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Hi all, we lauched this big website for a festival last week, and pout a lot of work and love into this. Check out: boomfestival.org Hope you like it! and it has been received very well so far.. ( 60 000 visits in less then 1 week) It uses processwire as CMS , and I must say awesome decision to replace Wordpress we used the last editions, processwire is highly superior to wordpress as CMS . I even managed to import a lot of content from Wordpress with the Processwire bootstrap API and JSON and the help of this forum Content is loaded all with Ajax , and still backbutton does work and everything can be deeplinked . Ryan ProCache module has helped very much with Site speed and our high traffic server load If I find the time I might do a case study here...as this ajax approach moight be interesting for other developers13 points
Hey guys, The company I'm working for has launched two new pw's recently built with my Spex module, and there are more coming! http://www.deluca.ca/ http://alpine-animal.net/8 points
Hi guys, i finally finished my personal website. PW and jQuery as always and Bootstrap as css framework. English version coming soon... http://complementaryart.com7 points
I've built a processwire website for a friend and had lots of problems with "this request was aborted because it appears to be forged" after putting it on the production server. Now, after some weeks of searching for the problem (also at the provider...) solution was very simple and I like to share: The Webspace on the server was full. And cause every visit creates a session (inside assets/sessions/ folder) no new session could be created (new sessions files were created, but size was zero). The result was the "forged" message. So perhaps this could be one more solution, if anyone else has this problem...2 points
Pagetree Add New Child Reverse New Pages in Descending Sortorder (newest first) while sortmode can be "Manual Drag-n-Drop" When a site display an overview of the latest posts, news, image-albums, etc. the newest entries should be on top of the list. We can achieve that by using an automated setting for the sortfield e.g. when the page was created = "-created". But this way we are not able to manually move a single page in the tree. This module enables us to do exactly that. It works with manually created pages, with pages created via the API, also when bootstrapped by importer scripts. Pagetree "Newsitems" with 3 newsitems sorted in descending order. New created item 4 is added to the top. To change the order click item 3 and drag it to the top and drop it. How to use it Download the module into your site/modules/ directory and install it. In the config page you find a single textarea field. Here you can enter the templatename or page-ID of the page which children should get reverse added, - optionally followed by a comma and the child-templatename if you need a more precise selector. You can add as many parents as you like, but only one on each line and in this format: TEMPLATE-NAME or PAGE-ID[,CHILDTEMPLATE-NAME]. A few examples: newsitems posts,post 1042 1033,album You want set your template(s) sortfield(s) to 'Manual drag-n-drop' if not have done already. ATTENTION You need to setup the TreeParent and the module config when there are no children in it! Otherwise it will not work! Also disabling the module once you have added children and then add one new page to it will mess up all! (You may think about to install the module as permanent in critical situations.?! see below ->) If you need to install it in a site for an already existing branch, you can do it this way: move / rename your existing branch create a new (empty) branch with the original name move your childpages into the new branch remove the renamed (and now empty) old branch DOWNLOAD - Version 1.0.2 get it from the Modules Directory Want to make it bulletproof? If you are concerned that the module settings could be dropped by other users or that the module itself could be uninstalled by accident, you may edit the module file directly: add the settings to the class constant permanentValue uncomment setting for permanent in the ModuleInfo This way the permanent settings couldn't be dropped by accident. To change it you first need to edit the modules file again. Example: You have two settings in the inputfield of the modules config, without permanent setting: parenttemplate1,childtemplate1 parenttemplate2,childtemplate2 Now you want to have the the first setting become bulletproof permanent: a) you enable the setting in the getModuleInfo, (uncomment setting for permanent) b) you write your permanent settings under the constant permanentValue const permanentValue = "parenttemplate1,childtemplate1"; After both steps, the module cannot get uninstalled anymore (Step a), and the first setting cannot get deleted anymore (Step b), as it is recreated with every call of the configscreen. (See first code line of method getModuleConfigInputfields) If you want to keep both definitions permanent, write them separated with a newline character "\n" : const permanentValue = "parenttemplate1,childtemplate1\nparenttemplate2,childtemplate2"; History of origins create pages via API, how add to the top of tree? Create new child as top sibling rather than bottom? New page on top? Pin Page to Top of Page Tree? move and sort pages with the API1 point
