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First thing to check is if your $pages->get() call works at all. For example in the tracy console. You are using $pages->get() which will return a single Page object (or NullPage), so your ->first is wrong, i guess. Next, I think you can't use { } brackets inside { } brackets when you are outputting a string. This will NOT work: {var $item = $pages->get(2)} <a href="{$pages->get("name={$item->name}")->url}"> {$item->title} </a> This will work: {var $item = $pages->get(2)} {var $url = $pages->get("name={$item->name}")->url} <a href="{$url}"> {$item->title} </a> And this is what I'd recommend you to do: Create a Site.module.php in /site/modules/Site <?php namespace ProcessWire; // expose the site module as global site() function function site(): Site { return wire()->modules->get('Site'); } // module code class Site extends WireData implements Module { public static function getModuleInfo() { return [ 'title' => 'Site', 'version' => '0.0.1', 'summary' => 'Site Module', 'autoload' => true, 'singular' => true, 'icon' => 'bolt', 'requires' => [ 'RockMigrations>=3.34', ], ]; } } Then add the following method: public function getShowByArtist(Page $item) { return wire()->pages->get('template=concert-visuals|broadcast|music-videos, artist.name={$item->name}'); } Which cleans up your template a lot and will help you to write better (DRY) code, as you have one place to store the logic. If you need the same link url in another place of your website you simple call the same method and not copy paste the selector. If the selector changes over time (for example adding another template to the selector) all your links will still work by only updating one place in your code (and not many). <a href="{site()->getShowByArtist($item)->url}"> {$item->title} </a> Or even better use Custom Page Classes and add the getShowByArtist method directly to your $page object.3 points
I can confirm that this example code from the docs is working for me: $settings->add([ 'name' => 'showImages', 'label' => 'Show Items with Images', 'value' => $field->input('showImages', 'checkbox'), ]); $settings->add([ 'name' => 'noBackground', 'label' => 'Do not add blurred background behind images', 'value' => $field->input('noBackground', 'checkbox'), 'showIf' => 'showImages=1', ]); @FireWire your code example is working too in my case: $settings->add([ 'name' => 'image_location_horizontal', 'label' => 'Image Location', 'value' => $field->input('image_location_horizontal', 'select', [ '*right' => 'Right', 'left' => 'Left', 'center' => 'Center', ]), ]); $settings->add([ 'name' => 'body_location_vertical', 'label' => 'Body Location', 'value' => $field->input('body_location_vertical', 'select', [ '*above_feature' => 'Above Feature', 'below_feature' => 'Below Feature', ]), 'showIf' => 'image_location_horizontal=center', ]);2 points
I didn't know where the right place to share this was on the forums, so I'll post it here since it may be helpful to those getting started with ProcessWire hooks, or some experienced ProcessWire developers who might find them useful. Either way, dear reader, If someone already wrote it, why write it again? If you're someone with experience, feedback is welcome! If there are better or more efficient ways to do something, I would love being a student. Some of these may either address challenges that others have experienced as well or were inspired by the awesome community sharing their solutions. Kudos to all of the people out there helping all of us. If someone sees something that was solved elsewhere please share it in the comments to give credit. I have to make a disclaimer- these have worked for me and while most of them are ready to copy/paste, a few of them are going to need customization or tweaking to make them work for your use case. I don't currently have the resources (time) to provide a lot of support. Some of these were slightly rewritten or adapted for the examples. If you run into issues, the best thing to do is research the solution so that you know exactly what is happening in your application. If you adapt something, fix a bug, or address an edge case, it would be great if you can come back and share that. Be smart, if you're going to run hooks that modify or create data, run a DB backup first. This is the part where I say "I'm not responsible if your site blows up". I don't think that's possible, but do the right thing. There are dozens of hooks in the project I am sharing these from, and to manage that I created a file structure to handle this because there were far too many to put in one file and keeping the init.php and ready.php files clean really makes a huge difference in maintainability. Being able to jump between files by filename is a supremely efficient way to work as well. The filenames don't matter, they're there to identify the files and make it easy to locate/switch between them. Here's my approach to directory organization: /site - hooks -- HookUtils -- init -- lazy_cron -- ready - init.php - ready.php The ready.php file contents: <?php namespace ProcessWire; if(!defined("PROCESSWIRE")) die(); /** @var ProcessWire $wire */ // Import all ready hooks foreach (glob(__DIR__ . '/hooks/ready/*.php') as $hook) { require_once $hook; } The init.php file contents: <?php namespace ProcessWire; if(!defined("PROCESSWIRE")) die(); /** @var ProcessWire $wire */ // Import all init hooks foreach (glob(__DIR__ . '/hooks/init/*.php') as $hook) { require_once $hook; } // Import all LazyCron hooks, import after init hooks as there may be dependencies foreach (glob(__DIR__ . '/hooks/lazy_cron/*.php') as $hook) { require_once $hook; } Operational Hooks Here are some favorites. Sort items in a Repeater matrix when a page is saved This one helped sort RM items by a date subfield to help the user experience when editing pages. This implementation is configured to only fire on a specific template but can be modified to fire everywhere if modified to check that a field exists on the page being saved first. This was adapted from an answer here in the PW forum but can't find the original post, so I'm going to include it. If you're having issues getting items to sort the way you want, check out this post about natural sorting, which also works elsewhere in ProcessWire. Github Gist Automatically add a new child page when a page with a specific template is created This automatically creates a new child page and saves it when a page having a specific template is created. This also has the ability to show a message to the user in the admin when new page(s) have been created by this hook. It is also error safe by catching any potential exceptions which will show an informative error to the admin user and log the exception message. The messaging/logging operation is abstracted to a separate object to allow reuse if creating multiple pages. Github Gist Conditionally show the user a message while editing a page This one shows a message on a page with a specific template under specific conditions. May be page status, field value, type of user, etc. Visual feedback when editing complex pages can be very helpful, especially when an operation may or may not take place depending on factors like the values of multiple fields. This can reduce the amount of explanations needed on each field or training required for users to use a ProcessWire application. In my case, a message is shown if the state of a page indicates that another operation that is triggered by other hooks will or will not run, which is something that the user doesn't directly trigger or may not be aware of. Github Gist Show the user a message when viewing the page tree This is intended to display a message, warning, or error when the page tree is viewed, such as on login, but in this case executes any time the main page tree is viewed to provide consistent communication and awareness. In my case it displays if there is an activity page located under an "Uncategorized" page for an event. This is something that may be buried in the page hierarchy and not noticeable, but if an activity isn't categorized, then is isn't visible on the website, and if it's not visible on the website, people aren't seeing it or buying tickets. So having a persistent message can bring visibility to important but otherwise potentially unnoticed issues. Or you can just say hi and something nice. Github Gist Hook Enhancement - Fast user