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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2018 in all areas

  1. Nothing is future-proof, not WordPress, not ProcessWire and not even PHP. If it wasn't for ProcessWire I probably wouldn't even be working in PHP anymore, but for now I find PW the most flexible, versatile and most fun tool to work with. While I would like more recognition and user base for PW, a lack of it is not going to stop it being my tool of choice. If clients trust me, they will accept my recommendations. I continue to refuse jobs where the client only wants WP - it's just not worth the hassle during development, security issues, and updates. To each his/her own though - if WP floats your boat then by all means use it - it's huge userbase, number of plugins, and developers familiar with it is both a blessing and a curse. For me I'd rather be part of helping to build something unique in the CMS space and the reason I built my own custom CMS's for each project for so many years - it's the ultimate flexibility of PW that drew me to it in the first place.
    6 points
  2. Minimal Fieldset Adds a config option to Fieldset/FieldsetGroup/FieldsetPage to render the fieldset without label or padding in Page Edit. When a neighbouring field in the same row is taller than the fieldset the extra height is distributed evenly among rows within the fieldset. Requires ProcessWire v3 and AdminThemeUikit. Why? This module allows you to create layouts in Page Edit that would not be possible without it. It's useful when you want a layout that has two or more fields as rows that are themselves within a row in Page Edit. It's also useful when you have some fields that you want to add to a template as a group (i.e. via FieldsetGroup or FieldsetPage) but having a heading and visible wrapper for the fieldset in Page Edit would be redundant. Example: Installation Install the Minimal Fieldset module. Usage In the field settings for any Fieldset/FieldsetGroup/FieldsetPage, tick the "Remove label and padding for this fieldset" checkbox. https://github.com/Toutouwai/MinimalFieldset https://modules.processwire.com/modules/minimal-fieldset/
    5 points
  3. Here I'm writing up about my first ProcessWire site, Reached.space, a blog and directory about shops which offer international shipping. I'm from The GrayFly Group, which is the registered trade name for GrayFly Stationery, LLC, a limited liability company registered in the state of Kentucky, USA. You might ask, why is a stationery company creating websites?! Well, in a way both activities are very similar: both activities have the goal of getting written messages across in a pleasing manner to the reader. With that out of the way, let's move on and explain what went on behind the scenes of the Reached.space site: Template I used a free CSS-based template from W3CSS at https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/w3css_templates.asp , using mainly the "Architect" template as the basis and modifying it as needed. Pagination The pagination feature of ProcessWire was very helpful here; I kept the home page to just two blogroll articles so that the reader was not overwhelmed, but upon pressing "more articles" the remainder of the blogroll is paginated with 4 articles to a page. Screen reader I made adjustments to my usage of the template to make it screen-reader-friendly. I used the Google Chrome extension to test out how the site would be handled with a screen reader. Security Security is always important, so I was thrilled to find a great all-in-one-place security guide in the ProcessWire docs at https://processwire.com/docs/security/ - I simply went through the guide and did what it said, using it as a checklist. Modules As far as I'm aware, the only additional modules I used (that were not already activated by default in standard PW install) were the Upgrade and Upgrade Checker modules. The main reason for this was security considerations, but it was also an added convenience and peace of mind to have it check for updates every time I logged in. However, I did use additional software that was not modules, as described below. Other software - Simple HTML DOM Here I was very fortunate to receive help from the ProcessWire community on the forum. Due to the site's monetization model being affiliate marketing, I wished to make all my external links nofollow and target _blank by default. User @Robin S was instrumental in showing me how to do this using Simple HTML DOM in the forum post https://processwire.com/talk/topic/17295-solved-how-to-make-external-links-nofollow-and-target-_blank-by-default-if-using-source-code-toggle-in-editor/ Other software - Google Analytics cookie manager My site requirements for GDPR were specific enough that I felt I would rather develop my own code to handle Google Analytics tracking, which I'll describe here. I wanted to be certain GA tracking was disabled by default requiring opt-in, instead of opt-out. I also included in the Cookie Manager some written info about third party cookies (these are placed when clicking on affiliate links) and how the user can avoid such tracking (turn off third party cookies in their browser settings). I also disabled front-end PW cookies as described here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/15270-session-storage-and-lifetime/ Google Analytics cookie settings The Google Analytics cookie setting code was done using JavaScript. I used a session storage variable to indicate whether the user had a) accepted GA tracking cookies b) declined them or c) had not made a choice yet. I also had to make some changes also to the <head> code to ensure Google Analytics cookies were not set unless the user had accepted them. Efficiency - optimizing 404s I used the guide at https://processwire.com/blog/posts/optimizing-404s-in-processwire/ to sinkhole bot-driven 404 requests to a static 404 file. Back office pic Below is an image of how ProcessWire allows helpful field descriptions and displays them when used in templates, so that when I come to actually use or enter content in fields I created months ago, I know what the ramifications are. Very helpful. Also, when using the back office I found the Reno admin theme to be very pleasing, efficient, and easy to use.