Hi i would like to share with you guys, a website i made thx to Processwire. Im super happy with processwire and this community. Ty for help everyone. here is the site: chemik-police.com1 point
ProcessWire2.+ Minify 1.0.3 This module helps you combine Javascript and CSS files into one, minified file to save on unnecessary HTTP requests and to compress files anywhere up to 80% (including already minified .js files). To use it, extract the attached zip file into your /site/modules/ directory and check for new modules in the ProcessWire Admin area, then install the module. Once installed, go to configure the module and, instead of this configuring anything for you, you can use the drop-down lists to build stylesheet and script code to place in your templates, grabbing a list of any stylesheets and scripts it finds in the /site/template/styles/ and /site/templates/scripts/ directories respectively. It's more of a helper than anything else, but it should take the guesswork out of configuring Minify for your site. Notes: This module contains a third-party library - Minify - which is subject to its own license (a copy is included in the attached zip file). I've left the module in-tact including its unit test files so there are more files than are necessary, but this will make it easier for me to upgrade the module if/when they release updates to that code. This module doesn't insert any code into your templates automatically - I think copying and pasting the code it currently outputs to the screen is more useful/configurable for more situations. It's worth using even if you only have one CSS or JS file as it will compress CSS files by about 80% and JS files by quite a lot too, plus since it handles caching on the server-side and does its own checks of the files it is serving (plus it's a dynamic URL), you can always be sure that it will serve the latest version of a CSS file (no more CTRL+F5 to show the new styles if your browser decides to cache it. You can change the /site/modules/Minify/min/config.php as you could if you were using Minify as a standalone script - tweak cache paths (default is your server's cache path) and other advanced settings here. Updates: v0.0.2 - now produces code that includes paths derived by ProcessWire at run-time so paths will be fine on localhost and live servers, removing potential issues when pushing a site live. v1.0.0 - bumped this up to a major version number since there appear to be no issues with the initial versions to speak of. Also implemented yellowled's input field suggestion (looks much better and easier to select for copy and paste purposes) and turned off autoload at ryan's suggestion. v1.0.1 - now recusrively searches for files inside subfolders under the scripts and styles directories using PHP 5's built-in iterator classes v1.0.2 - pull request from teppo - https://github.com/Notanotherdotcom/Minify/pull/1 v1.0.3 - updated Minify code to v2.1.7 which fixes a significant security flaw: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/minify/cpN-ncKPFZE/kwYVpLMkfDwJ You can download the module here.1 point
I just googled "git mysql database" and this thread was the forth result Checked in incognito mode and it's still the forth, so it's not because of google private results.1 point
Indeed it was quite simple ( once I figured out the history API) You need to use pushState() to change URL ... and on popstate event (triiggered by back / forward buttons or javascript:history.back() ) .. just do the same the user would do ( check URL document.location.href and load the content) .. the gotcha is if never pushState if you come to the URL via popstate event.... this broke it at first https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/API/DOM/Manipulating_the_browser_history1 point
It is actually pretty simple. History API and recent browsers - nice thing is that fallback is very clean (normal links and url).1 point
Nice work! I really like the deluca.ca site. I will definitely try the Spex on my next project. There seems to be more and more high quality agencies finding PW and using as their preferred CMS. I think we should have official or unofficial listing of all agencies and/or freelancer somewhere!?1 point
If you are having trouble with a module you've created or are using which is no longer functioning with the new admin themes, this is due to some changes in the admin page markup in the new admin templates. The class .ui-widget-content is no longer used in the new themes aside from specific modules such as FormBuilder, and some modules used it as a point of reference in jQuery selector statements which will no longer work. The fix, which maintains backwards compatibility with old themes, is to change the module's .js file to replace this: .ui-widget-content with this: .ui-widget-content, .InputfieldContent Please use this topic to post any other fixes or modules that you encounter issues with relating to JavaScript whilst using the new admin templates.1 point