switching Hooks can run on triggers that vary widely. Some can and should be identified as those that are triggered by the current user, others may be more autonomous like executing via cron. There may be other hooks that are executed by a user that isn't logged in. Depending on the type of action and your need to identify or track it, switching from the current user to another user created specifically to handle certain tasks can be very helpful. ProcessWire tracks a number of things that are attributed to users- log entries note the user, the user that creates pages is stored, the user that last updated the page is stored, etc. You may want to know who did what when, or only take action if the last user that touched something was X and not Y. I created a separate user that has been provided only the specific permissions it needs to complete jobs that are triggered by hooks or crons. Creating a user with less permissions may also help prevent accidental behaviors, or at least help you be very intentional in determining what actions are delegated. Creating custom permissions is also useful. With a dedicated user I can see explicitly that the last update on some pages were made by an autonomous script that syncs information between the ProcessWire application and a third party platform. Github Gist - Fast user switcher Github Gist - Example of switching users in a hook Fast, powerful, and very (very) easy custom admin buttons I needed a way to add custom interactive buttons that had some specific requirements. Needs to be a button that can be clicked by the user and does something Can be conditionally shown to the user with an alternate message if that action is not available Needs to do something on the server and interact with ProcessWire Here's what that looked like for my application. The green "Refresh Activity" button in the top right. That's a custom button and you don't have to author an Inputfield module to get it. When a user clicks that button, it sends a request to the server with GET variables that are recognized in a hook, actions are taken, then a nice message indicating success or failure is shown to the user. To do this you'll need to install FieldtypeRuntimeOnly and create a new field. Following the documentation for that field, create a button with a URL to the current page with GET variables appended. Then create a hook that watches for the specific GET variable that executes if it's present. Shoutout to @Robin S for helping make short work of a potentially complex task. Note that the field code contains JS that handles the URL on page load. Since the hook is looking for a GET variable in the URL, using the back button or refreshing the page will cause the action to run twice. The JS in that example removes the entry from the browser history and also removes the GET parameter after the page loads if it's present. Github Gist - An example gist for the hook that handles the action Github Gist - An example of the FieldtypeRuntimeOnly code that is displayed and interacted with by the user. Automatically convert logged object or array data to JSON If you're using the outstanding Logs JSON Viewer (yet another great one by @Robin S module, then this hook makes for a thoroughly enjoyable logging experience. Using array or stdClass data when logging your values helps store additional information in an organized way Github Gist <?php $log->save('log_name_here', 'Regular string message'); // Remains a string $log->save('log_name_here', ['gets' => 'converted', 'to' => 'json']); $log->save('log_name_here', (object) ['is' => 'stdClass', 'object' => 'friendly']); Use a separate field to store address data for a FieldtypeMapMarker field This one is really simple, more just sharing an implementation and idea, but proved valuable for reducing data redundancy. I have a FieldtypeMapMarker field but the way that I needed to store address data was much better suited to using multiple fields for things like street, city, state, and zip code. I wanted those fields to be the "controlling" fields for the map marker field to prevent needing to edit 2 fields to keep updated, or accidental content diversion between them. On page save the value from the address fields are pulled and converted into a single string that is added to the FieldtypeMapMarker field's "address" property. I used a Custom Field (ProFields) for my address fields but this can be modified to suit your use case very easily. Github Gist You might also consider hiding the address input on the FieldtypeMapMarker field itself to reduce confusion since the values will be updated automatically anyway. You'll need to have this in a file that is appended to the Admin styles /* You can find the appropriate class for the template you are applying this to in the <body> element when editing a page You can omit that if you want to apply this everywhere */ .ProcessPageEdit-template-your_template_name .InputfieldMapMarker.Inputfield_activity_location .InputfieldMapMarkerAddress, .ProcessPageEdit-template-your_template_name .InputfieldMapMarker.Inputfield_activity_location .InputfieldMapMarkerToggle, .ProcessPageEdit-template-your_template_name .InputfieldMapMarker.Inputfield_activity_location .InputfieldMapMarkerLat, .ProcessPageEdit-template-your_template_name .InputfieldMapMarker.Inputfield_activity_location .InputfieldMapMarkerLng { display: none !important; } <?php // Add this to your ready.php file or ready-firing hook to insert the file containing that CSS to your admin. $config->styles->add("/path/to/your/custom/admin/css/file.css"); Not-A-Hook Bonus - Here's code for an interactive Google Map Renders a Google Map using a FieldtypeMapMarker field, a separate address field, Alpine.js, and Tailwind. You'll need a Google Maps API key, a styled map ID from your Google Developer account, and the aforementioned fields. I wrote it using the latest Google Maps API. Saved you some time. You'll probably need to tweak it. I adapted this so if you find a bug please let me know and I'll update the gist. Note- this makes use of the AlpineJS Intersect plugin to improve performance by only loading/initializing the map when a user scrolls close enough to it. If you don't want that, remove the x-intersect directive. If you want to see it in action, you can check it out here. Github Gist Hook Support Class - A static method class to translate a field into all languages automatically If you use the Fluency translation module, this is a class that will help out with translating a field into all languages programmatically. Sharing this here because the next hook uses this as a dependency. I keep this in the HookUtils directory noted in the file structure above. Usage is demonstrated in the next hook. Github Gist Translate all translatable fields using Fluency on page save whether from UI or API. This is useful for instances where you want a page translated automatically and especially helpful when you are creating pages programmatically. This requires the above hook support class, as well as Fluency connected to an API account. Here are things that must be kept in mind. Please read them, the code for the hook, and the code for the support class to ensure that it works to your needs. You should modify Fluency before using this, really. Change the value of CACHE_EXPIRY on line 19 in the TranslationCache file to WireCache::expireNever. Do this to prevent chewing through your API usage from month to month on repeat translations. This will become standard in the next release of Fluency. This is an expensive operation in terms of API usage, which is why you very much should modify the caching behavior. This hook does not make an effort to determine which fields have changed before translating because it doesn't really matter if the translation is already cached. First time translations of pages with a significant amount of fields/content may be slow, like noticeably slower first time page save because this operation is only as fast as the speed of the request/response loop between ProcessWire and the translation API. Later page saves will be much faster thanks to cached translations. This will not attempt to translate empty fields, so those won't cause any delays. This works with multi-language text/textarea/TinyMCE/CKEditor fields, RepeaterMatrix fields, and the newer Custom Fields (ProFields). Other fields haven't been tested, but it's definitely possible to adapt