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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2019 in all areas

  1. It stopped working and/or changed its expected and known behaviour without any changes in the code itself, while keeping the exact same workflow? Check the CSV. The content in each field, the encoding, the first row/headers, everything. In Excel, LibreOffice, VS Code, Notepad, whatever. You, a colleague, someone not involved in programming/code/data management.
    2 points
  2. I just pushed a big update to the textformatter with version 3.0.0! I'm not sure if anyone is actually using this module, but at least for my own projects it has been useful, and it's good training for MySQL intricacies, so I'm still updating it when I think of new stuff to add ? With the updated version, it's now possible to overwrite any option from the module configuration when calling the module manually in your template code. That way, you can automatically link to pages of different templates in different contexts on the same site, or customize the behaviour of the textformatter any way you want! Also, there's now an option to toggle case insensitive behaviour, if needed, as well as an option to force case sensitive queries for case insensitive database collations. The changelog is now included in the repository itself, I also updated the readme with instructions on how to call the module manually. Make sure to check out the full changelog for version 3.0.0, as well as the readme section on manual usage. Let me know if the module is or isn't working for you, and any suggestions you have on how to improve it!
    2 points
  3. Just queried Google and there might be a problem with either ImageMagick Ghostscript Missing fonts Wrong/false/incomplete embedded fonts Other font issues Or in short... if it's a server-related you might have to dig quite deep into it. From ImageMagick versions to installed Ghostscript fonts to (above mentioned) policy restrictions. Depending on your hosting or the client's hosting it might not even work. Shared hosting plans don't allow access to files and folders - but in most cases those environments are pretty well configured. It might be easier to create a already pre-rendered first page for the PDF without any real text and fonts. Maybe converting them to paths or however it works in InDesign. As it is only a download and nothing you'd push to a print shop, it should work out just fine.
    1 point
  4. Hm. sku_image is definitely not contained in p21fields? The line below is apparently the only one that modifies the page's field values, so still the most likely suspect (unless there's more in the code you left out or some hook magic somewhere else). Maybe outputting $field to the log can shed some more light there. Also, check compareData for singe/double equal sign mixup in if conditions. $p->set($field, $data[$ctn]);
    1 point
  5. using trim() is considered good practice whenever you deal with user input or import/export stuff, so yes: definitely make it a habit.
    1 point
  6. That would probably the relevant part that we would need to see to make an educated guess. Does the script perchance replace the Pageimage object assigned to sku_image with an empty one?
    1 point
  7. refer to the BS documentation: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3/components/collapse/#accordion-example Strictly speaking, this question should be filed under Dev Talk, rather than PW general support, since this question has nothing to do with ProcessWire, but pure frontend code. Hints: Even without using Bootstrap, an accordion is a very simple frontend component. Basically a click event where you toggle the active class of each li. You don't even need jQuery for that. Just make sure you're using ARIA-attributes correctly. You are not allowed to use an id more than once per document (li id=ppacord). Why do you even use it? There's no matching CSS definition anyway. HTML semantics and accessibility: Your headings are mixed up, i.e. after your h1 follows an h3, and then you jump to h2 again. Make sure the document structure is correct and you don't skip heading levels. This is confusing to screen reader users.
    1 point
  8. Done! $this->wire('bd_host', $host); results in: I decided to add the $ and keep the "bd_" prefix in the title to help better identify it as an automatically dumped wire variable. Let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements.
    1 point
  9. Updates ? https://2017.stateofjs.com https://2018.stateofjs.com/ https://2019.stateofcss.com/
    1 point
  10. Hi @Marcel, please tell me which version of Duplicator, ProcessWire and PHP you are on.
    1 point
  11. @pwired I'm not sure if you really know what or about what you are talking? But I definetly know that I really dislike such sort of posts. Please revert back to kindly posts only. And, if you want to answer me to this post, please do it via PM to me. (I'm into weekend now and only can answer on monday next week, but will definetly do.)
    1 point
  12. mel47'suggestion should work. Remember to put setlocale() in your config. A fresh PW installation should remind you of this. http://php.net/manual/en/function.setlocale.php You might be interested in making the <HTML> tags on your website obey the locale as well. https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-language-declarations
    1 point
  13. Which version are you running? If you go to Admin > Setup > Fields > yourDateField don't you see these options in the Details + Input Tabs? You can define date/time formats for each installed language.
    1 point
  14. I just wanted to know if anyone can reproduce this behaviour: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1871 Install SessionHandlerDB and upload a bunch of jpg to an images field. They upload fine and show but after saving the page some images are not saved and wont show anymore. They're still in the assets folder but orphaned. Thanks
    1 point
  15. Oh really? Lots of headaches for something that simple to find out? Here's your 3000th like!
    1 point
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