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Adam Kiss

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Everything posted by Adam Kiss

  1. @Horst - it is more of my limited brainpower in this tropical heat, you've linked me to good content though. Thanks. @Kongondo - you're such a disappointment. --- On a more serious note, ->sort() works. But you can enter just one repeater field (not multiple, as I've tried, although that seems to be in the works, as @Ryan noted in the code ), and the field must exist (yeah, that one's on me).
  2. Hm, not only it does not help, I'm now even more confused. It seems that I could call something like $page->repeater->sort('value'), when exporting it, but… that doesn't work. (I realized that I can use sorting as well, don't need reordering) Bah. I hope Ryan/Soma/Kongondo will notice this.
  3. Hey everyone, Is there a way/have you ever tried to change order of repeater items (based on one of the repeater fields)? Thanks
  4. I don't understand a word (well one or two I do), but I love the yellow+blue+white combination. Nice.
  5. Moved this to module development, as it seems more appropriate.
  6. You should totally stop by at Bratislava… after all, it's like 50km from Vienna
  7. Teppo, you've just saved me some time, and my new favorite client some money. Great job! One thing though: have you have any idea how this impacts performance of the website? (not much I guess, but I'd better ask) `Thanks!
  8. Adam Kiss

    20.000 massages

    Because you are *still* responsible for half of that posts? Just kidding. Your work with documentation/wiki is wonderful.
  9. Nice. +1 for Instagram #hashtag – seems to work rather well for http://rollcall.unitedpixelworkers.com/
  10. I just created JSModule (or ModuleJS), which includes custom JS into the page load, and my Javascript modified the DOM, inserted the correct buttons and set callback for them. It would be somewhat more elegant, if I had the buttons that do stuff already included as a field, but this works as well, although the hooking code (I am inserting some shortcuts into each item of repeater field) is somewhat ugly.
  11. Well, thank you both! I solved it a different way, afterall, but this will sure come in handy in the future.
  12. Antti, how would I do it? I need to base it on some fieldtype, don't I?
  13. Hello, just a quick question: Is it possible to create inputfield without any db data? I'd like to create a field, that would take place in administration, but wouldn't actually have any data; it would just include some Javascript and show shortcuts to run it (read: I need multiple 'default' values and easy way to switch between them) Hope it makes sense, Adam
  14. I usually listen to a lot of rock/punk/metal (with a touch of rap / electro) but my hardcore programming music is this: https://youtu.be/YL6AU8bxm2g?t=37s I know.
  15. Fantastic theme; I was reluctant to give it a try, but I'm glad I did. I am not really sure whether this is issue of backwards compatibility, or forward compatibility, but there seems to be issue with WireTabs. They sport a FOUC fix, where every inputfield is hidden, until document.ready removes class 'fouc_fix' and everything is visible, and your theme doesn't have the remove trigger. I'm talking about this line: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/templates-admin/scripts/main.js#L54 I'm not sure how you could release this without it (mainly because I don't see any UI at all, just big grey rectangle), but I'd like to know whether this is something local, or does happen for anyone else.
  16. Also, shameless self-plug here: for even easier way to install, use & manage your Flourish install, checkout my new micro-module: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2756-libflourish-%E2%80%93-flourish-auto-loader-for-processwire/
  17. Flourish for ProcessWire v0.9.0 ProcessWire wrapper around the great http://flourishlib.com'>unframework Flourish. This module has the same version as the framework, so whenever update happens, your http://modules.processwire.com/modules/modules-manager/'>Modules Manager will pick up new version and update the framework to latest version (if you're into that!). Happy hacking. Note: You should checkout the short module's code to see what I consider to be the cleanest approach on how to include other libraries/frameworks into your PW websites. Github: https://github.com/adamkiss/LibFlourish Modules directory: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/lib-flourish/
  18. Is that ZURB's foundation? You could do a little write-up about that.
  19. Well, that wouldn't be true; because if they can't, then you also can't add children to the OLD pages using this children. Maybe something along the lines 'May users add children to pages using this template?'
  20. Yeah, I believe it's the case, I've just thought it doesn't matter to illustrate use of (int) with 'decimal' values
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