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Everything posted by PhotoWebMax

  1. I don't think I have ever used a navigation module that was so easy to install and get working right of the box...
  2. I cant thank you enough! I can post the generated output from the page if that helps. The frustrating thing is that I had it working at one stage. ... EDIT: got the system working again! What I did wrong is sort of hard to explain. I had my gallery-album.php to read just this: include("./head.inc"); include("./gallery-album.inc"); include("./sideBar.inc"); include("./foot.inc"); I then had most of the code from your gallery-album.php in my gallery-album.inc file. But you had the link to the head.inc file in the middle of your code. I removed both the head and the foot from the gallery-album.inc file and all the layout worked perfectly. But the Fancybox jquery would not load. I tried several trial and error fixes. In the end I added the head back to the gallery-album.inc file and removed the head from the gallery-album.php file. This made the layout work and the script came back on. ... Question on the code you are using for the album: <div class="upOneLevel"><a href="<?= $page->parent->url ?>">← Albums</a></div> <div class="album"> <ul class="album-row row"> <? if(count($images) > 0) { foreach($images as $image) { $thumb = $image->size($thumbWidth, $thumbHeight); ?> <li class="album-photo darkenOnHover col span3"> <a href="<?= $image->url ?>" rel="fancybox-gallery" class="fancybox" title="<?= $image->description ?>"> <img src="<?= $thumb->url ?>" alt="<?= $thumb->description ?>" /> <!-- Uncomment this line if you want descriptions under images <p class="album-photoDescription"><?= $image->description ?></p>--> </a> </li> It looks like you got these class names from a design template somewhere? Are these required? Would it be ok to rename them so they are not specific to the design template you used? I refer to stuff like "album row row" and "col span 3" etc. ... Also, getting back to not having the child gallery names show in the site navigation: adding this: $albums = $page->children('template=gallery-album,include=hidden'); ... to the parent gallery-index.php template removed the links from the navigation (after adding the checkbox to the child galleries) just fine but the actual galleries did not show on the parent gallery page at all? Not sure why? I then tried your other suggestion and changed max levels setting to "1" in the MarkupSimpleNavigation module. This worked: the child gallery links are gone from the navigation (which I want) and the actual child galleries are there inside the parent gallery page. So far so good. The only thing that concerns me about this technique is what happens if I want to increase the depth of the visible site navigation at some point? Increasing the level depth will bring the child gallery links back to the navigation as well. But I will cross that bridge later I guess... Sorry to be a newbie pain the rear about this, but the help has been great! Cheers!
  3. Arrgghgh, I was working on my test site: templates and includes, etc... The fancy box script is now not working. I used Chrome Consul to check for errors and I get a "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" message. Right in the middle of the fancybox script in my gallery-album.inc file: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(".fancybox").fancybox({ prevEffect : 'elastic', nextEffect : 'elastic', loop : false, mouseWheel: true, helpers : { title : { type: 'outside' }, thumbs : { width : 100, height : 60 } } }); }); </script> I have tried replacing the $ with jquery and still no go. I did not change the link to the version of the script I am calling in the head of the template: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>scripts/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script> I am at a loss on how to debug this? Any pointers from here: Thanks!
  4. I tired your last suggestion: Change this: $albums = $page->children('template=gallery-album'); To this: $albums = $page->children('template=gallery-album,include=hidden'); I then hid the sub album but doing so means the parent "Galllery" page shows no content... I will try the other suggestions as well...
  5. Quick typo on the pricing page: "All room feature feature:"
  6. Great stuff everfreecreative! (you need to capitalize your name) This morning I skimmed through the templates that we are using for the gallery. I really did not find any thing specific to the navigation so I suspected the next thing to look at would be the menu module I am using so far. But your template changes look interesting...