this to those needs. I prefer to target specific templates with hooks, you can add multiple but be mindful of your use case. Consider adding excluded fields to the array in the hook if it makes sense Consider adding a field to enable/disable translations from the UI, a checkbox field or something This hook is probably one of the uglier ones, sorry. If you run out of API usage on your account, you're going to see a big ugly exception error on screen. This is due to Fluency not handling an account overage error properly because the return type was not as expected. Will be fixed in the next version of the module This is one that may be tailored to my PW application, I think it's general enough to use as-is for your project, but testing is definitely required. Read all the code please. Github Gist ProcessWire Object Method & Property Hooks The following are custom methods that add functionality to native ProcessWire objects. Add a getMatrixChildren() method to RepeaterMatrixPage objects RepeaterMatrix fields represent nesting depth as an integer on each RepeaterMatrixPage item. So top level is 0, first nested level is 1, second 2, etc. When looping through RM items, determining nesting requires working with that integer. It works, but adding adding some functionality helps out. This is infinitely nestable, so accessing children, children of children, children of children of children, and so on works. Fun for the whole family. This was inspired by a forum post, another one I can't find... Github Gist <?php // Access nested RepeaterMatrix items as child PageArray objects $page->repeater_matrix_field->first()->getMatrixChildren(); // => PageArray ?> <!-- Assists with rendering nested RM items in templates Sponsors are nested under sponsorship levels in the RM field --> <div> <?php foreach ($page->sponsors as $sponsorshipLevel): ?> <h2><?=$sponsorshipLevel->title?></h2> <?php if ($sponsorshipLevel->getMatrixChildren()->count()): ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($sponsorshipLevel->getMatrixChildren() as $sponsor): ?> <li> <img src="<?=$sponsor->image->url?>" alt="<?=$sponsor->image->description?>"> <?=$sponsor->title?> </li> <?php endforeach ?> </ul> <?php endif ?> <?php endforeach ?> </div> Add a resizeAspectRatio() method to PageImage objects Adds a simple way to quickly resize an image to a specific aspect ratio. Use cases include sizing images for Google Structured Data and formatting images for consistency in image carousels. Could be improved by accepting second argument to specify an image width, but didn't fit my use case. Github Gist <?php $page->image_field->resizeAspectRatio('square')->url; // Alias for 1:1 $page->image_field->resizeAspectRatio('video')->url; // Alias for 16:9 $page->image_field->resizeAspectRatio('17:10')->url; // Arbitrary values accepted Add a responsiveAttributes() method to PageImage objects Adds a very helpful method to generate image variations and accompanying 'srcset' and 'sizes' attributes for any image. Designed to be very flexible and is Tailwind ready. Responsive sizing can be as simple or complex as your needs require. Includes an optional 'mobile' Tailwind breakpoint that matches a custom tailwind.config.js value: screens: { 'mobile': '320px'}. I added this breakpoint largely to further optimize images for small screens. The array of Tailwind breakpoints and size definitions can be edited to suit your specific setup if there are customizations When sizing for Tailwind, the last media query generated will automatically be switched to "min-width" rather than "max-width" to prevent problems arising from restricting widths. Example, you can specify values only for 'sm' and 'md' and the 'md' size will have the media query correctly adjusted so that it applies to all breakpoints above it. Github Gist <-- The responsiveAttributes() returns a renderable attribute string: srcset="{generated values}" sizes="{generated values}" --> <-- Create responsive images with arbitrary width and height at breakpoints --> <img src="<?=$page->image->url?>" <?=$page->image->responsiveAttributes([ [240, 125, '(max-width: 300px)'], [225, 125, '(max-width: 600px)'], [280, 165, '(max-width: 900px)'], [210, 125, '(max-width: 1200px)'], [260, 155, '(min-width: 1500px)'], ])?> width="240" height="125" alt="<?=$page->image->description?>" > <-- Heights can be selectively ommitted by setting the height value to null --> <img src="<?=$page->image->url?>" <?=$page->image->responsiveAttributes([ [240, 125, '(max-width: 300px)'], [225, null, '(max-width: 600px)'], [280, 165, '(max-width: 900px)'], [210, null, '(max-width: 1200px)'], [260, null, '(min-width: 1500px)'], ])?> width="240" height="125" alt="<?=$page->image->description?>" > <-- Create responsive images with only widths at breakpoints --> <img src="<?=$page->image->url?>" <?=page->image->responsiveAttributes([ [240, '(max-width: 300px)'], [225, '(max-width: 600px)'], [280, '(max-width: 900px)'], [210, '(max-width: 1200px)'], [260, '(min-width: 1500px)'], ])?> width="240" height="125" alt="<?=$page->image->description?>" > <-- Create custom sizes matched to Tailwind breakpoints --> <img src="<?=$page->image->url?>" <?=$page->image->responsiveAttributes([ 'mobile' => [240, 125], // Custom tailwind directive 'sm' => [225, 125], 'md' => [280, 165], 'lg' => [210, 125], 'xl' => [260, 155], ])?> width="240" height="125" alt="<?=$page->image->description?>" > <!-- Resizes width of image to fit Tailwind breakpoints, useful for full width images such as hero images, doesn't change height. Also accepts 'tw' as an alias for 'tailwind' --> <img src="<?=$page->image->url?>" <?=$page->image->responsiveAttributes('tailwind')?> width="240" height="125" alt="<?=$page->image->description?>" > Add PHP higher-order function methods to WireArray and WireArray derived objects WireArray objects are incredibly powerful and have tons of utility, but there are situations where I find myself needing to work with plain PHP arrays. I'm a very big fan of PHP's array functions that are efficient and make for clean readable code. I found myself often reaching for $wireArrayThing->getArray() to work with data then using functions like array_map, array_filter, and array_reduce. These return arrays, but could easily be modified to return WireArray objects if that is more helpful. Github Gist <?php // The EventPage page class has a method that determines sold out status from more than one source of data/page fields // which means that it isn't queryable using a ProcessWire selector. This returns a single integer calculated from ticket availability // of all events from non-queryable data. $totalEventsAvailable = $eventPages->reduce( fn ($total, $eventPage) => $count = $eventPage->isActive() ? $total++ : $total, 0 ); // Requires using a page class to determine status reliant on multiple data points not queryable via a selector. Knowing what the event // page is for an activity can't be determined using a selector for activity pages. $displayableActivities = $matches->filterToArray( fn ($activityPage) => $activityPage->eventPage()->isPublic() && $activityPage->isActive() ); // Iterating over each Page in a PageArray and processing data for sorting/ordering before rendering on a search results page // Executed within a page class $results = $searchResults->mapToArray(function($page) { return (object) [ 'page' => $page, 'summary' => $this->createResultSummary(page: $page, maxLength: 750), 'keywordMatchCount' => $this->getQueryMatchCount(page: $page), ]; }); Add an image orientation method/property to PageImage objects Get the portrait or landscape orientation of a PageImage. Github Gist <?php $page->image->orientation; $page->image->orientation(); Add the ability to get all related pages for Page objects at once Gets all of the related pages to a page at once by both page reference fields and links in fields. Transparently passes native arguments to Page methods for native behavior Github Gist <?php $page->allPageReferences(); $page->allPageReferences(true); // Optionally include all pages regardless of status $page->allPageReferences('your_selector=here', 'field_name'); // Use with native Page::references() and Page::links() arguments Add a saveWithoutHooks() convenience method to Page objects The number of hooks in my most recent project was... a lot. There were many that hooked into the page save event and a lot of operations that happen in the background