I'm going to relate this to PW, promise.
I'm looking for a cool, simple, free helpdesk system. Nothing too fancy, just letting users in, post a ticket, get replies, talk back, close ticket, reopen ticket, close again. See a list of what was requested, what's open, what's done.
Anyone got suggestions? I can only find paid or crap solutions. No middle ground.
Now the link to PW:
As a way to promote PW, would it be a good idea if we had projects, like a ticket system, free and based on PW? You'll all probably agree it would be relatively easy to pull off a ticket system in PW. I'm imagining something styled by the theme system (I love Reno), using an installation profile to setup, the roles system that's already there, and sold as "the free, processwire powered helpdesk system".
Devs need ticket systems and like me want to avoid spending a dime. They find this and try it out. It's cool. Let's have a look at PW since we're here. Whoa this is awesome! And my clients will see the same beautiful, tidy interface on their CMS? Screw you WP, I'm going PW from now on!
Does this sound like a good idea or am I just trippin?