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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2017 in all areas

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! This week and next week are shortened here due to reduced school and work schedules for the holidays (as I imagine they are in most places), so there won't be a new blog post and PW version for today. With the kids home from school all day, work shifts to building stuff with legos rather than code. But there are still several interesting PW updates in progress and I look forward to writing about them in next week's blog post. The new version (3.0.87) and related blog post will likely be a day early next week (on Thursday) rather than on Friday. Thanks for reading and I hope that you and your families have a great and relaxing holiday!
    27 points
  2. Woah! Put down your counter arguments. Now I've got your attention, hope you all have a great Christmas
    9 points
  3. Just bumped the module to version 2. - Added Google Invisible reCAPTCHA. To use it, no change is necessary on the frontend, you just have to configure the module to use reCAPTCHA V2 or Invisible reCAPTCHA. I will update the readme to reflect the change made by @ukyo and the new available options.
    2 points
  4. I never really paid any attention to those access permissions before. Oh, the irony of being a tech writer and not RTFM! I'm just glad to have this toolbox available again. Kinda feel lost without it.
    1 point
  5. No the showing of the debug bar has never been linked to PW's debug mode. I am hoping to start work on redoing the docs in the new year and I will try to better explain how the modes work (local dev vs live) and superuser vs other allowed users. I realize it's not super clear at the moment. The good thing is that it's super conservative about who gets access where.
    1 point
  6. Hi @adrian, Sorry for the delayed reply. I set superuser force dev and the bar shows up correctly. Didn't tracy look at config->debug before? I don't recall having to set this option. No matter, it works now so all is good. Thanks!
    1 point
  7. Hi guys As a @sforsman's coworker I'll let him know about this. We do use namespaced version of this module ourselves.
    1 point
  8. NO! Chat sometimes results in a solution, even if one doesn't know about a thing Thanks for trying and Happy Christmas in Austria \o/
    1 point
  9. Just add the disabled attribute to the button : $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldButton'); $f->attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    1 point
  10. Just had an idea: what if we created a module that creates some kind of static file that the IDE can read listing all fields of a given template. Maybe we could also extend this module to parse all hooks even for properties that where added via a hook does anyone need a challenge for christmas? to your question, pwuser1 (welcome btw): some use phpstorm, some vscode, some sublime, some atom...
    1 point
  11. I'm not sure if it's the 'best', but I use Netbeans, although the way Processwire is structured, some possible code completion isn't available, eg if you select a variable like $page, it can't give you a list of page fields, as they're defined in the database rather than in code. With some other CMSs where you have to define a page class for the equivalent of each template in Processwire, you'd get access to those properties. It's not a biggie, as I generally know what fields I've defined for a template. Netbeans has PHP documentation built in which can be handy.
    1 point
  12. Hello for all, don't know if this is interesting to someone: //pseudocode example (inside some module) //we have some pages array (5 to 10 pages) wire('pages')->find('id=1111|2222|...'); // 0.050s, and ordering is not like selected wire('pages')->getById( array(1111,2222,...) ); // 0.035s, and ordering is exactly like selected It seems that query with "getById" is somehow faster and ordering is correct. Regards
    1 point
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