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Everything posted by houseofdeadleg

  1. Hi all, it's been a while since I've had to make a new PW site, normally it's a piece o' cake, but I'm getting a load of different errors this time round. I've tried bit teh Master and Dev downloads, and each time I get an error "Unable to determine if Apache mod_rewrite (required by ProcessWire) is installed. On some servers, we may not be able to detect it until your .htaccess file is place. Please click the 'check again' button at the bottom of this screen, if you haven't already." on teh compatibility check screen. I've tried ignoring this, changing the htaccess file, nothing clears the error. When using an old site profile I also get loads of missing table errors, even though the tables are definitely there. I presume this is related to the above mod_rewrite error – SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'xxx' doesn't exist. I did manage to get a blank profile to install, but even then I couldnt access the admin at all. Any help would be much appreciated. I have searched the forum and found a couple of similar errors mentioned, but nothing in those threads made anyt difference.
  2. I've tried installing this module, get a success message, checkboxes are added to the user profiles, but there are no configuration options. The folder is the modules directory on the server but it doesnt show in the Processwire admin pages anywhere. Have I missed something or is this one no longer functioning? EDIT: Managed to get it installed properly - TextformatterTagParser was needed as a dependency but wasn't flagged anywhere. ALl seems to be installed properly now, but the alerts aren't sent out.
  3. Would love to try this module as my site's very image heavy, but is there any alternative way to install it without having to use Composer?
  4. I have this module implemented on a website and all works well. It currently outputs popups as per the attached image – the first line is generated by the module/options but I can't seem to override it in any way. The map pull sin information from it's child pages, and the title in the pop up links to the child page, but I want to change this so it links to the company's website instead (as per the url further down the pop-up). I've tried changing the 'markerLinkField' / 'markerTitleField' options, leaving them blank, etc but that either displays as per the attached or stops the pop up working. Any thoughts much appreciated.
  5. @adrian settings info is below. I've just noticed, after reading through a few other recent posts, that I don't seem to have the field pairing options – something that would be really useful. {"BatchChildEditor":{"version":"1.8.20","settings":{"enabledTemplates":[],"enabledPages":[],"configurablePages":[],"editModes":["edit","add","update","replace","export"],"defaultMode":"edit","overwriteNames":"","allowOverrideOverwriteNames":"","disableContentProtection":"","allowTemplateChanges":"","allowAdminPages":"","trashOrDelete":"trash","listerDefaultSort":"sort","listerColumns":["title","path","modified","modified_users_id"],"defaultFilter":"","listerConfigurable":null,"csvOptions":["upload"],"csvOptionsCollapsed":[],"csvImportFieldSeparator":",","csvImportFieldEnclosure":"\"","ignoreFirstRow":"","importMultipleValuesSeparator":"|","newImageFirst":"","allowOverrideCsvImportSettings":"","csvExportFieldSeparator":",","csvExportFieldEnclosure":"\"","csvExportExtension":"csv","columnsFirstRow":1,"exportMultipleValuesSeparator":"|","formatExport":"","allowOverrideCsvExportSettings":"","position":"newTab","insertAfterField":false,"removeChildrenTab":1,"loadOpen":null,"openMethod":"normal","tabName":"Batch Child Editor","editModeTitle":"Edit Child Pages","editModeDescription":"You can edit the page titles, sort, delete, add new, or edit pages in a modal popup.","editModeNotes":"","listerModeTitle":"List Child Pages","listerModeDescription":"View child pages in a Lister interface.","listerModeNotes":"","addModeTitle":"Add Child Pages","addModeDescription":"Editing this field will add all the child page titles listed here to the existing set of child pages.","addModeNotes":"Each row is a separate page.\n\nYou can also use CSV formatted lines for populating all text/numeric fields on the page, eg:\n\"Bolivia, Plurinational State of\",BO,\"BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF\",BOL,68","updateModeTitle":"Update Child Pages","updateModeDescription":"Editing this field will update the field values of the pages represented here.","updateModeNotes":"WARNING: If you use this option, the content of all fields in existing pages will be replaced.\n\nEach row is a separate page.\n\nYou can also use CSV formatted lines for populating all text/numeric fields on the page, eg:\n\"Bolivia, Plurinational State of\",BO,\"BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF\",BOL,68","replaceModeTitle":"Replace Child Pages","replaceModeDescription":"Editing this field will replace all the child page titles represented here.","replaceModeNotes":"WARNING: If you use this option, all the existing child \\ProcessWire\\pages(and grandchildren) will be deleted and new ones created.\n\nEach row is a separate page.\n\nYou can also use CSV formatted lines for populating all text/numeric fields on the page, eg:\n\"Bolivia, Plurinational State of\",BO,\"BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF\",BOL,68","exportModeTitle":"Export Child Pages","exportModeDescription":"Creates a CSV file with one row for each child page.","exportModeNotes":"","uninstall":"","submit_save_module":"Submit"}}} I can't share the csv file I'm afraid.