  7. OK, I think I made major progress! I completely redid how I have my includes organized. Doing so made my templating system more simple and dynamic. Kind of getting "the picture" of this now. I then created a template system for my Services page: it now aggregates all the child blocks on the page just fine. I used the following: <?foreach ($page->children as $c):?> <div class="servicesBlock"> <h4><?=$c->title;?></h4> <img src="<?=$c->image->url;?>" alt="<?=$c->image->dscription;?>"> <?=$c->body;?> </div><! --servicesBlock ends --> <? endforeach; ?> I am using template fields to output the headline and the anchor image. I then use the PW body field to add the paragraphs and <ul> content. The div class is in the template and out of the TinyMCE editor which is great. I can now target the div class with CSS. One quick thing: is there any preference that prevents the HTML pane window in the TinyMCE plugin from presenting the code as one long run on sentence? Its hard to read this way. Be nice to work with each headline and paragraph on its own line... Anyway: some solid learning for my poor brain today!
  8. Thanks, I am sort of getting used to when to use a PHP template and the INC system. Getting closer to something that looks like it makes sense. As far as my above quest goes I going with the foreach loop option. Its a bit of trial and error: seeing what shows up in the output. But it is slowly starting to make sense...
  9. @everfreecreative, Question: I have my gallery index page working. It aggregates child galleries with thumbnails that take you to the child galleries themselves. All good so far, although I need to tweak the CSS. What I want to change is preventing the web links to the child galleries form appearing in my site navigation. I only want the parent container "Gallery" link to appear in the site navigation: just one link. When you go to the Gallery page users can then follow the child gallery links by clicking on the image thumbnails. Right now if I go to the settings tab on any of the child galleries and click the Hidden: Excluded form Lists and Searches box the child gallery is removed format he front end site navigation but the actual child gallery is also completely missing form the parent Galley page... Thanks!
  10. This is probably one of those oft asked newbie questions, sorry... I have a page I want to output that has a vertical column of similar content class divs. More presentation that anything else. I copied the content markup from a text editor file and posted it into the Body field. I used the html button in the built in editor to paste in the raw code. When I saved and viewed the page I noticed that some of the container class div code gets removed? Without those divs the CSS is not happening. I suspect a better way would be to create a template for this page (called Services) and then use the repeater system to present child page blocks using placeholders within my div class structure? I want this for the Services page: <h2>Services></h2> <! -- the following services blocks get repeated depending on the number of services listed -- > <div class="services_block"> <h4>some headline</h4> <p>first paragraph</p> <p>second paragraph</p> <p>third paragraph</p> <ul class="services_list"> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> <p>choice to include extra paragraph here</p> </div><! -- services_block ends --> <div class="services_block"> <h4>some headline</h4> <p>first paragraph</p> <p>second paragraph</p> <p>third paragraph</p> <ul class="services_list"> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> <p>choice to include extra paragraph here</p> </div><! -- services_block ends --> <div class="services_block"> <h4>some headline</h4> <p>first paragraph</p> <p>second paragraph</p> <p>third paragraph</p> <ul class="services_list"> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> <p>choice to include extra paragraph here</p> </div><! -- services_block ends --> One thing that might vary is the number of paragraphs in each services block and the option to add an extra paragraph below the unordered list (or not). The number of list items might change form block to block as well. So, questions: 1) Is there a setting in the Admin body html editor that allows for added markup? If there is I could just add the entire block of markup to this page. Might be the easy route. 2) Create a system that is more PW dynamic: how would I code this for a template that would present all the services_blocks that I would add to the Services page? I only need the link for the master services page to show in any site navigation. I do not want nav web links for each services_blocks. In MODx I would getResources... Thanks!
  11. I am interested in Form Builder... Can anyone tell me how purchasing Form Builder works when you are working with a site in development locally using a system like MAMP? I would like to test and play around with Form Builder on test sites while I learn more about PW. I will need a form on my first live PW site. While on the subject I think the purchasing price structure for Form Builder sounds perfect. I know code guys can build their own forms at will. Not my cup of tea though. I know creating a system like Form Builder must take a ton of time. Efforts like this should be rewarded. I like how you can upgrade to developer status with Form Builder and just pay the difference from the initial single site Form Builder cost. Thanks!