where pages needed to be modified and saved quietly to prevent clearing ProCache files or excessive DB operations through chained hooks. Being able to use a method to do this rather than passing options felt more deliberate and clear when working across hundreds of files and in critical areas of very expensive operations. This method also accepts page save options, but in a way that hooks will always be disabled even if an option is accidentally passed enabling them. Furthermore, it also accepts a string as the first argument that, if debug mode is enabled, will dump a message to the bar via Tracy. Github Gist <?php // Adding a message can be very helpful during testing, especially when saving a page with/without hooks is conditionally based // where the result of another operation determines how a page is saved $page->saveWithoutHooks('updated event sync data hash, saved without hooks'); $page->saveWithoutHooks(['resetTrackChanges' => true]); $page->saveWithoutHooks('message and options', ['resetTrackChanges' => true]); These are a few that I've used to show some diversity in application. Hooking to ProcessWire events makes it possible to build beyond simple websites and implement truly custom behavior. Hope these may be useful to others. If you have any favorite hooks of your own, have corrections of those I've shared, or improvements, sharing them in the comments would be stellar. Cheers!2 points
Hello, Because I was in need of such a thing but there was nothing that I could find, I had to create my own. I'm sharing here, so maybe someone will find it useful. My second module, Use at your own risk, there may be some mistakes, please if you find them, let me know! Right now the module mostly works with datetime field!!! This was what I was going for actualy. Description Page Automation Module for ProcessWire Description: The Page Automation module automates various page management tasks in ProcessWire, such as copying, cloning, deleting, publishing, hiding, and more based on predefined conditions. It allows users to set triggers based on a page's field values and perform automated actions without manual intervention. The module integrates with LazyCron for scheduling periodic checks. Key Features: Perform actions like copy, clone, delete, publish, hide/unhide automatically. Configure conditions based on date/time fields (e.g., "older than 1 day"). Schedule actions with flexible cron intervals (every minute, hour, day, week, or year). Supports applying actions only to pages using specific templates. Option to assign a different template to cloned/copied pages. Logs all automated actions for easy tracking. Requirements: ProcessWire 3.x or later. LazyCron Module (it won't work without it). Setup Instructions: Install the module through the ProcessWire admin Modules upload by File upload. Configure the conditions, templates, and actions via the module settings. (Optional) Install LazyCron for time-based automation. Verify that the automation_processed checkbox field is automatically created for tracking processed pages. Once configured, the module will automatically handle repetitive page management tasks based on your specified conditions, saving time and effort. Important! Uppon install the module will create a new field "automation_processed" which you must add to the main template (template for action or make it global), if not you'll end up with a bunch of copies. This field tells the module that the page was already proccessed, so it will leave it alone. PageAutomation_preview.mp4 I hope u like it 😉 You can download it here: PageAutomation.zip1 point
Just guessing because your logs: You could try to add $config->sessionFingerprint = 2; to your config.php see https://processwire.com/api/ref/config/#pwapi-methods-session for more info.1 point
1 point
it's working for me with the code below Please check for typos. Is you page reference filed name really report? And is it a single or multiple page? $call = $pages->get(1234); $report = $pages->get(4321); $new_report = $pages->clone($report); $new_report->of(false); $new_id = uniqid(); $new_report->title = $new_id; $new_report->name = $new_id; $new_report->save(); $new_report->of(true); $call->of(false); $call->report = $new_report; // $call->report->add($new_report); $call->save(); $call->of(true);1 point
@adrian, that should already be there, but it requires specific permissions: https://github.com/teppokoivula/ProcessLoginHistory/blob/b14b68286a4df41b2b7beb5ada6e38e90e81d2b1/ProcessLoginHistoryHooks.module#L2351 point
AFAIK, a PageFiles field shows all files, including file descriptions, tags, etc. The visibility option is for the entire field. It would be helpful to minimise the file list in admin to filename or custom fields, eg {basename} {modified}, only in the admin area similar to repeaters. A down arrow could expand individual file meta. When a page has lots of attached files, it's cumbersome to scroll through all the files with descriptions & tags when the field visibility is "Open".1 point
1 point
ProcessWire 3.0.244 is our newest main/master/stable version. It’s been more than a year in the making and is packed with tons of new features, issue fixes, optimizations and more. This post covers all the details— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.244/1 point
A nice weekend to everyone! It’s bin a while since I posted a decent showcase of one of my projects but I’ve been rather busy with other things (as ProcessWire development is not my main job). I’ve noticed that the showcases that are posted here are featuring sites that are really stunning. The ProcessWire community is producing better and better results as it seems. Really hard for me to catch up 🙂 Anyway I want to share a really interesting project: The Relaunch of the community portal for the district “Barmbek Nord” of the city of Hamburg, germany. This showcase is quite large because of all the technical concept description and markup details. If you want a quick look how the editing of the page looks like I included a video demonstration right here: Bildschirmaufnahme 2025-01-18 um 14.22.27.mp4 To keep it brief here is what this community portal is all about: The website Barmbek-Nord.info is a community portal for the Barmbek-Nord neighborhood in Hamburg, Germany. It features local events, cultural activities, initiatives, and resources, such as volunteer opportunities, social projects, and a calendar of events. It also highlights neighborhood news, collaboration opportunities, and community meetings to enhance the area's quality of life. This project was a collaboration of three parties: 1. the district council (providing the future page structure, contents and design ideas) 2. a web designer (https://www.andre-kraemer.de/) 3. me as the developer (https://www.thumann-media.de/) 1. Redesign Concepts Here is a picture of the old website (based on Word Press). This of course was a bit outdated (design wise) at the end of its lifecycle. The district Barmbek-Nord presents itself as a vibrant, exciting and diverse part of Hamburg and this version of the website was not representative at all. Luckily the district council hat a pretty clear vision of what the new version should look like. Basically it was all about “boxes and shapes”. So this was the final design concept hat I took as a blueprint for developing the page: 2. Layout anatomy If you are living in Germany you know the famous chocolate brand “Ritter Sport”. They have an even more famous slogan it’s called “Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut.” which would translate to “Square. Practical. Good.” So you can describe the whole design concept with these three words 😉 There are two main page templates: Tile Page A Tile Page is divided into multiple grid boxes. There are 8 different grid box layouts available which can be placed in any order. Each grid box is horizontal and has the same dimensions but is divided into subboxes. Subox dimensions vary: There are squares, and rectangles in different alignments and in different amounts. Each of those “sub boxes” inside the grid can hold a specific design element. These design Elements include for example - Plain Images - Textfields - Speech Bubbles - Image and Text combined - and so on Everything is handled with the RockPageBuilder (more about that in the next points) Content Page As the name suggests, a Content Page is used for text-heavy pages. This page template does not feature any box grid layouts. Instead the page structure is predefined: 1. Header area with headline and image fields 2. Content area 3. Content area with specific content blocks that can be chosen using the RockPageBuilder. 