This week we have a couple of useful new $pages API methods. They are methods I've been meaning to add for awhile but hadn't found the right time. The need coincided with client work this week, so it seemed like a good time to go ahead and add them. I'm doing a lot of import-related work and needed some simple methods that let me work with more page data than I could usually fit in memory, and these methods make that possible. These won't be useful to everyone all the time, but they will be useful in specific cases.
The first is $pages->findRaw() which works just like the $pages->find() method except that it returns the raw data from the matching pages, and lets you specify which specific fields you want to get from them. For more details see the findRaw() documentation page.
There's also getRaw() method which is identical to findRaw() except that it returns the raw data for just 1 page, and like get(), it has no default exclusions.
The next method is $pages->getFresh(). This works just like $pages->get() except that it gets a fresh copy of the page from the database, bypassing all caches, and likewise never itself getting cached. ProcessWire is pretty aggressive about not having to reload the same page more than once, so this method effectively enables you to bypass that for cases where it might be needed. Again, probably not something you need every day, but really useful for when you do. More details on the getFresh() documentation page.
I'm going to likely cover these new $pages API methods in more detail in a future blog post, along with some better examples, so stay tuned for that. I noticed there's some pretty great conversion and examples happening in the posts on page builders here, but have been so busy this week I haven't had a chance to dive in, but I'm really looking forward to doing so. Thanks and I hope you all have a great weekend!