  6. I've just tried exporting some pages and I'm getting the same error as above in the exported csv file. Then when I try and reimport the csv it's only importing the first line of the csv file. I've tried uninstalling/resinstalling the module but to no effect.
  7. @nbcommunication seems to have sorted it, got it up and running. Cheers:)
  8. I've installed this module, gone through the directions, generated my token, etc, but when I come to try and add the account I get an error message – "InstagramBasicDisplayApi: Could not add user account".
  9. Yeah, I've tried that, didn't make any difference. It's adding the iframe to the template but not adding the html to the frame, so there's a big gap where the form should be. There aren't any multi-language options enabled on the site. Also, when I delete modules i get the error message - Failed to delete module xxx. Is this a sign all is not well with this site?
  10. Hi all, I've been using Form Builder on my current website for quite a while, I'm taking a bit of time while we're on lockdown to think about a new version. I've taken the old site and started playing around and I've noticed that all of a sudden, on this new site the embed methods A & B don't output anything, but C & D are fine. On the existing site A& B still work perfectly. I've not changed anything in the template outputting the form. There is an error message being logged – Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function __() in /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/templates/form-builder.php:67. Any thoughts on what might have changed/caused this?
  11. I've just updated this to version 1.0.4 on an existing site and suddenly I'm getting the message "The Redirect From URL already exists as a page path. Redirect not added." whenever I try and add a redirect and there's no existing redirect there.
  12. Looking a bit closer at this, it looks like it's just Chrome on an Android mobile, desktop sees to be OK now. Every other browser I've tried is fine.
  13. I updated to the latest version of this module today and I've just noticed that it doesn't appear to be working when looking at my site using Chrome, Firefox is fine though, still working as expected – http://houseofdeadleg.co.uk/contact/
  14. Is it possible to use Leaflet's layer groups with this module? I have three pages, each containing a map, each one showing a different kind of data. I'd like to be able to have one map that shows all three types of data with the ability to turn layers on and off, each type being a different layer. I'm thinking that the best way to do this is going to be by using the module to handle the backend, geocoding the data in the relevant pages/child pages, but using plain Leaflet.js to output the data on the front-end. Any other thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated though.
  15. Sorry, I meant to put something else as well and forgot. To clarify: On the two sites I'm looking at/comparing – Site 1 – live site is PW 3.0.61 with module 2.8.1, local is PW 3.0.98 with module 3.0.2 Site 2 – live site is PW 3.0.62 with module 3.0.2, local is PW 3.0.98 with module 3.0.2 For site 1 the leaflet module works perfectly on live and local, site 2 the module doesn't work on either, even though the local site versions are exactly the same. Hopefully that's a bit clearer.