3. Technical difficulties The four main challenges when developing the page were: 1. Creating Pages based on multiple stacked grid box layouts 2. Offer individual content elements for each of the grid boxes subboxes 3. The Boxes all have a fixed aspect ratio and should retain it on desktop and mobile devices 4. Make everything user friendly to edit (!) I made a small proof of concept using the RockPageBuilder and it worked out of the box! Let me explain: Here is what the 8 different grid box layouts look like: 4. Technical solutions How do you handle nested content blocks in the RockPageBuilder? Well this is no problem at all and actually quite straight forward. Step 1: Create a RPB Field for the main grid layout blocks and add it to your template Step 2: Create a new Block Type for each of the individual grid box layouts for this field: Now you can add multiple grid layouts to your page templates. But not without some markup of course. The markup of a grid box looks like this: <?php namespace ProcessWire; use RockPageBuilderBlock\LayoutA; /** @var Page $page */ /** @var LayoutA $block */ ?> <section class="rpb-layouta" <?= alfred($block,["trash" => false, "clone" => false, "widgetable" => false])?>> <div id="div1" class="col-2x1"><?= $block->rpb_cell_2_1_a->render(true); ?></div> <div id="div2" class="col-1x1"><?= $block->rpb_cell_1_1_a->render(true); ?></div> <div id="div3" class="col-1x1"><?= $block->rpb_cell_1_1_b->render(true); ?></div> <div id="div4" class="col-2x2"><?= $block->rpb_cell_2_2_a->render(true); ?></div> </section> As you can see you have to create individual RockPageBuilder fields for each sub box and and include them into the markup! Based on the design concept we have four different sub box aspect ratios (width/height) 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, 2x2 There can be two sub boxes with the same aspect ratio in one grid layout, so it was necessary to create two variants (named with the suffix “a” and “b”) of the same RPB field. The CSS for a layout box looks like this. I make massive use of the “grid layout” feature as this offers me an relative easy way to control the layout as well as keeping the aspect ratio. .rpb-layouta { min-height: 50px; display: grid; grid-template-rows: repeat(2, 1fr); grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 25%); gap: 0; #div1 { grid-area: ~"1 / 1 / 2 / 3"; } #div2 { grid-area: ~"2 / 1 / 3 / 2"; } #div3 { grid-area: ~"2 / 2 / 3 / 3"; } #div4 { grid-area: ~"1 / 3 / 3 / 5"; } @media @max-m { grid-template-rows: repeat(4, 1fr); grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 50%); #div1 { grid-area: ~"1 / 1 / 2 / 3"; } #div2 { grid-area: ~"2 / 1 / 3 / 2"; } #div3 { grid-area: ~"2 / 2 / 3 / 3"; } #div4 { grid-area: ~"3 / 1 / 5 / 3"; } } } Step 3: Creating sub box content blocks for the nested RPB fields Now this was the main part of the work. Based on the design concept I had to create individual content elements for the sub boxes (all RockPageBuilder Blocks). All together with markup, styles and configuration options (!) As I mentioned before these content elements consist of: - Plain Images - Textfields - Speech Bubbles - Image and Text combined - and so on Let’s take this sub box content element as an example. It is called “Image Bubble Horizontal”: The markup of this Blocks view file looks like this: <?php namespace ProcessWire; use RockPageBuilderBlock\ImgBubbleHorizontal; /** @var Page $page */ /** @var ImgBubbleHorizontal $block */ ?> <?php $bubbleForm = $block->settings('bubbleForm'); $bubblePosition = $block->settings('bubblePosition'); $bubbleColor = $block->settings('bubbleColor'); $customColorBubble = $block->settings('customColorBubble'); if ($bubbleColor === 'custom') { $bubbleColor = $customColorBubble; } $linkColor = $block->settings('linkColor'); $customColorLink = $block->settings('customColorLink'); if ($linkColor === 'custom') { $linkColor = $customColorLink; } ?> <section class="rpb-imgbubblehorizontal uk-height-1-1 uk-position-relative" data-id="<?=$block->id;?>" <?= alfred($block,["addTop" => false,"addBottom" => false,"clone" => false]) ?>> <?php $image = $block->img_single; if ($image) { ?> <img srcset="<?= $image->size('horizontal')->srcset() ?>" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns%3D'http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg' viewBox%3D'0 0 <?=$config->imageSizes['horizontal']['width']?> <?=$config->imageSizes['horizontal']['height']?>'%2F%3E" sizes="auto" width="<?= $config->imageSizes['horizontal']['width']?>" height="<?= $config->imageSizes['horizontal']['height']?>" alt="<?= $image->description ?>" loading="lazy" /> <?php } ?> <div class="speech-bubble uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-middle bubble-form-<?=$bubbleForm;?> <?=$bubblePosition;?>"> <div class="speech-bubble-content"> <?= $block->body(); ?> </div> <img style="color: <?=$bubbleColor?>;" src="/site/templates/images/bubbles/bubble-<?=$bubbleForm;?>.svg" uk-svg/> </div> <style> section[data-id="<?=$block->id?>"] a { color: <?=$linkColor?> !important; } </style> </section> I don’t want to go into details too much but one of the many great features of the RockPageBuilder module is that you can include and block specific setting fields directly into the Blocks PHP file without the hassle of creating those fields in the backend in the first place and adding them to the block manually. What a time saver this was! For example the content element “Image Bubble Horizontal” should have several config options. - the shape of the speech bubble - the position of the speech bubble - the color of the speech bubble - the color of the link text (if included) This is all done in the settingsTable method (https://www.baumrock.com/en/processwire/modules/rockpagebuilder/docs/settings/) public function settingsTable(\ProcessWire\RockFieldsField $field) { // You can set default settings for all blocks via hook. // See docs for details or leave this line unchanged. $settings = $this->getDefaultSettings($field); $settings->add([ 'name' => 'bubbleForm', 'label' => 'Sprechblase Form:', // the first parameter must match the name of the setting!! // in this case the setting's name is "demo", so we use "demo" here as well 'value' => $field->input( 'bubbleForm', // use either "radios" or "radios-inline" 'select', [ '*hexagon' => 'sechseckig', // the star marks the default option 'square' => 'viereckig', 'round' => 'rund', ] ), ]); $settings->add([ 'name' => 'bubblePosition', 'label' => 'Sprechblase Position:', 'value' => $field->input( 'bubblePosition', // use either "radios" or "radios-inline" 'select', [ 'uk-position-top-left' => 'Oben links', // the star marks the default option 'uk-position-top-center' => 'Oben mitte', 'uk-position-top-right' => 'Oben rechts', '*uk-position-center-left' => 'Mitte links', 'uk-position-center' => 'Mitte', 'uk-position-center-right' => 'Mitte rechts', 'uk-position-bottom-left' => 'Unten links', 'uk-position-bottom-center' => 'Unten mitte', 'uk-position-bottom-right' => 'Unten rechts', ] ), ]); $settings->add([ 'name' => 'bubbleColor', 'label' => 'Sprechblase Farbe:', 'value' => $field->input( 'bubbleColor', // use either "radios" or "radios-inline" 'select', [ '*#e61b7b' => 'Magenta', // the star marks the default option '#1cae8d' => 'Grün', '#dea500' => 'Gelb', '#646363' => 'Grau', 'custom' => 'Eigene Farbe', ] ), ]); $settings->add([ 'name' => 'customColorBubble', 'label' => 'Eigener Farbwert Sprechblase (HEX Code)', 'value' => $field->input('customColorBubble', 'text'), 'showIf' => 'bubbleColor=custom', ]); $settings->add([ 'name' => 'linkColor', 'label' => 'Linktext Farbe:', 'value' => $field->input( 'linkColor', // use either "radios" or "radios-inline" 'select', [ '*#e61b7b' => 'Magenta', // the star marks the default option '#1cae8d' => 'Grün', '#dea500' => 'Gelb', '#646363' => 'Grau', 'custom' => 'Eigene Farbe', ] ), ]); $settings->add([ 'name' => 'customColorLink', 'label' => 'Eigener Farbwert Linktext (HEX Code)', 'value' => $field->input('customColorLink', 'text'), 'showIf' => 'linkColor=custom', ]); return $settings; } The edit mask of the block then looks like this: 4. See it in action Heres a quick demonstration video of how the page editing with the layout bocks and nested blocks is working in real time: Bildschirmaufnahme 2025-01-18 um 14.22.27.mp4 5. Modules and other tech - UIkit 3 as frontend framework - RockFrontend (https://www.baumrock.com/processwire/module/rockfrontend/) - RockPageBuilder (and lots of thanks to @bernhard for helping me out on this project) (https://www.baumrock.com/processwire/module/rockpagebuilder/) - Cronjob Database Backup (https://processwire.com/modules/cronjob-database-backup/) - ProcessWire User Activity (https://processwire.com/store/pro-dev-tools/user-activity/1 point
