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The last couple of days I re-invented the wheel (tried a lot of things, distros and setups) and there are a few things to consider when switching. While Arch (and all its flavours) has super new software packages, is/has a rolling release and a super helpful community (like ProcessWire) you may end in a dead-end in some case, for example: software packages from outside of the Linux community. There are lots and lots of AUR packages that offer things like Prepros, ScreamingFrog and Slack but they all feel a bit off and when there is an update it takes quite a while to build them. Ubuntu on the other hand is either LTS or a major version and software packages are sometimes a bit outdated (not as bad as on Debian but still) besides those packages third-party packages like those mentioned above are more often more reliable, more stable and faster to update. And to be honest... there are way more .deb files out there than AUR builds. And there is also support for Snap and Flatpak which is bloat but fine for some people. ? I tried Manjaro i3-gaps (community supported) and Regolilth (Ubuntu-based with i3-based WM) the last couple of days but for now I'm back on Ubuntu with i3. It feels way more solid and stable. And as my Ubuntu has Gnome too I can easily switch to it for the case I want to move windows around in a different way. ? The next thing you have to think about is the time to set everything up. Keybindings for i3, ranger, mutt, feh, vim whatever and those in VS Code. At least on a german keyboard those app-related keyboard shortcuts don't work out ot the box. Setting up a LAMP-environment on Ubuntu is done within 10 minutes while it takes way more time and effort on Arch (Manjaro). The benefits of this invest is huge nonetheless. As soon as you feel comfortable with i3 and switch to Windows or Gnome you feel kind of lost as you have to use the mouse for almost everything. Which is weird then. For now I'd recommend to install Ubuntu with Gnome/KDE for the inital setup and i3 later on. As soon as I'm ready with the new setup I will push a repo to Github with all my dotfiles and packages/apps I use. Update: a big issue as for now is font-rendering on Linux. Be careful with this as even webfonts will be displayed totally different than on Windows or Mac.3 points
This should work: // char counter: $field->set('showCount', InputfieldText::showCountChars); // or ALTERNATIVELY word counter: $field->set('showCount', InputfieldText::showCountWords);3 points
Thats great for you. But still nothing in the documentation suggests that it´s obvious just because its a method of $page. It´s says the data is independent of the fields of the page and such lead me to belive i could call $page->meta() from any page and get the data back that i saved. Anyhow, this post is for the people who don´t think its obvious. We are all different. But thank you for your input Markus. have a nice day and happy coding.2 points
Maybe you can hook to Page::viewable, so all methods like $pages->find which filters access conteroll will also filter such pages $this->addHook('Page::viewable', function($event) { if($this->wire('pages')->saas_id !== $this->wire('user')->saas_Id) { $event->return = false; } });1 point
Hey @Wanze! These aren't really issues, more general feedback, so I thought I'd post them here. I've been evaluating this module as a solution for handling metadata, and as such have finally had some time to actually dig into it's numerous features – and while I see a lot of interesting stuff here, there are a few things that could perhaps use some polishing, in my opinion ? So one thing that confused me initially was the use of word "inherit". I managed to miss the point about default values being set template level in README (which obviously was a major reason for my confusion... but to my defence: when evaluating a new module I like to do it without reading too much first, since that's how most regular users – as in clients – are going to be using it anyway), so I imagined that the values would be inherited from parent pages. (Seemed a bit weird obviously, but whatever.) Now that I've double-checked the docs and understand that those values are inherited from the template, I'm actually wondering if you might consider calling this something else – perhaps "default"? It would also be good to explain somehow (in context) what "inherit" means, and where the value is inherited from? Note: I get that anyone installing the module and having access to template settings should probably realise what this is all about, but I for one don't give clients access to template settings (I see that as the developers' territory). Thus "inherit" doesn't make much sense to them – and since it's not explained in the admin (and they're unlikely to figure out that the site is using SeoMaestro and dig out the modules README or this thread), it can indeed be quite confusing. -- Another source of confusion for me was the Sitemap feature, mainly because it didn't seem to do anything. Now, looking into the source code, I see that you're using file_put_contents() – so apparently the module expects write access to the site root? It might be a good idea to add a check to see if this really is the case. At least I assume that this was the problem – didn't see any errors, but in my case Apache or PHP never have write access to directories with executable code, so if the module did try to write in those directories, it must've failed. (Personally I like the "hook 404 page and serve fake files" approach more when it comes to things like this – it doesn't require write access, and tends to work better overall in different environments.) -- Just some initial observations – hope you don't mind poking around. You're doing great job with this module! ?1 point
In my current job we don't actually use MS Office, and it has never been a real issue. Google's cloud apps are quite good (even better than MS ones in some regards), LibreOffice works for a lot of stuff, etc. The last time I did use MS Office it was actually the cloud based version of O365, due to various issues with desktop MS apps on macOS. My understanding is that this should work for Linux users as well? Anyway, there are two things keeping me firmly in the Mac camp: the UX (which includes both hardware and software), and the app support. Latter has been particularly so for design stuff – Photoshop, Sketch, XD, etc. None of those (to my best knowledge) work on Linux, at least not without some sort of emulator or virtual machine (which imho would pretty much defeat the purpose of running Linux in the first place).1 point
