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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2015 in all areas

  1. Glad to hear you like ProcessWire, and hope to be of help here. Also: welcome to the forum! Check out this post by Tom Reno. Apparently they're using Shibboleth, and he even mentioned the idea of turning this into a configurable module. You could always drop him a note and check if he's got any plans regarding this; I'm sure there are others who'd benefit from that kind of module too This depends a lot on how you want to manage your site. Above you mentioned per-user page-specific permissions, which is one approach you could definitely take; there are many examples of something similar floating around the forum, it's surprisingly easy to build yourself, and then there's the Page Edit Per User module by Ryan. On the other hand, if you're interested in a solution that's slightly less "fine-grained" but easier to manage, Ryan's Dynamic Roles module is also worth checking out. I haven't used it that much myself, so won't go into detail on it's inner workings; from what I can tell, it's used on many large-scale sites already. We've been using the UserGroups module for all of our "per-page view/edit" needs, and we're quite happy with it; might be partly because we've been heavily involved in the creation of this module, of course. UserGroups adds a new concept of "user groups", and lets you assign view or edit permissions for each given page to one or more of these groups, which in turn can contain any number of users. Permissions are inherited, so you don't have to specify permissions for each page individually. Wanted to answer this part separately, since the answer (to me) is quite obvious: absolutely not! On the other hand, a few modules here and there are not a problem, and most of the modules you'll find in the Modules Directory are of great quality. While you can't (and shouldn't, even if you could) build a ProcessWire site just by using installing a bunch of modules, you should feel safe to make use of those that do fit your needs. We're not like [insert the name of a very popular blogging platform here], and the answer to every need isn't "there's a plugin for that". With ProcessWire you'll most likely be doing much more hand-crafting, but for many popular needs there's also a handy module – and if there isn't, just ask and often you'll be surprised at how fast the community can answer with a full-fledged solution.
    2 points
  2. The "PW ! WP" idea is clever, but not exactly my cup of tea. Also, regarding this design in particular I feel that the logo might be too much. Even if it makes it clear that this is a PW shirt, at the same time it feels a bit like having to explain a joke; it's not nearly as funny anymore. Apart from that, it's great to see (more or less) official apparel, and I sincerely wish you sell a bunch of these! A bit off-topic, but if there was a shirt available with nothing but the "ProcessWire" logo text, or the "P" symbol, I'd get one instantly. Of course I could just get a shirt like that myself, and I believe some of us have already done so, but if the proceedings would (even partially) support Ryan / ProcessWire, that'd be even better
    2 points
  3. Hey, after having Lightwire Skin more or less ready for some months now I finally created a little module to make the installation easier. I hope you like it. Please report issues directly on Github: https://github.com/NicoKnoll/LightWire-Skin A cleaner and nicer CKEditor Skin using fontawesome:
    1 point
  4. That module — or if you are creating your own ProcessModules and want to add your own markup.
    1 point
  5. I have a 21:9 ratio screen and so far I wasn't able to fill it horizontally For those who need a closer look: body { max-width: 66%; transform: scale(1.5); transform-origin: 0 0; }
    1 point
  6. I suggested this already earlier in the thread, but if you're only using Reno and many custom modules the space can really be beneficial. As you said you're always free to limit it by yourself.
    1 point
  7. For the PageTable field, when allowing lots of templates, I think there should be some space between the rows of buttons. See for example:
    1 point
  8. ProcessWire is now listed here: http://opensource.com/resources/projects-and-applications
    1 point
  9. Great job setting this up Netcarver! Just spent some time browsing through the store and I like what you've got here. I especially like this shirt (dark blue with just white PW logotype across the front). Also, that's really kind of you to want to send me 50% of what you make from this, but I've not participated in setting this up at all–you've done all the legwork, and you should keep whatever you make from it. I'm just glad to see some nice PW merchandise here. These shirts are good advertising for PW and help to spread the word.
    1 point
  10. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.14/#multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users
    1 point
  11. It would be nice if the "user-picture" functionality would support alternate user templates.
    1 point
  12. Type the domain name in the url bar of your browser.
    1 point
  13. A big thank-you to the first customers to purchase through my PW merchandise shop - I very much appreciate it! Please let me know if there are any other products you want to see PW branded and what your experience in the SpreadShirt hosted shop was like. I'm also now curious about which phone/tablet cases folks here are using!
    1 point
  14. lol just realised i did a Git pull to the windows box, but forgot i had included the wire directory in the .gitignore file. #amateurhour
    1 point
  15. Hello folks. I'm not 100% sure this is the right place to be posting this but, well, here goes. With both Michael van Laar and Ryan's permission, I have followed up on the idea I posted in this thread for a simple PW merchandise design and made it available on both the European and US version of SpreadShirt. Let me know if you like it. I will split proceeds 50:50 with Ryan if anyone buys any of these. Here it is in the US SpreadShirt site. Here it is in the European SpreadShirt site. Edit: I have now setup a specific spreadshirt shop for these products... PW Geeks I've ordered one of these myself from the European store and the T-Shirt quality is good but I would recommend you double check the description of whatever colour you choose in the swatch picker as it isn't clear - I ended up with metallic silver for the word "process" instead of the grey I thought I was picking. Not a pretty result.
    1 point
  16. Each page in processwire has a name and a title. When I create a new page and give it a title, the name is created automatically. That name creates the URL of that page. This works great for English sites. However, for international users this doesn't work as nicely. If I create a new page and give it a title that's not in English, then the name field is left blank and I must write a "fake" title in English. I work with sites in Arabic and in Hebrew and this is the biggest difficulty I see when working on non English sites with Processwire. Even for an experienced user, this is an annoyance every time. For comparison, in WordPress I can have multilingual titles and URL's out of the box. This is an advantage WordPress has when it comes to international users. I would like to see this change, and perhaps help bring this change. What would it take for Processwire to support multilingual URL's and page names? What would be the best route to achieve this?
    1 point
  17. You could add them with some JS with Admin Custom Files http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-custom-files/ Something like: $(".InputfieldPageTableButtons").each(function(){ $myButtons = $(this); $myTableContainer = $myButtons.closest(".InputfieldPageTableContainer"); $myButtons.clone().prependTo($myTableContainer); }); (written in the browser and not tested)
    1 point
  18. http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/pagearray-wirearray/sorting-and-filtering/a-sort-property/
    1 point
  19. I just write huge numbers on a huge paper. Edit: sorry for trolling.
    1 point
  20. I use armed Jesuit Priests for all my invoicing. Payment is never late.....
    1 point
  21. I've been thinking more about the PageAssetSelect field idea and while I like it ( ), there might be some issues with PW way of handling page relations. Right know it's a Page -> Page relationship. Simple, effective. My proposed PageAssetSelect field could replicate this but with a visual UI for selecting the Pages. But, should it display the first image found of the Page? Should it make that assumption? Despite this, which could be a setting, it still would assume each asset lives in a single page. Even further, if it could show the user all images/assets attached to a Page parent and children (and repeater fields!), then there would be no assumptions. And, it would be more flexible in consequence. And it would take page relations to a whole new level. But the relationship would be Page -> Asset assigned to page. Is this an issue? Is this something that would class with PW way of handling data? Would it fit? I think I should wait for Ryan's opinion on this.
    1 point
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