Yes, it does. As others have pointed out: if you only want to index a single page, indexPage($page) is the correct method — but I also have no idea what the purpose of that would be. My guess is that it was either added due to some kind of misunderstanding, or perhaps you indeed did want to recreate the full index every time a page is saved. If it was the latter reason then that might make some sense, but it is also a very bad idea in terms of performance (as you've noted here) 🙂1 point
In your hook posted above you use “indexPages()”, but the correct one would be “indexPage($page)” without the s at the end. Your hook creates a completely new search index each time, not only for the changed page but for all pages. You have to use something like this (not tested) $wire->addHookAfter('Pages::saveReady', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); $event->modules->get('SearchEngine')->indexPage($page); $event->wire('log')->save('Page saved', "Page ID: $page->id / Page Name: $page->name / Page Parents: $page->parents"); });1 point
1 point
Page classes are an outstanding feature of ProcessWire and probably ranks among my favorites overall (and that's really saying something with ProcessWire). I don't remember how I lived without them, well I do, but I don't like to think about it. I wrote a response to a question asking how ProcessWire can help transition from procedural code to OOP and in the process (pardon the pun) of answering, I realized how much I've come to use, if not outright rely on, page classes in every project. I wanted to compile a few more thoughts and examples here because there may be devs who are finding this feature for the first time, and besides, why not go down the rabbit hole? Page classes have been around since ProcessWire 3.0.152 and if you're not familiar this will all make a lot more sense if you do a quick read of the feature announcement by Ryan here because this post assumes familiarity. We're also going to pick up the pace between the examples below compared to my comment in the link above. Here are a few goals that I have that page classes put solutions for within reach. You may have some of your own and I'd love to hear about those as well. Keep templates clean by restricting logic to flow operations- if statements and loops. Work with data in context, accessing data and fields closer to their source. Create "universal" methods available in every template, but also have scoped methods per-template Increase the scalability of a project, growth with limited increases in complexity. Stay DRY Embrace and extend the power of OOP in ProcessWire's DNA This seems like quite a list for one feature to handle, but rest assured, this is an example of how much power comes with using page classes. I'll continue and build on the blog example from my linked response above, and you can "follow along" with the Blog module since the templates mentioned are present out of the box. Some of the examples below are taken from production code, but please excuse any errors that I may have introduced by accident and I'm happy to update this post with corrections. Some of these things can be done other ways but they're just to illustrate, replace with your ideas and think of times that this would be useful. First up, what are some features and behaviors that everyone needs on every project? What are some universal methods that would be great to have everywhere? Let's start out by creating a "base" page class called DefaultPage. Going forward, page classes will extend this class instead of Page and benefit from having access to universal methods and properties. EDIT: I initially wrote this using BasePage rather than DefaultPage for this class name as described by the custom page class writeup by Ryan in the article above. I've changed this to now use the correct DefaultPage class name. <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/classes/DefaultPage.php class DefaultPage extends Page { /** * Returns all top level pages for the main navigation. */ public function navigationPages(): PageArray { $pages = wire('pages'); $selector = 'parent=1'; $excludedIds = $pages->get('template=website_settings') ->nav_main_excluded_pages ->explode('id'); // Check for excluded pages from nav defined in the "Website Settings" page count($excludedIds) && $selector .= ',id!=' . implode('|', $excludedIds); $homePage = $pages->get('id=1'); $topLevelPages = $pages->find($selector); $topLevelPages->prepend($homePage); return $topLevelPages; } } All your base page are belong to us. Right off the bat we've managed to pull complex logic usually in templates and kept our markup clean. This isn't for DRY, it's to store logic out of templates. This simple example only illustrates working with a top level page nav. We can start to appreciate the simplicity when considering how much more the navigation may call for in the future. A navigationChildren method that also accounts for excluded pages is a prime example. In our markup: <!-- /site/templates/components/site_nav.php --> <nav> <ul> <?php foreach ($page->navigationPages() as $navPage): ?> <li> <a href="<?= $navPage->url; ?>"><?= $navPage->title; ?></a> </li> <?php endforeach ?> </ul> </nav> Next up, our settings page has newsletter signup fields where users can copy/paste form embed code from Mailchimp. Our website has a "settings" page where global values and fields can be edited and maintained There are multiple textarea fields on the settings page that can each contain a different mailchimp embed code There is an embed select field that can be added to templates. The values are textarea field names so an embed can be chosen by the user. An embed select field has been added to the settings page which allows for choosing a default embed code if one isn't selected when editing a page Embedded forms should be available anywhere on any template <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/classes/DefaultPage.php class DefaultPage extends Page { // ...Other DefaultPage methods /** * Renders either a selected form embed, fallback to default selected form */ public function renderEmailSignup(): ?string { $settingsPage = wire('pages')->get('website_settings'); $embedField = $this->signup_embed_select ?: $settingsPage->default_email_embed; return $settingsPage->$embedField; } } Excellent. We've got some solid logic that otherwise wouldn't have a great home to live in without page classes. We can also modify this one method if there are additional options or complexity added to the admin pages in the future. Wherever we use renderEmailSignup, the return value will be either the selected or default form embed code. Let's create a folder called "components" in our templates directory that will hold standalone reusable markup we can use wherever needed, here's our newsletter signup component: <!-- /site/templates/components/newsletter_signup.php --> <div class="newsletter-signup"> <?= $page->renderEmailSignup(); ?> </div> Great! We've kept logic out of our code. We can render the field, and we can account for an empty value with a fallback. Unfortunately this is pretty limited in that it only handles a specific field, and it's implementation isn't as flexible as a component should be. We can fix that, and here are some new requirements to boot: Some templates may have multiple embed select fields which may or may not have a value Each embed select field is now paired up with a text field to add some content that appears with each form embed, think "Sign up for our newsletter today!" We want to render our mailchimp form embeds using the same component file, but handle different fields Sounds like a tall order, but it's a challenge easily overcome with page classes. We're going to introduce a new method called renderComponent that will be global, reusable, and very flexible. We're also going to make use of another very great ProcessWire feature to do it. Back to our DefaultPage class: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/classes/DefaultPage.php class DefaultPage extends Page { // ...Other DefaultPage methods /** * Renders a file located in /site/templates/components/ with optional variables */ final public function renderComponent(string $file, ...