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Everything posted by Macrura

  1. I was also slightly concerned about this module using such a generic module class. I also have a module Dashboard, but i use the Process prefix, as well as sometimes a suffix, so i now use ProcessDashboards (because my module allows for unlimited dashboards), or something like ProcessDashboardRedux; I like how @bernhard uses a custom element in his modules (Rock..) which also ensures uniqueness...
  2. I would try switching to a different admin theme and see if it still happens. It seems like the theme has been modified, so hard to tell what the issue is. Also, this could be related to permissions.
  3. as far as I can tell Templates do not support tagging in the same way as the fields, there is no "manage tags" button, and no executeTags() method in ProcessTemplate.
  4. none, i don't do any sync, especially on sites where the database is being changed/updated on the live site. But there may be forum topics that explain various ways to do it.
  5. Hey! Just chiming in here – i've done a ridiculous number of (~25) site migrations recently (mass exodus from bad hosting) and simply copied the entire web directory over, and have not had any issues, so for anyone reading this, might clarify that you do not need to run Duplicator, or re-install the CMS, to move or deploy a site. In fact for many sites on shared hosting with larger files directories, duplicator could time out. The simplest way to move a site is to compress the web directory either using the command line, or e.g. cPanel compress command; This in combination with downloading the database of course, and changing the credentials in the config on the target server.
  6. For anyone using this (not many i guess), I have updated the module for compatibility with newer versions of PHP. https://github.com/outflux3/TextformatterBBCode More info at the repo, but in short, this uses the new Vanilla Forums maintained version of Nbbc. The module is also PW 3.x only, as it uses namespaces. One item of possible interest to module developers in this version is the use of the composer file loader (https://github.com/Wilkins/composer-file-loader) which allows the vendor folder to be loaded without any modification, and without needing to use Composer, sort of an on-the-fly package loader... TL;DR: With any newer version of PHP, and where the current/old version of module is instantiated, the following error was occurring. PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; BBCodeLexer has a deprecated constructor in .../site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TextformatterBBCode/nbbc.php:67
  7. this also does bring up whether the settings should be always processed on every admin page load, or if the settings loading should be skipped in admin;
  8. So the issue is simply that in multilanguage environments, it seems to behave differently; all you need to do is change the value from "0" to an empty string and it should solve this. I will update the kitchen sink example to fix this in multilang environs. it should be pointed out that what this module really does is to basically use all core functions for rendering the fields; So in this case the issue was really stemming from how the field was being defined, and we didn't catch it because we didn't test the kitchen sink file in multilang.
  9. strange that you'd be running SF 1.0.3 as the 1.0.4 version has been out for over a year- can you double check it is version 1.0.4? This is the 2nd report of this issue, and i have not been able to reproduce it – are you using the kitchen sink JSON or PHP version (shouldn't matter though). If I can reproduce this, i think it can be fixed - but i'm not clear where to look; I guess once you confirm it is 1.0.4, or upgrade to that, if the problem persists, i will keep trying; I'm running tests on PHP 7.3.1, PW 3.0.148, MySQL 5.7.25
  10. on a side note, I was able to create dependent selects using 2 selectize fields, where the options available in the 2nd select dynamically changed based on the selection in the first field. Maybe this topic is relevant...
  11. i agree here with this – i actually tried to add an array of panels first before I realized you had to do each panel on a different call..
  12. Macrura

