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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2018 in all areas

  1. For webapp and e-commerce shops, high availability is critical. To achieve this, one of the approaches is using multiple stateless web servers running in parallel, by keeping all assets and database away from the web servers. In this way, we can add or remove as many web server as we need. Assets can be kept safe and synchronized across all web servers. I use AWS's Elastic Beanstalk to achieve this infrastructure. The ec2 servers controlled by Elastic Beanstalk will be terminated and rebuilt from time to time, so stateless servers are needed to use this kind of service or infrastructure.
    2 points
  2. @ryan We also have these issues and those should really be changed of fixed if possible: Renewal We would like to renew three ProModules but have only renewal invoices for two of them, because one expired. Of course we messaged you, but as you are busy and don't always have time to respond, we don't have a new renewal invoice yet. If it is not possible to change this behavior, maybe more board administrators should be able to generate new renewal invoices. ? Download We are not able to download our previously bought ProModules, because our licenses have expired. We were able to help ourselves by downloading and saving them on our fileserver before, but as a customer I think it has to be possible to download your purchased ProModules. Maybe this could be solved by a dedicated download page in which you have to enter your license and after entering you get all downloads that were available in the time you have purchased the license. This could exclude newer downloads when your license has expired. Regards, Andreas
    2 points
  3. I also noticed that when your subscription runs out, there is no way to download any version of the module. What I mean by that is, if I had access to Version 1.1 of a module and then my subscription expired, I can't download that version again. I can understand not being able to download a newer version, but why not the version I already had? I lost the zip file and have no way of downloading it again.
    2 points
  4. Yes, I will use this approach first. Thank you for your time.?
    1 point
  5. Hhm, so you will have one or multiple webservers with different states of variations, but only the AWS S3 cloud is always containing everything. What's about your own idea, hooking into $page->save(): check if imagefield(s) exist in that edited page if yes, compare all image and variation timestamps and upload those from within the last x minutes. This way, you are completly free to use what ever image tools you like.
    1 point
  6. HI @gmclelland I think I have meant these: $view->searchPage = 1611; if ($page->template->name == 'blog' || $page->id == 1583 || $page->id == $view->searchPage) { include './templates/_search.php'; $view->newsletterForm = addForm(1599); } if ($page->id == 1035) { $view->viewFile = 'services'; } if ($page->multivalue && $page->multivalue->type == 'wd') { $view->viewFile = 'forms-webdev2'; } // blog pages if ($page->parent->id == 1583) { $view->viewFile = 'blog'; } And it's ready.php and not the basic-page), I guess I have changed this in the meantime. I use ready.php for all such settings, it's my "second config.php" in my projects. Of course this kind of setup is made for the Latte template engine (99% of my projects are done with it). See the matrix screenshot attached. It's not very sophisticated, I've added new checkboxes and items as there were a need to them. It's not easy to set it up right but when it's ready and the client is able to use it properly it can be very effective. But most of my projects I do not allow such flexibility for clients (or there is no need for that).
    1 point
  7. Try to find the culprit in the inspector: Is a CSS-rule overriding another one? Which CSS causes this? If you see inline-styles: a) look at the rendered source via inspector (CTRL + SHIFT + C) b) compare it to the raw HTML source-code, as it is being delivered by the server, i.e. before any JS had a chance to manipulate the DOM (before any window.load or document.ready has been applied). In Chrome, the keyboard shortcut is CTRL + U. If you don't see any inline-styles in b), it means some JS is triggered to alter the iFrame styles (or something near there). CTRL + SHIFT + J And of course, check the console for JS errors or warnings.
    1 point
  8. $u = $users->find("last_name=Smith"); foreach($u as $uu) { echo "{$uu->first_name} {$uu->last_name}<br>"; } // combine: (marital_status is a page-reference field in my test setup) $u = $users->find("marital_status=divorced, last_name=Smith"); foreach($u as $uu) { echo "{$uu->first_name} {$uu->last_name}, {$uu->marital_status->title} <br>"; }
    1 point
  9. Maybe you are just missing an echo? <div><?php echo $page->rockgrid; ?></div>
    1 point
  10. Uh, and now Dragan provided a working solution that uses output buffering in the template as well! Would still love to know what is the big deal with this behaviour. Edit: well, it turned out it was all because I followed the RockGrid quickstart too literally and did not add an echo for some reason. What a great way to waste 15 hours.
    1 point
  11. @celfredFEEL checks if a page is editable, but since $user->editable() return false (actually it's userEditable() method), the link is not displayed. Could you edit FrontEndEditLightBox.module and remove && !$this->wire('config')->ajax from line 82 and see if it work?
    1 point
  12. I have refactored a few things this morning. 1) On the module config settings page, if you have the Only display for EU visitors setting checked, the check for their status happens on every page load (session is ignored). This does not affect the frontend - users here will still only be checked once per session. 2) There is a new "Clear Local Storage" option to reset stored banner settings so that it's easier to test changes to the banner.
    1 point
  13. Hi, Is there no way we can have an option under "Manage Purchases" to auto-generate a fresh invoice? I have used IPB (this forum software) in the past and I remember seeing an option to generate a new invoice. I'm trying to create a new invoice for Form Builder and I have messaged Ryan, but he's a busy man at the moment and I don't want to distract him from his fine work refining PW. Either way, there's no rush as I'm just getting back into PW after a long long break.
    1 point
  14. This is much easier ? $u = $users->add('user-name');
    1 point
  15. Hello, today I want to introduce you to a php honeypot class that I have implemented to my forms to prevent form submissions via spam bots: https://github.com/dominiquevienne/honeypot The class creates a honeypot and a token field. It checks for time from page rendering to form submission correct token filled in honepot field failure attempts All settings can be changed via a config array (fe set min time until form submission to 5 seconds, if the form will be submitted faster it must be a spam bot,...). Just take a look at the documentation and maybe its interesting for you. Best regards
    1 point
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