  12. @Peter, Hats off to you for writing this. I am very new to PW and have so much to learn. But someday, when my skills have grown, I hope to convert MODx site content to PW...
  13. i just found this forum page which is useful... https://processwire.com/talk/best-content/
  14. I need to chat less and read more... I have spent some time touring through the forums. The conversations go deeper than I first thought. I bet there must be a treasure trove of great info buried in the forums. So, I am betting many of you must have a mental list (or memory) of the top forum threads that inspired learning? If I so I love to see your list...
  15. What I need to do now is customize the grid layout of the gallery images and the size and CSS for the thumbnails. I also need to figure out if there is a better way of splitting the page code between the head.inc and footer.inc files. MODx does all this a bit differently and it will take more messing around to get used to it...
  16. @kongondo, If you do get around to writing those tutorials let me know: I can help proofread them. Although I am a total newbie at PW and could not program my way out of paper bag it might be useful to have a pair of eyes that represents a brain that is eager to learn from the ground floor. Some tutorials/guides are either guilty of spending too much time presenting the obvious or frustrate the reader because the author falsely assumes too much prior knowledge from the reader...
  17. @everfreecreative: Thanks for helping here! I messed around with this last night to no avail and went to bed sort of frustrated. This morning, with fresh eyes, I checked through each line of my templates and really could find nothing. Not knowing PHP kind of makes this chore difficult but I can follow along (more or less) what the system is doing. I then checked my head.inc file which I created before the whole gallery experiment. I have an existing jQuery script that runs my top navigation. What I quickly spotted was me calling two different versions of the jQuery lib script. A newer one towards the top of the head.inc and an older one just above the top nav script. I deleted the second call (older jQuery), saved and refreshed the gallery page: and voila: images rendered by FancyBox!!! Is it too early in the day for champagne?
  18. I guess I should mention that the pages were only printed on one side, so the bound tome might appear larger than it really is. That being said, I bet you would have to walk a long, long way to find another open source CMS guide written voluntarily for fellow users that is this good...
  19. OK, you PW guys and girls: I am sure most of you know that Kongondo had a previous CMS "relationship" before ProcessWire. Kongondo was a major force in the MODx forums for quite a while. In the Evo days there was constant shrill barking for better documentation with MODx. All CMS systems have this issue. Kongondo produced this massive tome called "The 'almost' complete guide to creating menus in MODx using Wayfinder". This was simply epic in my humble opinion. Wayfinder is an amazing system for generating all kinds of menus in MODx. I downloaded this massive PDF file and had it printed and bound at my local office store. I then sat up reading this thing at night for more nights than I care to remember. My wife thought I was crazy. But the content, examples and guided projects was really a class example of software instruction at its best. This guide was HUGE in my journey through MODx. I learned to build some very cool menus systems with this volume sitting on my desk. We recently moved into a new house and I just found this today. Not to embarrass Kongondo but I had to share and say thank you!
  20. I hope I am not driving you crazy here... Here is the contents of the fancybox folder that I have in the scripts folder (inside the PW/site/templates folder): This is the top of the gallery-album.php template: <? $config->styles->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.css"); $config->styles->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.css"); $config->scripts->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.pack.js"); $config->scripts->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.js"); $config->scripts->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js"); And this is the code that gets generated in the head of the child gallery page with the photos in it: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>EverOneGallery</title> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta name="generator" content="ProcessWire 2.4.0" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/styles/main.css" /> <!--[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/styles/ie.css" /> <![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/scripts/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/scripts/main.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/scripts/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/scripts/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/scripts/fancybox/source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/scripts/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/scripts/fancybox/source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.css" /> So far everything works but the FancyBox script?