    4 points
  4. Glad you like it. ? Done, in v0.1.1.
    3 points
  5. Hi @suntrop pages('template=board, children.children.created>="-24 hours"'); It works for me.
    2 points
  6. Field exports don't seem to work properly with the module enabled. When exporting a Fieldset (via Setup » Fields » Export), I get the following error: Call to a member function add() on null (MinimalFieldset.module, line 74). $wrapper seems to be unset in this specific context. Uninstalling the module gets rid of the exception. Could you check if you see the same thing (I'm on 3.0.117) or if I just have something misconfigured?
    2 points
  7. Thanks for the module. Maybe this could be in the core... Any chance of supporting AdminThemeDefault? If not, then you could possibly check if the user has Uikit theme active before injecting css file and applying classes?
    2 points
  8. Welcome back, @blad! You know how to make an appearance - with a brand new amazing module)) There is a similar module, but it uses other file manager library (which is more php than js in contrast to elFinder). How do you see elFinder in comparison to it?
    2 points
  9. That's really helpful, thanks. I've had a play with these and they should work well together. I'm particularly impressed with - it will save a lot of PHP head-scratching.
    1 point
  10. @d'Hinnisdaël, thanks for the report. FieldsetClose needed to be excluded - fixed in v0.1.3.
    1 point
  11. UPDATE: I have published a stable version of this module! Discussion thread: Github: https://github.com/MoritzLost/TextformatterPageTitleLinks --- Hello there, I'm working on a tiny textformatter module that searches the text for titles of other pages on your site and creates hyperlinks to them. I'm not sure if something like this exists already, but I haven't found anything in the module directory, so I wrote my own solution ? It's not properly tested yet and is still missing some functionality I would like to implement, so at the moment it should be considered in BETA. Features include limiting the pages that will get searched by template, and adding a custom CSS class to the generated hyperlinks. As I'm writing this I noticed that it will probably include unpublished and hidden pages at the moment, so yeah ... it's still in development alright ? You can download the module from Github: https://github.com/MoritzLost/TextformatterPageTitleLinks There's some more information in the readme as well. Anyway, let me know what you think! I'm happy about any feedback, possible improvements or ideas on how to improve the module. Cheers.
    1 point
  12. I have made some updates to the module, in case someone wants to check it out ? The module will now correctly exclude unpublished pages. There's also an additional check to make sure a page is viewable by the current user before it gets linked. Hidden pages are not included by default, but this can be changed through the module settings. I adjusted the option for including the current page; this option is now disabled by default. Also, this will now work inside Repeater or Repeater Matrix fields. The updated README file on Github reflects all changes. I still have a couple of things I want to add before I call it a stable release, but feel free to check out the current version and let me know if anything doesn't work! I'm not sure if the formatter will work with the ProDrafts module, as I don't own that module and I'm not sure how the draft and version statuses interact with the default statuses. If someone can test the module on a site using that module or shed some light on those questions (forum thread here), it'd be very much appreciated!
    1 point
  13. No, AdminThemeDefault and AdminThemeReno do some crazy JS spacer stuff to equalise field heights. This module relies on the flex layout used in AdminThemeUikit. Possibly, but not sure what the point of that would be. The module already requires AdminThemeUikit in order to be installed and also clearly states that in the readme. And if you have AdminThemeUikit installed but you allow some users to choose a different theme then using this module is not going to be a good idea. Best just not to install it in that case.
    1 point
  14. Personally speaking, when it comes to page relationships I use... Page Reference fields: regularly The Page Field Edit Links module can be very useful for creating new pages or editing pages directly from the field via a modal. And the AsmSelect inputfield option has support for modal page editing built-in. You might find the Connect Page Fields module useful for automatically creating two-way relationships. Parent/child structure: sometimes, when it makes sense. PageTable fields: rarely
    1 point
  15. Hi guys, Thanks for your replies. To be honest, once I thought about it, I can't remember why I was trying to avoid the language specific URLs so I've gone with that method after all. I found a snippet of code on one of the related threads in this forum and it seems to work perfectly so that's great. Thanks again ?