Also want to add: 1. Same goes for ui-widget-header => InputfieldHeader 2. Most of the time your CSS or JS selectors would not be referring to just "ui-widget-content" or "ui-widget-header", instead it would be a selector string that includes that somewhere, like this selector string ".Inputfields > .Inputfield > .ui-widget-header". 3. That kind of selector string above isn't really necessary with the new classes, as they are single purpose rather than the jQuery UI ones. Meaning, you could just specify "InputfieldHeader" rather than a stack leading up to .ui-widget-header. But for backwards compatibility, you'd specify both the old and the new, separated by a comma, like Pete mentioned. 4. The old way required some annoyingly specific selectors: .InputfieldHeader is the same as: .Inputfield > .ui-widget-header and this: .Inputfield > .ui-widget-header + .ui-widget-content is the same as .InputfieldContent Definitely one of the reasons why we're getting away from those jQuery UI class names. Not jQuery UI's fault, but we were just using them in a way to make PW fields theme-able (something jQuery UI's CSS framework wasn't really meant for). After some time, the only place that's really been worthwhile has been in FormBuilder (we'll keep using it there).1 point
Thank you guys for your time, its finaly working.1 point
Hi Manol, if you want to get by an ajax call your URL you must set the header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" where the "*" can be one or more domains; the asterisk says: "Anyone can access to this URL by an ajax call". Not sure if the module Pages Web Service has an option to set that HTTP header. Alessio1 point
Not exactly sure if this is the same issue, but I have used this script (http://benalman.com/code/projects/php-simple-proxy/examples/simple/) in several cases and it works great. Here is a direct link to your web service output: http://benalman.com/code/projects/php-simple-proxy/ba-simple-proxy.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbenipeixcar.indinet.es%2Fservice-pages%2F%3Fparent%3D1013&full_headers=1&full_status=1 You should probably host the proxy file yourself though.1 point
Yeah, I think Sir Trevor is closest what I have seen from open source world as a RTE re-imagined. Looks very promising at least!1 point
update to Version 1.0.2 translatable German Language Pack comes with Module more configuration options simplification of color setup optimized Accesibility1 point
@teppo: the field does contain the value "wire_challenge". But your comment reminded me that i had modified the config file and set sessionChallenge and sessionFingerprint both to false when i had trouble login in to the manager just after moving the site to the live server. I have set these settings both to true again and now pro-cache works as expected again. So it was my own mistake that caused the wire_challenge cookies to not be set anymore1 point
Just finished our companies new website build with Processwire. Main site: http://www.agrio.nl/ A few branding pages: http://www.vee-en-gewas.nl/ http://www.melkvee-magazine.nl/ http://www.agriomediaplanner.nl/ fully responsive pro-cached several "one page" pages for each section / brand unique structure with templates as building blocks Our companies home page structure is shown in the attached screenshot. It contains several templates used as building blocks. The goal was to have a reproduceable structure and design to be able to easily create new landingspages without the need to code anything on the front-end level. An additional benefit from this structure is the posibility to give content editors only access to the content templates (orange coloured). Another thing to mention is the shared (green) pages, which contains content that needs to be re-used on several places in the website. For example the footer contact and google maps. But also structures for certain content.1 point
Soma, I was also going to post about this It looks interesting although creating content still doesn't feel very smooth. There is one thing though that I've been thinking for some time, why do people think that Json and Markdown are more semantic than HTML? To me it doesn't make any sense... Is ** more semantic than <strong>? Is Json more semantic than XML? Isn't HTML an XML way of organizing written content? HTML has come such a long way that I tend to think that it is the most efficient and semantic way of storing written content, I even wish that books would be written with it, and word processors and DTP tools would use it by default, an I would love to see better and more efficient HTML parsers coming up. Well, just a thought...1 point
This also seems interesting as maybe also seen: http://madebymany.github.io/sir-trevor-js/1 point
Yes, the current version of FormBuilder (0.2.2) is compatible with both dev and stable. When using the dev branch on a live site, understand that stuff gets pushed to the branch that has only been tested by myself and in my environment. So you'll want to test upgrades on a staging server (like your own computer) before migrating to live. Test that all key functionality in your site still works the way you intend. I also recommend giving yourself a way to step back a minor version if you ever need to. I do this by moving the previous version's /wire/ dir to a versioned one, like ".wire-2.3.3a". You want to precede it with a period just so that the directory is not web accessible. But that gives you a way to step back to the previous version, just in case (though can't say I've ever had to).1 point
