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Everything posted by houseofdeadleg

  1. houseofdeadleg

    New Logo

    Also, I noticed on the About page, when hovering over an item in the side navigation, when you move to a different item the a line of chevron/arrows appears over the whole item (hope that makes sense, can't screenshot it as its only for a split second).
  2. I've just resubmitted mine to tidy up the image. I'd cropped it, etc but must have uploaded the wrong one.
  3. Had a quick play with 2.4 at work today and I liked it, love the new installation screens/options for saving time setting up config, etc. I tried it out when I got home as well and it broke, think my MAMP needs updating. Incidentally, I'd love to be able to contribute more but I'm sure there's many on here who are much better at coding than me. I am however quite good with images/graphics and the like, so if I can help with that side at all just let me know.
  4. I've just recently made a few updates to my site, the main one of which is the addition of a blog/sketchbook area – http://www.houseofdeadleg.co.uk/blotter/ – that makes use of the comments fieldtype (thanks to all the forum posts on the subject).
  5. You may already be aware of this, but apparently Isotope has a memory leak which the original developer's failed to address. More details and a fix are https://github.com/khiltd/isotope-leak-free
  6. I had to add a few classes to the masthead section to make it resize correctly at smaller sizes as well, but otherwise its looking pretty good so far.
  7. Eureka! Fixed it. When I created the preview field on the live site I forgot to set it to contain a single file rather than an array.
  8. I've just made a few minor updates to the site (next/previous page arrows on image pages, removed the currently viewed item from the Masonry grid, updated to latest version of Processwire) which have all been uber easy to implement. I also made one more change that works perfectly on my local machine, but when uploaded to the server it's suddeny stopped working. One of the items on the site is an animated gif, but when the thumbnail image that appears in the masonry grid is created it breaks the gif and shows only the first frame (in this case a rectangle of plain green). What I'd like is for the animation to show in the grid. My first thought was to detect if the page image was a gif, and then display the original file in the grid if this was the case, instead of creating a thumbnail. There are a number of drawback to this aproach, but I couldn't get it to work anyway so... Instead I decided to create an extra field for a preview image. If the image is an animated gif I create the full size image, then a smaller version to use as the preview. If a preview image exists this is used instead of generating a thumbnail. This works perfectly on my local setup, however on the live site it isn't returning the correct path to the image. Any ideas why this might be?
  9. Hi Matthew, thank you for the kind comments I was thinking about doing something with the menu button t'other night, and possibly a few other bits I might change when I get chance, I'll have a look into using steady links instead when I have a play with it. @owzim Yeah, the buttons are on the list for an update too:)
  10. Thanks Kongondo, I've just added it to the showcase thread as well:) I couldn't see any kind of introductions-type thread so I thought Id just get stuck right in instead.
  11. I've recently updated my website. This is the first site I've made in it – although I have one other that's in progress (which unfortunately may never be used) – and compared to the process of making a site in something like Wordpress it was far simpler and quicker, and is much cleaner, easier and streamlined for updating, etc. It's a fairly simple site made with Twitter Bootstrap, Masonry.js and making use of the Dribbble API, with the aim of letting the images do the talking.
  12. False alarm, the error must've been at the host's end, it's back up and running now.
  13. Hi guys, I've just visited my site at www.houseofdeadleg.co.uk and received the error above. The site was fine yesterday, I changed some page content through the back end and added a link to a file and everything was working afterwards. I've had a quick look at the error log and it says - Exception: DB connect error 2002 - Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) (in /.../wire/core/ProcessWire.php line 96) - so it looks like it suddenly can't connect to the database. So any advice on what to do next would be greatly appreciated, thanks, SImon
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