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Everything posted by alexm

  1. Does anyone else get a lot on /http404/ from crawlers like facebook? See screenshot. I'm just trying to think why I'd be getting so many and replicate the issue.
  2. @jacmaes Wicked, glad it sorted it for you too. I'll file it now
  3. Ok got it. There needs to be a 5th parameter passed of 1 so that the day selected is the first of the month otherwise it's getting a day that doesn't exist and skips over onto the next month. strftime($monthFormat, mktime(0, 0, 0, $n, 1))
  4. I've narrowed it down to line 93 of InputfieldDatetimeSelect.php strftime($monthFormat, mktime(0, 0, 0, $n)) All ints from 1 - 12 output the relevant month abbreviation except for 2 which outputs March. No idea why though currently.
  5. I've got 2 March's instead of Feb, March. Screenshot attached. Anyone else noticing this? PW 3.0.180
  6. alexm


    @sz-ligatur that's perfect thank you!
  7. alexm


    ?? ignore me!!! I was using a relative path.
  8. alexm


    Hmm, when I'm using an absolute URL for the open graph image, when you share the link in WhatsApp it doesn't seem to render the preview for me. I'm not sure if this is because it doesn't add the width and height properties or what the issue is. Has anyone experienced a similar issue?
  9. alexm


    I've got a case where I need to set the opengraph URL to that of another on a particular page via api, but I don't believe this can be done? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Looking at the module code for InputfieldDatetimeSelect yearFrom and yearTo are set like so: 'yearFrom' => $year - 100, 'yearTo' => $year + 20, I wonder if there is an easy undocumented way to change this so it's dynamic from the datetime field settings page itself. Like you can with the jQuery UI datetime picker type?
  11. @virtualgadjo Yeah, route 1 is definitely the lines I was thinking down too! Only matching values from the posted result to values stored on the relevant results page that has the same or most matching values. Thank you for your time and for sharing your thoughts ?
  12. @virtualgadjo Thanks for replying! ? Sorry, I might not have been very clear. This is exactly how I mean. So the user selects yes or no to each question, hits submit, then show the most relevant result/success page based on their selection. I'm wondering what is the best way people think is to go about this?
  13. I'm looking to set up a Form (using FormBuilder) with questions that are simple yes or no choices using radio select. Based on the combination of answers given, different results pages would need to be shown. I'm wondering what the best way to go about this might be. I was thinking perhaps on each results page you could have checkboxes of the questions that need to match yes or no, then use a selector to match the page(s) with the most matches. Any other ideas are welcomed and most appreciated ?
  14. @teppo yes, that's the exact issue. Thank you for pointing me to that - I'm not alone, haha.
  15. Is anyone experiencing an issue creating a field using FieldtypeFile? I'm getting the following error: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get() on null in wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeFile/config.php:60 PW Version 3.0.170
  16. @kongondo This is looking phenomenal. Amazing work. I would gladly get involved in the Alpha release if possible, with great pleasure!! This is most exciting. Made my morning! Haha.
  17. Nice I’ll purchase this in the morning me thinks. A very nice extension of functionality. Good work chaps!
  18. @teppo and that's done it!! Thank you. Weirdly when I tested the output of $page->getUnformatted('title') earlier with an echo I got no output, but now I am. Thank you again for your help, time, expertise and all. Being the weekend too! ?
  19. Hey @teppo! Thanks for your input. Yeah, I've tried that also. No joy.
  20. I'm having a bit of a problem with a selector: pages()->get("template=blog-post,blog_categories.title=$page->title,sort=-publish_from,images>0"); The selector works for all pages however this page's title is Women's Team and the category page title is also Women's Team. If I change the selector to: pages()->get("template=blog-post,blog_categories.title=Women's Team,sort=-publish_from,images>0"); It works as expected. Is this expected with apostrophes? I thought apostrophes were acceptable in selector string queries? Thanks in advance.
  21. @ryan Well thank you again for all your efforts. It really is a massively useful feature! I still feel like it's worth a bit extra.
  22. @ryan Are you going to put a donate button up for that so people can tip you for your time?!! I'd be happy to pay something extra towards this on top of FormBuilder. I'm certain many others would too.
  23. getImages is pulling in videos as well as images. To check this, I've output the item type in loop and the videos items are showing as images. I'm running latest version of PW and InstagramBasicDisplayAPI v 1.4.2
  24. @MoritzLost IGNORE ME... Jeeeez. I'm having a meltdown today. Heavy weekend ? Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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