  21. @everfreecreative In your tutorial which version of FancyBox are you using? When you download the folder from http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/ it comes in as a new version 2 of the system (new to me). Anyway the core FancyBox files are in "lib" and "source" folders. This does not match the path system that you highlight in the gallery-album.php template. It might be just the paths but I am not sure if the script is compatible with the template code?
  22. Have this at the top of the gallery-album.php template: $config->styles->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css"); $config->styles->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.css"); $config->scripts->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack.js"); $config->scripts->append($config->urls->templates . "scripts/fancybox/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js"); I am not sure if this is even an issue or not. I just noticed my output code adds the site name before /site/template/scripts/etc... It was the first thing I noticed that is different from that site everfreecreative linked to. I am just trying to track down why the FancyBox script is not working on my gallery page...
  23. I am having another go, starting from scratch, with this system... I followed the steps. I can now see the parent gallery page with the large thumbnail linking to the child gallery page. The child gallery page displays the thumbnail links to the full size images. This is huge progress! Unfortunately the FancyBox script is not working. The full size images gets presented on a blank page. It might be an issue in the head.inc file or maybe the path to the FancyBox components... Update: Everfreecreative: I looked at the generated output from the live gallery site you gave us. In the head code I see your links to the FancyBox components look like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="/site/templates/scripts/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/site/templates/scripts/fancybox/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js?v=1.0.7"></script> My generated code looks like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/scripts/fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/ProcessWire-SREP/site/templates/scripts/fancybox/helpers/jquery.fancybox-thumbs.js"></script> so, in my case the site name is getting added at the start of the script path. I have /ProcessWire-SREP/site/etc... while you have /site/etc. Is this the issue? How do i fix this? I think I am getting pretty close otherwise...
  24. Everfreecreative, Thanks for the post. As I said I scratched your system from the test install of PW I am using. This is a local install using MAMP. I then followed Joss's gallery tutorial which looks quite thorough. I went through all the steps but when viewing my gallery page at the end all I get is a huge error message which I can't understand. I don't want to hijack your thread but the error message reads like this: function albumList(){ // Get the list of albums - limited to ten for later pagination $albums = wire("pages")->find("parent=/albums/, template=TUT_gallery, limit=10"); $out =" "; //Loop through the pages foreach($albums as $album){ $out .=" "; if($album->gallery){ $out .=""; } $out .=" {$album->title} "; $out .=" {$album->article_maintext} "; $out .=" "; } // Pagination $out .=" "; $out .= $albums->renderPager(array( 'nextItemLabel' => "Next", 'previousItemLabel' => "Prev", 'listMarkup' => " {out} ", 'itemMarkup' => " {out} ", 'linkMarkup' => "{out}" )); $out .=" "; echo $out; } function infoDisplay(){ $info = wire("page"); $out =" "; $out .=" {$info->title} "; $out .=$info->article_maintext; echo " $out "; } function albumGrid() { $albumimages = wire("page")->gallery; $thumbsize = wire("page")->gallery_thumbnail_size; $out = " "; foreach ($albumimages as $albumimage) { $out .= ""; $out .= ""; $out .= ""; } echo " {$out} "; } function albumShow() { $albumimages = wire("page")->gallery; $thumbsize = wire("page")->gallery_thumbnail_size; $out =" "; // Slides $out .=" "; foreach ($albumimages as $albumimage) { $out .=""; } $out .=" "; // Carousel $out .=" "; foreach ($albumimages as $albumimage) { $out .=""; } $out .=" "; echo $out; } Error: Call to undefined function infoDisplay() (line 8 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ProcessWire-master/site/templates/TUT_gallery_index.php) This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged. So far all my attempts at getting a gallery system working in PW have been frustrating. I am beginning to think I need to install a live test site and pay someone to get it working for me. This way I can use this a working blueprint that I can copy for other projects. I am still going to keep trying until something clicks for me. But after a point I might have to abandon PW and double down with my current familiarity and experience with MODx...
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