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Everything posted by Soma

  1. You need to add $events argument to your hook function I guess.
  2. 'Family care' returns result so maybe 'day' is a stop word or only 3 letters.
  3. Thx teppo. I'm not saying anything anymore.
  4. There is no argument to first() its always the first.
  5. Yes there was problem with top save button not saving but show page saved. It was fixed in 2.3. I think and there is tons of threads about it.
  6. Adrian what I don't like about that module is that it creates new templates/fields for every select created and not in a reusable way but maybe you want to reuse one. Is it possible as I also think it may good for others to keep it flexible.
  7. Just select radios as the input for the page field.
  8. Or simply use the getPage() method. $page = $event->object->getPage() https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageEdit/ProcessPageEdit.module#L1110
  9. The force shall be with you! Enough padawans there is not.
  10. Soma

    20.000 massages

    Too bad, WilllyC missed the 50'000th massages. Congrats PW!
  11. Quite old screenshot. It's in since maybe over a year?
  12. RT @teppokoivula: At the moment ProcessWire is in second place in Bitnami contest. If you'd like to see PW packaged by Bitnami, vote: http:…

  13. Up the memory max of php. That solves upload of larger files often. Also looking at console can help or server error logs. Sometimes php version also is a problem with 5.2.
  14. Modules Manager can't handle LanguagePacks, it just lists them but you can't install them. Maybe in future we could support that too. But I'm fearing too much work would be put into for something that may change to the better at some point. I'm also not very satisfied with current system of translation and versions etc of modules. I think there would be much better ways to manage, install, update etc with a more sophisticated system some sort of. Remember Modules Manager is still "alpha" proof of concept type module, doing the work for you downloading and putting manually things in place.
  15. Looks nicely put together, thanks! Make sure once its ready, to put it on modules.processwire.com. Small notice: $this->db->query($sql); Will be deprecated at some point in near future. $this->database is the new one that uses PDO in PW now.
  16. This viewable check is something done on runtime and not on db level. Here an example to do what you want: $excl_tpls = "template!="; foreach($templates as $tpl){ if($tpl->filenameExists()) continue; $excl_tpls .= "$tpl->name|"; } $excl_tpls = rtrim($excl_tpls,"|"); foreach($pages->find("parent=1, $excl_tpls") as $p){ $content .= "<p>{$p->title}</p>"; }
  17. I just voted for ProcessWire! Help get @processwire packaged by Bitnami. You can vote at http://t.co/5g6Tgsj5YK

  18. What I mean is you can render data of a page even if it has no template file. And what is wrong with excluding them by its template? Or in the find or when doing a foreach? What "obviously" doesn't work for other situations? if(!$p->viewable()) continue or simply by using template access "make" it not viewable? or by making them hidden in the tree? Then you could do a find and don't have them included.
  19. No just a example. Of course a module to create csv would be possible and cool, but some work required to make it flexible.
  20. Too simple to be a module, consider a script like this: $array = $pages->find("template=basic-page")->explode(function($item){ return array( 'id'=> $item->id, 'title' => $item->title ); }); $fp = fopen('file.csv', 'w'); foreach ($array as $fields) fputcsv($fp, $fields); fclose($fp); Note, $pagearray->explode() used here is only available in 2.4 (2.3 dev) http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/pagearray-wirearray/getting-items/a-explode/ And the anonymous functions requires php >= 5.3 http://php.net/manual/de/functions.anonymous.php
  21. A page with a template that has no template file doesn't implicate it's not visible. Maybe it's rendered via urlSegments etc. Or what do you mean with invisible? If it shouldn't be found you would make them hidden or don't give access via template access settings, then it won't be found.
  22. I don't think that's really possible with a db query and would if added add overhead. What if you just specify templates in the selector you know have a template file?
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