$variables): string { $componentsPath = wire('config')->paths->templates . 'components/'; return wire('files')->render($file, $variables, ['defaultPath' => $componentsPath]); } /** * Renders either a selected form embed, fallback to default selected form */ public function renderEmailSignup(?string $embedSelectField = null): ?string { $settingsPage = wire('pages')->get('website_settings'); $embedField = $this->$embedSelectField ?: $settingsPage->default_email_embed; return $settingsPage->$embedField; } } We've done a couple of things here. We've updated renderEmailSignup to accept a field name, so now we're flexible on exactly which field select we'd like to check for a value on before falling back to default. We've also created a renderComponent method that is going to be super useful throughout the rest of our ProcessWire application. Our renderComponent receives a file name located in the components directory and any number of named parameters. You could change the $variables parameter to an array if you'd like, but I'm a big fan of the great features we have now in PHP 8+. Here's our refactored component file: <!-- /site/templates/components/newsletter_signup.php --> <?php if ($embedField): ?> <div class="newsletter-signup"> <?php if ($text): ?> <h2><?= $text; ?></h2> <?php endif ?> <?= $page->renderEmailSignup($embedField); ?> </div> <?php endif ?> And let's hop over to our (abbreviated) home page template: <body> <!-- ...Sections full of great content --> <section class="signup-call-to-action"> <?= $page->renderComponent('newsletter_signup.php', embedField: $page->embed_select, text: $page->text_1); ?> </section> <!-- ...Your awesome template design --> <section class="page-end-call-to-action"> <?= $page->renderComponent('newsletter_signup.php', embedField: $page->embed_select_2, text: $page->text_2); ?> </section> <!-- Your footer here --> </body> I don't know about you, but this is looking really good to me. The number of things we've accomplished while having written so little code is remarkable: Because we used wire('files')->render(), the entire ProcessWire API is available within the component, so now our renderEmailSignup method is too. The variadic function parameters (or array if preferred) let us pass an arbitrary number of variables to any component file, unrestricted future flexibility Variables are scoped to each component! There's no reference to template fields in our component that could break if changes are made No more PHP includes, we don't have to juggle paths or constantly repeat them in our code, nor rely on declaring variables before including a file. ProcessWire will throw an exception if we try to render a file that does not exist which makes locating issues very easy We'll also see an exception if we try to reference a variable in our component that wasn't passed which can also help troubleshooting. Notice that the renderComponent is final. We want that behavior to remain consistent everywhere we use it and not overwritten either intentionally or by accident on our inheriting page classes. We want to eliminate any confusion between templates by knowing it will always do the same thing the same way. We can explore other uses too, perhaps a renderPartial for files in /site/templates/partials where we store files like site_header.php. As mentioned above however, if a variable is expected in the rendered file but not included in our render method, we'll see an exception. Let's use site_header.php as an example because we're sure to run into situations where variables may or may not exist: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/templates/partials/site_header.php ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title><?= $page->title; ?></title> <meta name="description" content="<?= $metaDescription ?? null; ?>"> <?php if ($includeAnalytics ?? true): ?> <script> // All that Google Analytics jazz </script> <?php endif ?> </head> <body class="<?= $bodyClasses ?? null; ?>"> <header> <?= $page->renderComponent('site_nav.php', includeEmailButton: true); ?> </header> Problem: solved. By using nullsafe ?? operators, we can call $page->renderPartial('site_header', description: 'The ultimate Spice Girls fan page.'); and never get errors for variables that may not be included when calling renderComponent, such as includeAnalytics, which now also has a default value of 'true'. Nice. We haven't even gotten to our actual page classes yet... Our templates are about to receive superpowers. Let's take our blog to the next level. In my comment on the other thread, I created a specific example of adding a readTime method to our blog posts, let's go one level higher to our blog.php template. We'll populate some methods up front and then talk about what we've done: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/classes/BlogPage.php class BlogPage extends DefaultPage { /** * Get latest blog posts, optionally with/without pinned post, optionally in blog category */ public function latestPosts( int $limit = 3, bool $includePinnedPost = true, ?int $categoryId = null ): PageArray { $selector = 'template=blog-post'; if ($categoryId) { $selector .= ",blog_category={$categoryId}"; } $posts = wire('pages')->get($selector); if ($includePinnedPost) { $pinnedPost = $this->getPinnedPost(); if ($pinnedPost) { $posts->remove($pinnedPost); $posts->prepend($pinnedPost); } } return $posts->slice(0, $limit); } /** * Gets an optional pinned post if set/chosen * pin_blog_post A checkbox to indicate whether a post should be pinned * pinned_post A InputfieldPage field to choose a blog post */ public function getPinnedPost(): ?Page { if (!$this->pin_blog_post) { return null; } return wire('pages')->get($this->pinned_post); } } On our main blog page a user has the ability to choose whether a blog post is "pinned". A pinned post will always remain the first post anywhere a list of posts is needed, something like a big company announcement that the client wants to keep visible. These two methods alone have given us awesome abilities. For our main blog page, when someone visits our blog page, the most recent or pinned post is presented at the top, followed by the next two most recent posts, followed by two rows of 3 posts, for a total of 9. Let's assume that we've already created the BlogPostPage.php with the readTime method from my previous example. Here's our blog.php template <?php namespace ProcessWire; echo $page->renderPartial( 'site_header.php', bodyClasses: 'blog-page', metaDescription: $page->blog_description ); $posts = $page->latestPosts(9); $firstPost = $blogPosts->first(); ?> <section class="main-post"> <article> <img src="<?= $firstPost->blog_image->url; ?>" alt="<?= $firstPost->blog_image->description; ?>"> <h1><?= $firstPost->title; ?></h1> <?= $firstPost->summary; ?> <span><?= $firstPost->readTime(); ?></span> <a href="<?= $firstPost->url; ?>">Read More</a> </article> </section> <section class="recent-Posts"> <?= $page->renderComponent('blog_preview_card.php', blogPost: $posts->get(1)); ?> <?= $page->renderComponent('blog_preview_card.php', blogPost: $posts->get(2)); ?> </section> <section class="past-posts"> <?php foreach ($posts->slice(3, 6) as $post): ?> <?= $page->renderComponent('blog-preview_card.php', blogPost: $post); ?> <?php endforeach ?> </section> <?= $page->renderPartial('site_footer.php'); ?> So first off, we've really started to use our renderComponents method and component files. We also implemented a renderPartial as speculated upon above. Each does a similar thing, but having separate methods makes everything clear, handles paths, but still has a similar interface when calling them. A big thing to notice here is that at no point have we added any markup to our page classes, and no business logic to our templates. If we need to find anything, we know where to look just by glancing at the template. Ultimate maintainability. Here's our blog_preview_card.php component: <?php namespace ProcessWire; ?> <!