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Nico Knoll

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Everything posted by Nico Knoll

  1. Update 0.5.0: This version is not compatible with further releases (and still beta). https://github.com/NicoKnoll/MarkupSEO/blob/master/MarkupSEO.module I did a lot of changes and almost wrote the complete code new. Here are some main changes: Use normal fields instead of custom solution (this allows multilanguage and may prevents some compatibility problems) Added Twitter Cards Added an "Author" option Added a "title format" option (and a way to disable auto include of title) Rewrote most of fields descriptions Custom meta tags have to have a special format now + sanitizer for security (it's self explaining in the module itself) Fixed all issues You have to choose which templates should have a SEO tab instead of excluding now Let me hear what you think. And merry christmas
  2. Hey, new version is almost finished and is going to be released in an hour I guess. Most of your issues should be solved in this And the image field is used for open graph and twitter cards. And I normally do _stuff for tabs to but I thought it might be a little bit better to have the same schema for all of the seo fields that get generated automatically (and it's easier to delete them afterwards)
  3. At the moment it will create the following fields: seo_tab seo_tab_END seo_title seo_keywords seo_description seo_custom seo_image Maybe there are one or two fields that will follow. And it's going to be expandable. So each field starting with seo_ will be interpreted as extension. More to this when the new version is finished
  4. So I think I'm going to change MarkupSEO back to creating "real" fields. This will allow multilanguage and has some other benefits as this module is used by a lot of you lately.
  5. I think the best way is to add both and let the feedreader decide which to show (take a look at the rss feed WP generates - they do it this way).
  6. Create a home.php template file and just add something like "<?php echo $pages->get('/about/')->render(); ?>" so you will your about page and your home page be completely identical. Or you adjust your "Home" page in the page tree to be your about page
  7. @dan1: Try to follow the Troubleshooting guide: https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/troubleshooting-guide/page3 This should solve your URL problem
  8. Where is $city coming from? Do you added a hook to "city" or do you use something like $city = $modules->get('MarkupWeather'); $city->setId('1234'); ? (I would prefer the second one)
  9. I guess that's not possible because of security.
  10. It's really easy actually. Just do the following for every installation (of course you have to secure it a lot more): 1. Create a new template called "api" 2. create a new page called "api" using that template -> Now you can open http://yoursite.com/api/ In the template file api.php you can for example process post or get parameters. Example: http://yoursite.com/api/?action=addPage And in your template file you have: if($_GET['action'] == "addPage") { // create page via api } And so on.
  11. So you have one database for three PW installations? I think that wouldn't work because of the different asset folder contents. But I guess you should use something like this module, which enables you kind of external access to the api: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/service-pages/
  12. I think it's not the rise of the dollar but the fall of the ruble... But maybe you can just write a PM to ryan and I think he will understand this and may give you a discount
  13. @Joss: Exactly what I was thinking
  14. Sorry for disappointing you.. I changed it to alpha. I tested it with some jpgs I uploaded on my local PW installation and there everything worked fine. I'll take care of the points you mentioned and update this post here afterwards.
  15. @horst: I updated it with most of your suggestions included. It's now possible to get the whole data by using image->exif->full/raw/all (one of them, but all will work). It's also possible to get EXIF data directly (take a look here: L37). The priority is "custom" (generated by the module) > "EXIF" > "IFD0" > "FILE". (It's easier to understand by just looking at the code ) @soma: Nice! I just did a quick research by entering "EXIF" in the modules manager and haven't found any modules back then, so I think I missed yours...
  16. --- ALPHA WARNING --- Hey, today I'm going to release a module which especially is nice for photographers I guess: ImageEXIF (it's in the module repository). What does it do? This module the EXIF data of an image to it's object. There are some aliases (e.g. "exposureTime" and "tv") and unformatted values (e.g. "focalLengthUnformatted") included. Example for which EXIF data get's added: How to use (example): <?php $image = $page->images->first(); echo 'ISO: '.$image->EXIF->iso; // $image->exif->iso would work, too ?> Did I forget some important data? Other wishes?
  17. I guess repeaters aren't working? Or am I wrong?
  18. Have you checked file permission of the assets folder? Should be really high I think. (Btw.: I marked this as solved. Feel free to mark as unsolved again if Dave's fix should stop working )
  19. FieldtypeSelect ProcessPageDelete ProFields and ProCache (at least included in case I should need them) AdminThemeReno Language Field Tabs I think I'm going to add the following to my default installation: Pagetree Add New Childs Reverse Page Edit Soft Lock XML sitemap My SEO module FomSaveReminder ​P.S.: Really interesting topic.
  20. Is this module in the core? If not, it should be (even if uninstalled by default) because it makes it easy to update the site and only an updated site is a safe site
  21. Could you add this as an issue on github? And what site_name have you defined in the module's settings?
  22. Was a really nice evening
  23. @kixe: Maybe add check to prevent that this will be overwritten. $page->of(false); if($page->CustomFieldModified == '') $page->set('CustomFieldModified', $page->modified); if($page->CustomFieldCreated == '') $page->set('CustomFieldCreated', $page->created); $page->save();
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