    Aaron Copland

    @HMCB, thanks! So the datepicker itself is nothing fancy, it's just a style-matched version of Calendario https://tympanus.net/Development/Calendario/index2.html In Calendario, you just setup a JSON array of the events, and init the plugin with JS. The link on each date is to a URLSegment which then is processed via the API to get the events for that date. The URL segment logic was tricky because there are events with series dates (using a ProFields Table) which also need to be accounted for, but the beauty of the PW api is that it only took maybe 20 lines of code for all of the event fetching logic for single date calls. ---- also wanted to say thanks for the mention on the blog, newsletter, and SOTW! ? ---- and the SkyscrapersTurbo™ Profile is well underway, featuring rangesliders for all numeric attributes (Year, Floors, Height) and architect filter. So this version is is possible to narrow down results for very specific combinations.
  13. @Vigilante, testing this now, but not seeing any problems here with the kitchen sink file, either PHP or JSON version. if i do remove the http:// from the URL field, i do get the notice, but only once. In terms of the email address, the browser validation won't let me enter an invalid email address, can you post the email address you put in that field?
  14. @Vigilante, sorry to hear about that; Probably best to just remove those 2 fields from the kitchen sink file. I'll run a test here to see if those are caused by any recent changes in the fields or admin. Also, FYI, the reason those show up everywhere is that settings are stored in module config and those do load in the admin; So for example if you have invalid JSON you may see an error everywhere....
  15. bump problem - still breaks all javascript on websites when using latest version, module is unusable now... sites going down...
  16. thanks - and i guess the version file needs to be updated (?).. this is working well for me; I have my own dashboard module, but it uses templates, pages and fields, and is thus cumbersome for smaller/low budget sites. My dashboard module uses AdminLTE, so it has stuff like collapsible panels with state recall; For some of the more complex panels like Formbuilder entries, etc, i'll just build custom panels and hook into this module. Thanks again for building this! This is very extensible, looks and works great, and seems like it will be a very popular module! Here's the dashboard i just threw together...
  17. thanks for the fixes/new stuff! only issue - seems with latest version, it loads Dashboard.css into the whole admin, not just the process...
  18. Macrura

    Aaron Copland

    thanks, will give it a try
  19. Macrura

    Aaron Copland

    possibly the easiest way might be for me to get the skyscrapers demo database and then just build the Datatables version of the demo site, skyscrapers list with all of the instant filtering, and the addition of the rangeslider. I'll see if i can get hold of the data, set it up and put on GH.
  20. thanks @d'Hinnisdaël so i have this working on a site, but i have a question about the shortcuts, how do you make a shortcut to a custom URL, like say a module edit screen, or even an external URL? Also, how did you get the icon for the Profile to not be a bookmark? Lastly, I noticed that I had to put the hooks in ready.php, they weren't working in admin.php for some reason... Also, i think there needs to be a fix for the loading of the module only in admin, may be loading stuff in $config without checking if admin and frontend that use $config->styles might be picking those up (i'm getting errors as i have modules that put css/js into $config only for front end)...
  21. @bernhard, many thanks for trying out the module, and for your suggestions and feedback! I will see about implementing the suggestions, especially linking to the Github and Forum topics for anyone who installs it, so that it is easier to grasp how to use it. I'm also hoping to test out the ImageReference field within this and then post example screenshots showing an even more kitchen sink setup, with images etc. Not directly related to your post, but responding more to the general consensus on where and how to create settings pages: I found this module to be most useful in the past couple of years for things like: - Site Schema for a person or business (the fields basically follow the schema.org items; See screenshots below) - Settings for various custom implementations - e.g. api keys, urls, enable/disable features, etc. -- on one site we use this to enable the site manager to choose which comment system to use (Disqus, Facebook etc), and then put in various settings if using Disqus (user id etc) - Theme settings, like you might find on a WordPress theme, stuff like colors, what type of global footer to use, logo selections (using page refs), site title, slogan. It is also a good way to have settings for any custom code you are doing without having to write a module...
  22. Macrura

    Aaron Copland

    sure, here is the page table; the fields on any given section are just like title, headline, body, images, page select, section options etc, plus "section type". Some sections have no configuration. The slider section allows the user to select which slides to show; the slides themselves are stored in a central media library, and the settings for any slide are stored with the media item. Sections with images have a field to select the media item to use for the image, or upload an image. For a site like this, every image needs to be cleared and licensed, so the media library provides that functionality, with fields for license type, photopgrapher, sources etc. I'm not using the MicroContexts on this site; that module is now called "Page Field Contexts", and it enables template contexts based on Page Field values. It's a super simple, yet effective module and I'm using it on several sites. https://github.com/outflux3/PageFieldContexts
  23. Macrura

    Aaron Copland

    I wanted to do a search like Ryan has for the PW site, and might switch over to something like that anyway if i can figure it out. The results really should be sorted into separate lists with headings, which makes it the most user friendly. But the ajax/TT search that I implemented was done as a sort of pro-bono sub project, for my own amusement, and as such i could only go so far with it before it taking up too much time... Hoping to work on a replacement for it or improvements during the support months coming up... yes the colors and icons do mean something, but i don't know if you can have a tooltip on an already hovered item, seems like hover inception-ish...
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