-- /site/templates/components/blog_preview_card.php --> <article class="blog-preview-card card"> <img src="<?= $blogPost->blog_image->url; ?>" alt="<?= $blogPost->blog_image->description; ?>"> <h2><?= $blogPost->title; ?></h2> <div class="blog-summary"> <?= $blogPost->blog_summary; ?> </div> <span class="blog-read-time"><?= $blogPost->readTime(); ?></span> <a href="<?= $blogPost->url; ?>">Read More</a> </article> I am liking how well this is working out! Page classes have done a ton of heavy lifting here: We're using our renderComponent method to it's maximum potential and it's payed off in spades Our template couldn't be cleaner or more easily maintainable BlogPostPage.php has taken care of all of our needs as far as delivering the PageArray of posts and all our template does is output the data as needed Our "card" component will render the same thing everywhere and we can update how that looks globally with changes to one file If you don't think this can get more awesome, or think this post is already too long, I have bad news for you and you should stop reading now. Still here? Let's create a BlogPostPage class and add a method: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/classes/BlogPostPage.php class BlogPostPage extends DefaultPage { // ... Other page methods, like readTime() public function relatedPosts(int $limit = 3): PageArray { return wire('pages')->get('template=blog')->latestPosts( limit: $limit, includePinnedPost: false, categoryId: $this->blog_category?->id ); } } The BlogPage::latestPosts method is really flexing it's muscle here. We've used it in two different places for different purposes but requesting similar data, blog posts. If you noticed, we're also specifying a category for this blog since we have a page select field that references a blog category. That was a parameter that we included back in our BlogPage::latestPosts() method. So, blog posts have a "You might also be interested in..." section with posts in the same category as the that one that a visitor has just read. With page classes this couldn't be easier to add, so let's use the relatedPosts method we just created in BlogPostPage.php in our blog-post.php template: <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/templates/blog-post.php echo $page->renderPartial( 'site_header.php', bodyClasses: 'blog-post', metaDescription: $sanitizer->truncate($page->blog_summary, 160) ); ?> <!-- The page hero, blog content, stuff, etc. --> <section class="related-posts"> <?php foreach ($page->relatedPosts() as $post): ?> <?= $page->renderComponent('blog_preview_card.php', blogPost: $post); ?> <?php endforeach ?> </section> <?= $page->renderPartial('site_footer.php'); ?> We've just added a related posts feature in *checks stopwatch* seconds. This project is going so fast that you can already hear the crack of the cold beer after a job well done. One more example, and I'll let you decide if this is too much, or feels just right. We want a blog feed on our home page. So before we go to the home.php template, let's do what we do (surprise, it's a page class): <?php namespace ProcessWire; // /site/classes/HomePage.php class HomePage extends DefaultPage { // Other HomePage methods... public function blogFeed(int $limit = 3): PageArray { return wire('pages')->get('template=blog')->latestPosts(limit: $limit); } } At first glance, this might seem like a bit much. Why create a method in our page class that is so short and simple? We could just call $pages->get('template=blog')->latestPosts(3) inside our template and get away with it just fine. Here's why I think it's worth creating a dedicated page class method: This creates yet another example of predictability between templates It promotes thie philosophy I like of page classes talking to page classes It's likely that we'll have other more complex methods in the HomePage class, keeping them together feels right and helps with uniformity- we always know where to look when seeing custom methods If we need to make a change to the BlogPage::latestPosts() method that affect how other page classes call that method, we don't have to root around in our templates to make any changes. It's pretty nice to see that thus far we have only ever referenced the $page object in our templates! There aren't any calls to $pages because our template is really about doing one thing- rendering the current page without caring about other pages. That's not to say that we can't, or shouldn't, use other ProcessWire objects in our templates, but it's still impressive how much we've been able to scope the data that we're working with in each template. I truly love the page classes feature in ProcessWire and even though this is a deeper dive than my other post, this really is still just scratching the surface because we can imagine having more complex behavior and other benefits. Here are some from my experience: Handling AJAX calls to the same page. Choosing how and what type of content is returned when the page is loaded is really nice. This can be done with hooks, but I really like page classes handling things like this in-context. Working with custom sessions between one or more pages. Creating a trait that shares session behavior between page classes is a great way to extend functionality while keeping it scoped. Adding external API calls and whatever complexity that may entail Provides the ability to add significant complexity to our templates in the admin yet little to no additional complexity in template files. The basic "pinned post" and form embed features are just the start As you can imagine, this makes replicating code you use often between projects trivial Page classes provide a home for logic that otherwise would be stuck in a template, or relegated to a messy functions.php file. No more functions.php ever. We met every single goal I listed here at the beginning Every single template thus far only uses if statements and loops DefaultPage could have a "bootApplication" method if needed that does things for every page and is called in ready.php. This is also a great way to create a "bootable" method in all of your page classes where bootApplication could call a bootPage method in your page classes if it exists. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Hope you find this useful! If you have any questions, corrections, use cases, or things to add, the comments below are open and I'd love to hear them!1 point
Just put in a $book->book_images->deleteAll() before the "add" I don't think that replace setting is honored by the API.1 point
I sometimes end up with orphaned files as a result of doing mass imports during development. My code won't be quite right the first time around and I'll end up with extra and/or duplicated files. At least that was the case this last week. It was on a pretty large scale, so not something I wanted to clean up manually. Here's how I cleaned them out. Place this in a file in your site root called clean-files.php and then load it in your browser. /clean-files.php <pre><?php ini_set('max_execution_time', 60*5); // 5 minutes, increase as needed include("./index.php"); $dir = new DirectoryIterator(wire('config')->paths->files); foreach($dir as $file) { if($file->isDot() || !$file->isDir()) continue; $id = $file->getFilename(); if(!ctype_digit("$id")) continue; $page = wire('pages')->get((int) $id); if(!$page->id) { echo "Orphaned directory: " . wire('config')->urls->files . "$id/" . $file->getBasename() . "\n"; continue; } // determine which files are valid for the page $valid = array(); foreach($page->template->fieldgroup as $field) { if($field->type instanceof FieldtypeFile) { foreach($page->get($field->name) as $file) { $valid[] = $file->basename; if($field->type instanceof FieldtypeImage) { foreach($file->getVariations() as $f) { $valid[] = $f->basename; } } } } } // now find all the files present on the page // identify those that are not part of our $valid array $d = new DirectoryIterator($page->filesManager->path); foreach($d as $f) { if($f->isDot() || !$f->isFile()) continue; if(!in_array($f->getFilename(), $valid)) { echo "Orphaned file: " . wire('config')->urls->files . "$id/" . $f->getBasename() . "\n"; // unlink($f->getPathname()); } } wire('pages')->uncache($page); // just in case we need the memory } When you can confirm that it has found the right files (and no false positives) uncomment the "unlink" line above to have it remove the files on the next run.1 point