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Everything posted by Macrura

  1. have you tried using the default htaccess file, that PW ships with?
  2. if the tape doesn't look right you might also have to use this css: .tape * { box-sizing: content-box; } the next version will have that in the tape css file..
  3. once you eliminate the errors, if you want to use that player on a page, for now you'll need to manually insert this code in the header, until i can update the module to insert that; I probably had a cached copy of the swf player on my old dev machine which is why it worked without that.. once the module is updated, then it will insert that code into the header when you have a cassette on the page.. <script type='text/javascript'> var swfUrl = '/site/modules/TextformatterSoundmanager/soundmanager2/swf/'; </script>
  4. swfUrl needs to be defined, since that particular player requires flash; but the strange thing is this used to work on my local but is not currently working; i will check and see if there is some way of getting it to work again... also on your page jquery isn't loading, because of Blocked loading mixed active content
  5. The admin search is JqueryUI Autocomplete. http://api.jqueryui.com/autocomplete/ there are some Extension Points such as _renderMenu and _renderItem that are using some custom logic to return the required markup. (look at the AdminThemeUikit/scripts/main.js, as well as the _search-form.php. It does work well and looks nice, but can achieve the same basic look and functionality for a front end site with possibly less work using typeahead.js and with the Bloodhound using local storage, it could mean for faster lookups.
  6. sounds familiar; I switched some sites over to a KnownHost VPS and so far it has been good. I can definitely say that their support is great, any support ticket is answered very rapidly, and this applies to both VPS and for their shared hosting plans.
  7. i just use a function to output the code from realfavicongenerator function favicons($options = []) { $defaults = array( 'appleColor' => '#4d9db4', 'msColor' => '#da532c', 'themeColor' => '#ffffff', 'path' => null ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $folder = 'site/templates/favicons/'; if($options['path']) $folder = $options['path']; $folderUrl = wire('config')->urls->root . $folder; $filePath = wire('config')->paths->root . $folder; if(!is_dir($filePath)) return; $out = <<<OUT <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="{$folderUrl}apple-touch-icon.png"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{$folderUrl}favicon-32x32.png" sizes="32x32"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{$folderUrl}favicon-16x16.png" sizes="16x16"> <link rel="mask-icon" href="{$folderUrl}safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="{$options['appleColor']}"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{$folderUrl}favicon.ico"> <link rel="manifest" href="{$folderUrl}site.webmanifest"> <meta name="msapplication-config" content="{$folderUrl}browserconfig.xml"> <meta name="theme-color" content="{$options['themeColor']}"> OUT; return $out; }
  8. you might be misunderstanding this. Context help for templates means you need to add a template select field to the page holding the content to be shown on that template. Notice how you are missing that whole setting - you need the fieldtype, then the field and add it to the doc page template, then select the template where to show the doc.
  9. i understand it may be more work, but as far as i know there is no way to magically create virtual admin process pages on the fly, each 'page' in the admin that you want to be viewable and access controlled needs to have a real page.
  10. you need 1 process page for each displayable doc page.
  11. @jmartsch (1) did you select a page to display and is the field containing the content populated on that selected page? yes, it is, but you'll need the other module, called ContextHelpTemplate, and that module can work with PD https://github.com/outflux3/ContextHelpTemplate
  12. did you set the enclosure field in the module settings; i know the module says you can set it from the api, just wondering what effect that has; also make sure the feed is not cached...
  13. one of the great things about ui-kit is the namespacing; you always know which classes are controlled by uikit, and if you namespace your custom css/overrides it's clean and easy to see what's going on...
  14. yes, you need to enable URL Segments on the homepage. then, if you do the hook, when you click "View Page" from the editor, it should go to the new URL off the root. So if you have a page that is posts/name-of-page, that would now be /name-of-page
  15. I use DBPowerAmp for ripping, there are a lot of advantages to using that, it handles cover art fetching very well, and the accurate rip is also very useful
  16. sure, no worries, i wish i did know how to do it, but we've never had the need for that yet, but it may be required in a project soon..
  17. i haven't integrated PW with Foxy, in terms of users..
  18. also depends on the type/scope of the site – in a vast majority of websites, the page tree is probably irrelevant, esp. when editing a page. But UiKit Admin Theme the page tree is a mouse hover away. Most sites i build now the users interact only with a custom dashboard and listers.
  19. Ok cool, thanks, I just realized i can't install on those sites because it basically tanks the whole site, even the front end...
  20. yes, will test later today. the sites with the error are all running 5.6; the sites running 7.x seem to work ok with past 0.9.4
  21. not sure, this just happens when i try and install the new version; It may be something to do with the settings? I always uninstall the 0.8.7 and then do a clean install of the 0.9.4; then i noticed the upgrade, ran that from the upgrades module and got this screen, so i'm not interacting with the module, but i could try clearing out everything int he AdminCustomFiles folder and see if that helps..
  22. I can't seem to go past 0.9.4, i always get this error screen of death:
  23. I did a samples cart using javascript/local storage and it works really well.
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