1 point
Hi Russel, The lasts months I'm using the devs and they are more stable then many other CMSses out there. I wanted those devs because: 01. for multi languages , 02. for the PDO and last but not least, 03. I'm curious. Ryan is fine-tuning & changing the admin frequently last weeks. (love it) But if you're finishing a project now, a changing admin can be a little confusing for your customers. That's not your case as you told us. I think within 2 months the dev has become master.1 point
For local time formats I use the strftime function. setlocale(LC_TIME, "fr_FR"); echo strftime(" in French %A and"); setlocale(LC_TIME, "de_DE"); echo strftime(" in German %A.\n"); etc.1 point
Dear All, Here's an update on how I've protected the admin login url so that only superusers could login to admin, and the registered users with the role of 'member' could only access my front-end code. If anyone has any comments or corrections, I'd appreciate them. 1. I renamed the admin url to something other than 'admin'. 2. I set the admin template to only HTTPS, so that logins are encrypted. 3. I used Soma's recommendation to set the permissions for the 'member' role to view only. Thus, even if they could log in, they would only see a 'Continue' link, as Soma mentioned. (Thanks, Soma!) 4. After copying the wire/templates-admin files to site/templates-admin, I added these lines to the very top of the default.php file in sites/templates-admin: if ( $user->isLoggedin() && ! $user->isSuperuser() ) { $session->logout(); $session->redirect("/members/", false); } Thus, users who log in, who are not super users, will get logged out, and redirected to /members/. I log them out so that they will not be tempted to just use the admin url to log in and get redirected. Since I haven't yet digested autoload modules, this code seemed easier to me. After I work with modules, etc, I might change my mind. 5. I found some .htaccess code on the web that works with friendly urls (rather than real directories), and it tested correctly, so I added this code to the bottom of the public_html/.htaccess file (with urls / filenames changed to generic names in this post): # set env variable SECURED if current URI is /some_admin_name SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "^/some_admin_name" SECURED # invoke basic auth if SECURED is set AuthType Basic AuthName "Page Error" AuthUserFile "/home/some_username/.htpasswd" Require valid-user Satisfy any Order allow,deny Allow from all Deny from env=SECURED Based on all of this, I have multiple layers to keep people out of the admin pages. What do you all think about these security measures and techniques? Edit: By the way, I was going to use this "LocationMatch" code in the Apache virtual host file, but it didn't work. It popped up the password box, but then the browser went into "waiting" mode. I believe it's because the .htaccess file, with the definition of the admin friendly url, was defined *after* the main apache file Location code. I could be wrong. Here's the code I tried: <LocationMatch /some_admin_url> AuthType Basic AuthName "Page Error" AuthUserFile "/home/some_username/.htpasswd" Require valid-user </LocationMatch> Best regards, Peter1 point
Wow, Ryan! Excellent work. My jaw hits the floor whenever you post stuff like this, which seems like constantly!1 point
1 point
I feel the same way. Many times these features are "required features from cms" when organisations are buying a new site. Then afterwards many of them actually never use these features. It's also countless time I have build many kinds of content aggregators, where "we really need to filter/sensor/schedule content". I say them that I believe you never use these features, are you sure you want to buy custom development here. They always want and after a year when I check the site they have never used these features. I guess it is mostly for "feeling for control". Also these things create a fabulous demo. What comes to other way around: retrieving history, restoring removed pages etc. These are rarely used things too, but they actually make updating feel more secure and when build well - they lighten the support burden.1 point
1 point
Hey guys! Another tiny little PW site we have built in the last few weeks. Really really reaaaaaally small budget, so nothing is really perfect on this website. But the client (a friend of mine, he is a teacher and a hobby author) is happy to now have more control about his content, speaking of his short stories and novels. See for yourself - feedback welcome: http://www.peterhohmann.net1 point
1 point
Macrura has a good suggestion. You could something like this: <?php $fieldtype = "FieldtypeText"; $ts = array("home", "basic-page"); $fields = "test1, Test 1, This is a first test creation test2, Test 2, This is a second test creation"; foreach(explode("\n", $fields) as $field){ $f = new Field(); $components = explode(",",trim($field)); $f->name = $components[0]; $f->type = $fieldtype; $f->label = $components[1]; $f->description = $components[2]; $f->save(); foreach($ts as $t){ $template = $templates->get($t); $template->fields->add($f); $template->fields->save(); } } You can place this is a template file, or to make life easier, you can simply paste it into the Code Tester module or the Hanna code module (using the code test functionality), which makes it super quick and easy to run the code whenever you want. All you need to do is worry about the editing the $fieldtype, $ts (templates) and $fields variables - you should leave the rest untouched. Each line in the $fields string is a new field with the components being: name, label, description This will create all the defined fields and automatically add them to all the templates you specify in the $ts array. Hope that helps - let us know if you need any help with it.1 point