    1 point
  16. Hey @MischaK, just wanted to say thanks for going through the trouble of explaining your findings here. Very much appreciated ? I'm also glad to hear that there's still demand for versioning the content. I originally developed the Version Control module when we were in the process of migrating from an earlier, in-house CMS to ProcessWire. Since our old system had extensive versioning system built-in I thought it'd be a necessity for the new system as well, but at this point I'm ready to admit that I might've been somewhat misguided. It's been years since that migration started, and so far I've had a handful of clients request some method of content versioning. The times I've had to solve an issue where content was accidentally removed and couldn't be found anywhere can be counted on fingers of one hand – and yes, we've dealt with some pretty big sites. Talking about dozens of content editors and thousands of pages of content. My conclusion at this point is that it's rarely a real necessity to have content versioning in a CMS, but you're absolutely right that it's a great safety net to have. I guess it's also more important (and more useful) for users that are already used to having it in, say, a system they've used before. Kind of like how you see devs build software without any kind of version control system in place: to me it seems like a horrible nightmare, but they don't know any better – and if they've been doing that for a while already, they've probably developed other approaches to versioning or backing up their work ?
    1 point
  17. @zoeck, it seems that you're talking about the issues caused by jQuery incompatibilities: currently the front-end editor doesn't play well with jQuery 3.x. That's a real issue, and it needs to be addressed. That being said, front-end editing is a difficult topic. That's one border case where ProcessWire really has to step into the "developer's domain", i.e. inject it's own features (scripts, perhaps even styles) into the front-end of the site. So far I think it's been handled relatively well, but it's no surprise that some issues are going to surface. I'd give it some time. We'll get there, eventually. Also: if you don't want the backend system (ProcessWire in this case) to touch anything at all in the front-end of your site, you should probably steer away from front-end editing altogether. As the name says, it's a front-end feature — and as such, using it is completely optional ?
    1 point
  18. Just noticed that ProcessWire is listed at the new RedBeanPHP website's "frameworks" page, with a link to this module: https://www.redbeanphp.com/index.php?p=/frameworks. On a related note I should probably update this module to a newer version of RedBeanPHP ?
    1 point
  19. Here's a little Tutorial of how to get pages and their parent's titles requested by @mel47 The page structure: The initial basic Finder: The easy and inefficient way: This will load all pages in memory and be slow when you have lots of pages! The a little more complicated but far more efficient way. First, we prepare the finder to join: Then we join that finder to the initial finder: Then just hide those two unnecessary columns in your final grid: document.addEventListener('RockGridItemBeforeInit', function(e) { if(e.target.id != 'RockGridItem_yourgrid') return; var grid = RockGrid.getGrid(e.target.id); var colDefs = grid.gridOptions.columnDefs; var col; // all your grid's frontend settings grid.getColDef('parent_id').hide = true; grid.getColDef('cat_id').hide = true; });
    1 point
  20. I just released the updated translations for ProcessWire dev 3.0.118 at https://github.com/jmartsch/pw-lang-de/releases/tag/3.0.118
    1 point
  21. Just for reference, I think the easiest way to do aggregations at the moment is creating a regular finder and taking the resulting SQL as subquery and modifying it to your needs: And if you need it in your code (not in the RockFinder Tester) you need to set the SQL via $finder->sql:
    1 point
  22. Hm, I guess there was a module like that after all ^^ Well, the approach is different in that my module doesn't use delimiters to mark links-to-be. This is a bit less work, but gives you less control in exchange. Depends on the use case I think. Anyway, I'm working on improving my module and adding some features I find useful, so it will hopefully become a solid alternative to the glossary module ? Maybe I can even add an option to use delimiters as well, in case one needs more control ...
    1 point
  23. Hi, I use a slightly modified version of http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-glossary/ to achieve this task. I'm not sure if it's exactly the same mechanism, though. I will eventually test yours and see if it suits my needs. Mel
    1 point
  24. Anyone interested in the module with added region option and with added o:deliverytime option can use my fork at https://github.com/gebeer/WireMailMailgun
    1 point
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