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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2019 in all areas

  1. A module created in response to the topic here: Page List Select Multiple Quickly Modifies PageListSelectMultiple to allow you to select multiple pages without the tree closing every time you select a page. The screencast says it all: https://github.com/Toutouwai/PageListSelectMultipleQuickly https://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-list-select-multiple-quickly/
    13 points
  2. I haven't had the chance to see this in action yet, but looking at the code I'm wondering about one thing: at least in my case it's often important to know exactly when a particular issue first occurred, so that I can figure out what might've caused it – but if that initial occurrence is now removed, doesn't this make that process difficult, if not impossible? My initial thinking is that perhaps we should also store the timestamp for the first occurrence along with the counter data. That would, in my opinion, be an improvement over just logging the latest case along with a counter. While debugging a strange issue it's sometimes also helpful to know about the exact timestamps of all occurrences, but then we're basically back at not having this feature at all ? Overall I can see value in this, particularly from the UI point of view and for those cases where you're somehow spammed with a truckload of identical log entries, but I'm also a bit concerned that it could make debugging problems harder. As such, it might actually be a good idea to allow disabling this feature altogether; this way users could still opt-in for "full logging" instead if that works better for their workflow.
    7 points
  3. This version on the dev branch contains 26 commits (relative to 3.0.142) and is focused primarily in resolving reported issues, and we managed to cover 18 of them in this version. Thanks for the reports and help in our GitHub issues repo. This version represents about 2 weeks of work, and ProcessWire Weekly #284 has good coverage of those that occurred last week. More details about this week's updates can be also be found in the dev branch commit log. There are also some other minor additions and improvements in 3.0.143 as well. My favorite are the improvements to our logs system. It now collapses identical log entries that occur near each other. That means a single recurring log entry (like an error message) won't repeat indefinitely in the log and take up a lot of space. Now it just adds a counter to one log entry and updates the timestamp, rather than duplicating the entire log entry... Much more efficient. When you view a log in Setup > Logs, it identifies these collapsed log entries for you. In addition, the output in the "errors" and "exceptions" logs now have improved readability, isolating error messages and filenames from stack traces. Lastly, the ajax navigation in Setup > Logs now shows logs in newest-to-oldest (modification date) rather than alphabetical, which I find a lot more useful. The log at the top of the list is always the one most recently updated. For core updates in coming weeks, I'm primarily focused on preparing the current dev branch to merge to the master branch, as it's been awhile since the last merge and the master branch is itching for a new version. Most of you reading this already run on the dev branch, but there are many out there that also stick to the master branch, and with all the new stuff on the dev branch, I'd like to get our master up-to-date with this as well. Thanks for reading, have a great weekend!
    3 points
  4. Just grab the version before that commit, eg: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/tree/4b8b06af0f39828cec384c6bb8ad7997fc6d21fe Would you mind submitting an issue report about this so that Ryan can fix ASAP? PS - find and count methods only return published pages by default, so I am not sure why you actually need the status=published ?
    3 points
  5. Hey, Not a direct answer to your question, but rather a suggestion for a better workflow, as I can see that you're getting yourself into a bit of a mess here – and I think it can all be avoided. This is apparent from the questions you've been posting lately, and as such I really think you should rethink your approach. Basically it seems to me that you're developing a site as a static HTML website, and then on each "server push" transforming it manually to a ProcessWire site, converting HTML files to PHP template files etc. What you really should be doing instead is developing the site locally as a dynamic one – this is pretty much the only workflow that will work well without going through a lot of manual work, or setting up a very complex and fragile transformation process. In other words: set up a local development environment using WAMP (or something similar), install ProcessWire on it, build the site, and then push it to the production server. This way you don't have to worry about any of this tricky transformation stuff, or the resulting stress. Yes, it may take a while to set up (an hour or two even, if you've never done this before) but it's absolutely worth it ? -- A more direct answer: I don't think that what you're suggesting will "hurt" ProcessWire in any way. If you only upload a new folder to the root of the site, that's fine – just be careful not to accidentally remove this directory yourself if/when you update ProcessWire ?
    2 points
  6. @adrian, you were perfectly right, using the commit before the latest upgrade did fix the issue. Will post a report to Ryan to fix it.
