@ryan We also have these issues and those should really be changed of fixed if possible:
We would like to renew three ProModules but have only renewal invoices for two of them, because one expired. Of course we messaged you, but as you are busy and don't always have time to respond, we don't have a new renewal invoice yet.
If it is not possible to change this behavior, maybe more board administrators should be able to generate new renewal invoices. ?
We are not able to download our previously bought ProModules, because our licenses have expired. We were able to help ourselves by downloading and saving them on our fileserver before, but as a customer I think it has to be possible to download your purchased ProModules.
Maybe this could be solved by a dedicated download page in which you have to enter your license and after entering you get all downloads that were available in the time you have purchased the license. This could exclude newer downloads when your license has expired.
Regards, Andreas