Hey @bbeer, There's no such module as "History" (as far as I'm aware), so are you perhaps talking about VersionControl – or something else entirely? Or is this a question about some built-in feature in ProFields Textareas? ? The Modules/Plugins area of the forum is for dedicated module support threads only. If this is a support request for ProFields Textareas, please post the the VIP support area instead – and if it's related to another module, you should post your question directly to the support board of said module. If you're not sure where that might be, check the modules directory entry for the module in question and you'll find a link to the support board from the sidebar (on the left side). If you tell us which module you're talking about, a moderator can move or merge this thread to the right place.1 point
Moderator note: this is not a module support thread, so I'm moving it to the General Support area of the forum instead. Please keep in mind that the Modules/Plugins area is only intended for module-specific support threads. Thanks!1 point
Hi @Wanze, I was just suggesting for new functionality maybe it is best to default to off initially, eg for this update have Breadcrumb unchecked by default and allow users to opt in and test. Nothing to do with controlling other modules settings. My rationale for this is that since this module directly renders output, updates that add functionality are essentially breaking in that they affect rendered html. I would think only essential updates that are needed for the module to function would default on. Just a thought. You are right re TemplateLatteReplace, This line: https://github.com/rolandtoth/TemplateLatteReplace/blob/cbac28b93e74e3ba51f7ce32f374c385e406d09a/TemplateLatteReplace.module#L186 checks against current page template not the template called by the TemplateFile class. This is fixable by getting the basename from $templateFile->filename instead, will submit an issue to @tpr. Thanks for the response!1 point
Hmm, I think it's very clear because it's a method from $page. Everything you do from $page are tied to the page itself.1 point
SeoMaestro (including myself) knows nothing about TemplateLatteReplace, so I cannot influence settings of this module. I am not sure why the LatteReplace would try to render the structured data template, I assume it's because SeoMaestro internally uses a ProcessWire TemplateFile to render the markup: https://github.com/wanze/SeoMaestro/blob/master/src/StructuredData/BreadcrumbStructuredData.php#L52-L55 There is nothing I can do from Seo Maestro's side about this, and I assume you will have problems with other modules as well that are using ProcessWire's TemplateFile for rendering. My TemplateEngineFactory module providing template engines like Twig, Smarty, Pug etc. does not suffer from this problem, because it hooks after Pager::render rather than TemplateFile::render. Cheers1 point
1 point
Already in the works and making good progress ? Great 2 posts, @Robin S! Thank you for all your contributions and always positive and helpful comments. It's really great having you here! ?1 point
Buying ProFields for this reason only should be enough ? After all, without Ryan there is no ProcessWire so we need to support him. Anyway, I think ProFields really shines when one needs it for Repeater Matrix. The other modules can also come in handy sometimes but with other free modules and/or other built in modules similar functionalities can also be implemented mostly without too much effort. What I find not powerful enough is Table. The features of Table are quite limited. I understand that implementing such an inputfield is quite time consuming, so developing a much more powerful ProTable module as an independent paid module would make sense. For example, @bernhard has been working on his on his modules (#1 and #2 and maybe more?) and we also have the not-really-worked-on-anymore ProFields: Page Table with lots of lucking features as well (eg.: pagination). All this development effort towards an independent Pro module based on tabulator.info would be welcome. I imagine a "ProFields: Page Table" based on Tabulator which would be a big hit...1 point
I'm not sure if I can blame the PHP library alone. It definitely could be one of the things that contribute to poor performance. But there are many more things going on. For example permissions is a big one. The schema needs to check the permissions for each field and subfields. So if you have lots of page-refs and fetching their subfields, it will check if the user has permission to view those fields. When you make a query inside your templates, the script already got access and don't do permission checks manually. It needs to be improved. Performance is very important. But right now I'm dealing with PHP library deprecation, because it's not maintained anymore.1 point
Do you do design websites as well as develop them? If you do then my experience has been that there is plenty of work available from businesses and organisations who care about and understand the benefits of high-quality bespoke design and development. Yes, there are many out there who think that a $40 Wordpress theme is good enough and don't want to pay above the minimum - if job satisfaction is important to you, you don't want those people as clients. You'll hate the client, hate the finished website, and end up hating your job. You say you also work in the charity sector - I think that is a good sector to target as a specialisation and maybe you can make use of your contacts there to get started. Most of my clients are not-for-profits, mainly environmental organisations. I have found them to be excellent organisations to work with - friendly, sensible people, happy to take advice and willing to let you get on and do your work without a lot of interference. Another benefit is that these organisations often fund their projects from grants. This makes them less price-sensitive. To be clear, I'm not talking about gouging them on price - just that you can quote a fair price and they base their funding application on that and there's no grizzling and bargaining over cost like you can get in the for-profit sector. I live/work in the middle-of-nowhere rural New Zealand, I have never advertised or done any kind of promotion, and have been fortunate enough to always have a steady stream of work. And believe it or not, in the ten years I have been doing web work I have never had a client request a Wordpress site. I think positive word-of-mouth is key, and the great thing about it is that good people tend to know other good people so you generally avoid those Clients From Hell. To get good word of mouth you need to exceed expectations - set yourself high standards, have meticulous attention to detail, and deliver that bit extra. Best of luck with your career!1 point