    2 points
  7. I never submitted the newest iteration of my own business site which already is 3 years online, promoting my webdesign/UI/UX/Frontend stuff. "Just" a Onepager, content managed by PW, usage of D3 for the circles and a completely handwritten gallery at the top. But as always, way more hours went into this as expected ? https://siebennull.com
    1 point
  8. Wouldn’t it be cool to have whole repeater items (or even repeater matrix items) language-specific. Some of my clients do have pages that are 90% identical in German and English, but there are some sections that should not appear in one or another language. I attached a concept screenshot. Would something like this be possible with some simple backend hooks and "hidden checkbox fields"? Or is it way more complicated?
    1 point
  9. Some possebility to fold/expand duplicates in the log view would be great.
    1 point
  10. Here is a more detailed answer with the steps you have to take: Download the ProcessWire Zip (or use one of the other install methods) Unzip the file in your web root and rename it to the name how your project should be named Open Laragon control panel Click "reload" button for Apache This automatically creates a virtual host with the name of your folder like "processwire.dev" (I don't remember what is the default domain of Laragon, because I changed it to .localhost) You can then navigate in your browser to this URL You will see the ProcessWire installer and just have to follow the steps
    1 point
  11. Laragon is the best local Webserver for Windows. Good choice.
    1 point
  12. @teppo and @franciccio-ITALIANO This is exactly what I also replied here:
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. @gerritvanaaken, I created a module in response to your topic:
    1 point
  15. Super cool gallery, @MadeMyDay! Just like for @ottogal, that article about PW over MODX convinced me to try ProcessWire seriously. In those times there were not really much meaningful stuff about PW on the web, so we are probably not the only 2)) You made our yesterday too) Would love to see/read more from you here on the forums! P.S. What about that "rant against Joomla"? Where can we find it?
    1 point
  16. Marc Hinse aka @MadeMyDay really made my day: Many years ago when I (as an amateur, up to now) was just trying to get familiar with Joomla, he saved me through his (now legendary) rant against it, and soon he became "the" promoter of the (then promising) CMS Modx (Evo) in Germany. And just when I started to get uncomfortable with the "awsomeness" of MODX (Revo), he again saved me by his essay Why I chose ProcessWire over MODX wherein he hit the head of the nail with each of his arguments. And I liked his individual (graphic) design of his own website which was outstanding a bit from the "fashionable" way to do it. And it's the same now with the relaunch of his site: In a time when again most of the "modern" sites are looking quite similar to each other (as did most of the sites in former times), his design has a pinch of originality and stands out in it's freshness, comparing to the boring equality of so many other sites today. Kudos to Marc, and thank you! ottogal
    1 point
  17. Hi Kathleen! Welcome to the forums. For the blogposts pages content, you need to import the database from the server. But for the assets (files folder inside templates/assets/) there's a technique to get them using hooks like Ryan shows on his post: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.137/
    1 point
  18. I needed a language switcher so i searched the forum and docs, found very useful stuff, but as im new in processwire (came from joomla) all this is still a bit confusing for me, need time to get use to it i guess. There's probably other people like me get confused in all the power of pw, and need language switcher on the site, so i decided to share what i came up with. Actually its very simple, a lot easier then i thought. There is very nice example in docs using select box (there i found out about $languages array, and its clicked), but you need additional script if you wanna style it, so i came up with something simple: TADAAAAA <?php foreach($languages as $language) : ?> <a href="<?=$page->localUrl($language)?>"><?=$language->title?></a> <?php endforeach;?> Here's another example, but now active language is just a span with active class. (Style used on most websites). <?php foreach($languages as $language) : ?> <?php if($user->language->id == $language->id) :?> <span class="active"><?=$language->title?></span> <?php else : ?> <a href="<?=$page->localUrl($language)?>"><?=$language->title?></a> <?php endif;?> <?php endforeach;?> Here is UIkit dropdown example, same can do with bootstrap, just a bit different markup. <div class="uk-button-dropdown" data-uk-dropdown> <button class="uk-button"><?=$user->language->name?></button> <div class="uk-dropdown uk-dropdown-bottom"> <ul class="uk-nav uk-nav-dropdown"> <?php foreach($languages as $language) : ?> <?php if($user->language->id != $language->id) :?> <li><a href="<?=$page->localUrl($language)?>"><?=$language->title?></a></li> <?php endif;?> <?php endforeach;?> </ul> </div> </div>
    1 point
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