  16. A quick query on this module if anyone might be able to shed some light. I have a staging site running PW 3.0.61 and version 2.8.1 of this module, but in the field settings page I'm getting a "Error geocoding address" message. I also have a local version of the same site, running PW 3.0.98 and version 3.0.3 of the module (from the latest branch on Github – upgrading in the PW admin didn't seem to give the latest version), giving the exact same error. Nothing seems to be being blocked from executing. I also have another two sites using different versions of PW and the module, and they're all working perfectly – I can't see any difference in the way they're set-up. There's a console error as well: Source map error: request failed with status 404 Resource URL: http://xxxxxx/wire/templates-admin/styles/AdminTheme.css?v=14k Source Map URL: AdminTheme.css.map[Learn More]
  17. Ah. Bugger. Yes, I'm on a Mac. I'll have to look into that then. Any ideas how to (if it can be?) resolve it?
  18. I'm having this same error. I've exported an existing live site and recreated it locally with PW 3.0.116 to do some experimenting, but on the upgrades page I get this error, and the site doesn't display images correctly. Any help would be much appreciated.
  19. I'm not sure if this is best in here or in the Modules/Plugins section – I've just been doing some general housekeeping on a site that's nearing the end of development. I deleted some fields that were no longer in use and afterwards I get an error when I try to open certain templates – Error: Call to a member function getInputfield() on a non-object (line 222 of /var/www/xxxxxx/wire/modules/Fieldtype/FieldtypeRepeater/InputfieldRepeater.module) Form the error it's related to a repeater in the template, but the problem templates all have 3 repeater fields in common, so it could be anyone of them that's causing the problem. Is there any way to find out which one it might be, how can I fix the error, and what might have caused it? Update Managed to fix the errors by using the "Check field data" checkbox at the bottom of the suspected problem field Action tabs. One of the fields had a load of redundant rows in the database, deleting them seems to have done the trick.
  20. After a bit of further work, I'm now getting a parse error – Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting ')' (line 284 of /var/www/xxxxxx/site/modules/MarkupTwitterFeed/MarkupTwitterFeed.module) The line in question is – $linkHtml = str_replace(['{href}', '{url}'], [wire('sanitizer')->entities($u['expanded_url']), $u['display_url']], $options['listItemLink']);
  21. @jean-luc I've installed your fork of the module but am having a couple of issues with getting it to display correctly. Using the Specifying options example: I can't get images from Twitter to display. If I try Or you can iterate the feed rather to generate your own markup... I get an error – Error: Exception: Method MarkupTwitterFeed::renderItem does not exist or is not callable in this context (line 519).
  22. I'm currently developing a site using this module and I've struck a couple of issues that I'm stuck on. Firstly: I have a page showing office locations and I have it set up so that each office is a repeater including a Leaflet map using this module. In the back-end the map tiles don't display properly and in the front-end only the second item's map displays. Secondly: I have a map that displays multiple markers for scientific studies around the world. For this I have it set up so each trial is a child of the map page. All the markers get displayed correctly but I can't get the popup to display correctly. After every paragraph and between every list item it's adding a <br/> tag which spaces everything out too much. Also I'd like to remove the link to the child page on the title, however any attempt I've made so far has made it so the popup won't open. Any help with these two issues would be greatly appreciated. Update: I managed to remove the <br/> tags by modifying line 252 in MarkupLeafletMap.module from $popup = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $popup); to $popup = str_replace("\n", '', $popup); And removed the title link by modifying a line in MarkupLeafletMap.js from marker.bindPopup("<b><a href='" + marker.linkURL + "'>" + title + "</a></b>" + extra); to marker.bindPopup("<h4>" + title + "</h4>" + extra);
  23. There's something strange going on. If I remove all css that affects the links they still don't work if I try to click on them, however they open fine if I right click and open them in a new window/tab. If I use ghost css for example, they work straight away, on click and right-click.
  24. Yeah, already checked all that, all the output is fine, nothing over the top that's getting in the way. The link previews, the cursor changes on hover, just won't click through.
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