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Everything posted by alexm

  1. @videokid yeah I do have opengraph in the header but it isn't detecting the image field, it's just using the site logo as the post image and the default site description as the description. It's weird.
  2. Anyone noticing that the module isn't posting the images or description? If so is there any fix or anything I am missing?
  3. I can't figure the [FAILURE] Number of fields does not match issue at all. I have 5 fields:- scf_firstname scf_surname scf_email scf_company scf_enquiry PW ver. 3.0.33 SCF ver. 1.0.0 Any help greatly appreciated.
  4. Thanks for this info @RyanJ I haven't had chance to go over this as am just on another project, but will take a look later and see if I can get it working with your pointers!
  5. @dimitrios Thanks again! Great feature! Really useful for auto posting new estate agent properties from PW.
  6. Hey @RyanJ Where is this field/setting? I don't see it anywhere.
  7. Hi guys, Getting the following error: [FAILURE] Number of fields does not match. Any thoughts? I have the following fields in Simple Contact Form settings: scf_fistname scf_surname scf_email scf_company scf_enquiry and in the message template: title scf_fistname scf_surname scf_email scf_company scf_enquiry scf_spamIp scf_date scf_ip I'm not however saving messages at the moment. Thank you for any help
  8. Of course! How stupid of me. haha. Cheers @flydev
  9. Hey, First off, thanks for this great module. I was just wondering where the On/off checkbox is meant to show as every time I save the page at the moment it gets posted to Facebook and I'd rather have it that you check that checkbox and it stops posting to facebook? Thanks!
  10. Ahhhh, you know what it could be! I am currently using hosts file to point a domain to another IP address so the rediercts url will be hitting a different server! Do you think that is it? Is there any work around whilst I'm in development to get this working on the server I am on?
  11. I get NULL when I do a var_dump. I have a Client ID and Secret, then saved the page. Then came back and then clicked get access token and re-saved. I've just tried clearing the access token, regenerating the Client secret saving the page and then getting the access token again but I'm still getting NULL.
  12. Hm... I still seem to be having issues. I'm getting: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() When trying to loop the instagram posts. I'm trying to get posts by method getRecentMediaByTag Any thoughts?
  13. I'm getting the following warning when trying to render the feed: Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant WireCache::expireWeekly in/path/to/public_html/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/InstagramFeed/InstagramFeed.module on line 286 I am running PW version 3.0.33. Any thoughts what might be causing this? Thanks for the help!
  14. @Tom. Yea I'm getting the same issue my side!
  15. Can't you just suppress the cron task messages by adding "/dev/null 2>&1" to the end of your cron command. That sends the messages to null which means there aren't any messages. Perhaps I am missing the point though?
  16. Yea I saw you can use imagemagick for processwire now somewhere. This will get round the out of memory issue.
  17. Hi guys, I've got a similar issue. I have a script which is pulling in properties and images from an external XML file. The script fails when I try to add the image via api with the following error: Task "httpdocs/import-properties-sale-xml.php" completed with error in 65 seconds, output: Adding new page: mickleton-road--earlsdon--coventry Error: Uncaught exception 'WireException' with message 'Unable to copy: http://www.dezr...') #1 [internal function]: Pageimage->___install('http://www.dezr...') #2 /var/www/vhosts/brianholt.co.uk/httpdocs/wire/core/Wire.php(398): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #3 /var/www/vhosts/brianholt.co.uk/httpdocs/wire/core/Wire.php(333): Wire->runHooks('install', Array) #4 /var/www/vhosts/brianholt.co.uk/httpdocs/wire/core/Pagefile.php(83): Wire->__call('install', Array) #5 /var/www/vhosts/brianholt.co.uk/httpdocs/wire/core/Pagefile.php(83): Pageimage->install('http (line 117 of /var/www/vhosts/brianholt.co.uk/httpdocs/wire/core/Pagefile.php) This error message was shown because you are using the command line API. Error has been logged. What is strange is that this script works fine on one server that I developed the website on but not the live server it is now on. The image URL looks as follows: http://www.dezrez.com/estate-agent-software/ImageResizeHandler.do?PropertyID=3878781&photoID=3&AgentID=259&BranchID=600&width=800. If you directly access that URL the .do file processes the image and redirects to the image URL. Could this be the problem? Like I say it all worked fine on the other server. Many Thanks for any help!
  18. Something strange happening for me when I try to do this. I am logged in as superuser however if I check what roles I have on the frontend it says I am just guest. Same happens if I log in as a custom role I have made. It just says guest. Any thoughts why this is? I also can't view unpublished pages on the front end when logged in as superadmin so something seems to be up. Thanks
  19. adrian you are a legend. Thanks man, that's spot on. Sorry for the delayed response.
  20. Hi guys, As the title tries to explain, I have created custom fields for users on the backend like images, job title, description etc. and that works fine if you have access as a user to the 'user-admin' role but if I give team members this role if means they can access each others profile settings and update passwords. I would like to show the fields that have been created for users under the profile page so that the users can update their custom fields. Is this possible from the back end easily? Hope that makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers
  21. Thank you very much for that! I'll take a look.
  22. Hi guys, How would I go about creating a module to change the page urls when a page is save. I would just like to change the page urls to "property$page->id" e.g. "property1068" I can add a hook before inputfield::render which changes the field value to property but I don't know how to get the page's ID. Any help greatly appreciated.
  23. Adrian, thanks for that!! All sorted. Apologies on my part for the stupid oversight. Many thanks again!
  24. Hi Guys, Am using the delayed output approach to the template structure and when I try: throw new PageNotFoundException(); I get: Error: Exception: (in /path/to/files/_main.php line 58) #0 /path/to/files/wire/core/TemplateFile.php(170): require() #1 [internal function]: TemplateFile->___render() #2 /path/to/files/wire/core/Wire.php(389): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #3 /path/to/files/wire/core/Wire.php(344): Wire->runHooks('render', Array) #4 /path/to/files/wire/modules/PageRender.module(356): Wire->__call('render', Array) #5 /path/to/files/wire/modules/PageRender.module(356): TemplateFile->render() #6 [internal function]: PageRender->___renderPage(Object(HookEvent)) #7 /path/to/files/wire/core/Wire.php(389): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #8 /path/to/files/wire/core/Wire.php(344): Wire->runHooks('renderPage', Array) #9 /home/ What have I done wrong? Any suggestions would be sweet. Thanks
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