manually in the browser window I still get the page not found message. I am not sure if all this is even worth it for this window scroll effect. But maybe my "trail of tears" might help some other new kid someday...
  17. Same exact issue - will have to try this...
  18. I think I have the teaser section on the basic-page template working: ... </div><!--leftWidget ends--> <div id="rightWidget"> <h3>Articles & More</h3> <?php $articles = $pages->get("/posts/")->children("limit=4"); echo '<ul class="articlesTease">'; foreach($articles as $article) { echo "<li><a href='/posts/#".$article->name."'>".$article->title."</a> <p>$article->article_introtext;</p></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; ?> </div><!--rightWidget ends--> </div><!--lowerContent ends--> This produces the <ul> of the article titles (with <a> anchor) and the intro paragraphs for each article post. The articles are in a hidden parent folder called Posts. So far so good. The articles.php template is a mess though so far all I get is missing page error. More study...
  19. Thanks Adrian, This is quite different from what I had before... I added this to my templates (basic-page.php and articles.php). The teaser section on all site pages shows the links to the articles posts. When you click on any of the post links you get the correct looking url like so: localhost:8888/posts/#the-tripod Having the #the-tripod at the end of the URL is a step forward as I could not get that to appear before. The site name is missing though: it should read: localhost:8888/sitename/posts/#the-tripod Also, clicking any of the teaser links shows the generic missing page message instead of the content, so I am a couple of steps backwards now. I am still using the $articlesItems = $pages->find("template=articles") statement before the new foreach loop. Before I post my code I will try to see if I can unstuck myself first. I am so envious of how you guys write these code sections like you were creating a simple grocery list for an egg omelet...
  20. Ok Kongondo, I tried several times to add the name attribute to my articles template but all I got for my efforts is big angry red php error messages. I notice that the # hashtag is absent from all the article page fragment urls that get generated from my page URL (all of my efforts). So, something is just missing from my template logic. I think it is in the final echo link to the teaserLink IDs. See my template above. I then tried manually adding the # hashtag before the article name in the generated URL in the browser as a test but that only generates the page not found message. I am simply dying with the time it is taking to finish this effect on the articles page. I can see how the effect works on the page fragment links I have found on the web, but I am just lost how to make this happen dynamically with ProcessWire: my articles template. At this stage of my frustration I am totally willing to pay someone who can show me how to do this (with a good explantation so I can learn). I am not sure how much this is worth though? $75 sent via Paypal? Please PM me if interested... Thanks, Max
  21. Still not getting how to adjust my template to make this work. But I had a severe headache (not Proceswire related) today so I will come back to this. My brain feels like dropped on the floor chocolate pudding... Thanks. Max
  22. Mary, I am sure you will get some pointers here. Sorry I cant help. But I am so familiar with your <snipped> statement above. There must be a name for it...
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