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Everything posted by Soma

  1. You can also just create a new admin page without this module. It would be a simple process module.
  2. RT @minimizepw: Say hello to minimize.pw - Our new, image compression module/service. for @processwire : https://t.co/GdwCLsl4pA

  3. Ryan, what about the behavior I'm getting that breaks the file protect system? Above post mine. I'll file an issue on github.
  4. Or maybe the Finns have no arms (hands).
  5. I figured this also. There seems to be a difference. Set filename then render and render then specify template file. Calling with render with that option seems to try see if its viewable and It's not. Thus the error... there's not file.. and attaching your template would come after that. Only my guess without study code.
  6. Ah just read end of post again.. mobile. So just to clarify. This hook only modifies the url returned from a $page->url. Not handle the request of that url. You only half way there. To catch that url which doesn't exist you would need enable url segments on home template and write a handler in template file. Check for first segment and if a name found render that page instead. For any other you throw a 404.
  7. Can you clarify 'not working' ? If you do echo a url of a page with the template what do you get? Also sometimes a exit; in your method can help see if its really getting called.
  8. Soma

    Hanna Code

    Just a little tip when working with hanna code. I for some project prefer to have the code on file system and not db. This can be achieved simply by including the php file in the hanna code. For example a Hanna code: include($config->paths->templates . "hannas/archive.php"); And have your Hanna code in archive.php.
  9. And have you installed it in core?
  10. This module is now in core languages module section and shouldn't be installed in site anymore!
  11. Do you save with the top save button?
  12. I make a lot of custom admin pages and don't need to change anything, it automaticly uses admin template.
  13. If rendertime is between 0.3 and 1.3 seconds for the same page? Then it's definately your server that is slowing down not ProcessWire. Could be the server being busy or the database connection is slow and latent. My guess it's a cheap shared server hosting? You could test a little more and maybe find more details, that you could tell the hoster. If they can't do anything I would change hoster.
  14. It's coming from ProcessWire also set in .htaccess. I'm not sure depends where you set your redirect rule. It would be at the top before processwire ones. If that's already the case, I think you'd maybe need a different rule to sort that out.
  15. RT @smllmp: All @processwire contest supporters: Remember sharing http://t.co/vIMcNavyC6 on G+ counts too! Also join http://t.co/FxJk9v7maz…

  16. You mean like here https://github.com/somatonic/AutoSave/blob/master/AutoSave.module
  17. I experienced (something like) this in Chrome Canary yes, but it seems gone.
  18. Templates -> Filters -> Show System Templates : look for "admin" template. Edit and go to -> "URLs" and look for https etc.
  19. Yepsi dev, ths is what I assumed with "current".
  20. Just to clarify things first. You have an actual page on your new domain that is newdomain.com/about/ ? First I wanted to mention that all urls in ProcessWire by default are with a trailing slash (unless you change template settings of this). And acessing newdomain.com/about will redirect you to /about/
  21. And what is your rendertime... ?? Just so you know a loading time of the html of 200-300ms is pretty fast and standard.
  22. Whats about hose strings to check? Yes those are coming from jQuery DataTables.
  23. You may want to consider file an issue on github, as that is reather seen by Ryan and easier to manage: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues?direction=desc&sort=created&state=open
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