Ok, I have quickly hacked together some enhancements to Wanze's Batcher module. There is now a Create Fields tab where you can enter the details (name, fieldtype, label & description) for as many fields as you want. A couple of things to keep in mind - some field types require some key config options on the Details and Input tab, so in some cases I am not really sure how much time this will really save. Because of that I have currently limited the field types that can be created to simple text based ones (text, email, url, numeric etc), and left out the more complex ones like page, repeaters, datetime etc. Of course there is the potential to add some of these settings to each item in the create field batcher, but we wouldn't want things to get overly complex. Also, I am not really sure of the etiquette here - I have modified Wanze's module and he may not want to see this functionality in his module (which would be totally fair). So what I have done for now is just include a screenshot of what I have created and I'll wait to hear from him to get his thoughts before posting the code.1 point
in the templates list page, on top. open 'filters' and choose 'show system templates', the users template will be shown.1 point
This case study relates to the topic here: http://processwire.c...ndpost__p__8988 about creating an archive of 'stories' about how PW has helped in relevant real life scenarios. Website: http://www.ray-dale.com RayDale Multimedia Ray Dale is a multimedia designer. His portfolio website was 2 years old as of March 2012 and in need of a refresh. He found that the content management for his website was more time consuming than he wanted and the website was generally slow in performance and complex to update. Ray needed: A website that could showcase his latest work with separate portfolio content types The ability to show lots of images and videos in each section Complex interlinking between each portfolio item - where each item would belong to a number of simultaneous categories To be able to publish a number of pages under various sections on the website To have a condensed navigation structure - not over-facing the user with navigation A blogging space that was easy to update To gain complete control over the HTML, CSS & JS markup and therefore the design of the website The ability to take more control over the admin experience - without using a host of plugins - so that the CMS could be used for clients to make their lives easier Speedy performance - even if a shared hosting platform were used Good site security The previous solutions Ray was previously using Drupal as a content management system. Drupal is a great system, it’s incredibly flexible, it can be made faster and using template overrides, almost complete control can be taken of the HTML and CSS output. However, the process to achieve any of this is time consuming and clunky from a web designer / front end developer perspective. Drupal was also going to require a number of plugins to be installed to achieve a lot of the required functionality. Ray tested migrating his website over to WordPress. WordPress is another fantastic blogging system with light CMS functionalities. WordPress is generally easier to use than Drupal and a lot of control over the HTML & CSS markup can be delivered - in a much easier manner than Drupal. However, WordPress is still light on CMS features in the admin system. This means that it is difficult without either using a lot of plugins or custom php development (using the WordPress API) to have custom content types and fields. The decision to use ProcessWire Having searched around for an alternative to Drupal and WordPress - revisiting other CMSs that Ray had also previously used - Ray eventually landed on ProcessWire having read about it on a forum. Right from watching the initial video produced by Ryan Cramer (the creator of ProcessWire) Ray was intrigued by the possibilities that ProcessWire seemed to offer - effectively solving all of the issues currently faced. To summarise ProcessWire offered: Custom content types in the admin Custom field types in the admin Good control over media uploads A simple to use admin system A neat and simple API for custom frontend / backend development A customisable admin experience The ability to have a custom admin url Complete control over HTML markup Good security with flood control A powerful and flexible templating system (that was also simple) Ray was extremely impressed by the features that ProcessWire offered, however, many CMSs look great until you actually start using them - where the unnecessary complexities, weak architecture and terrible, bloated functionality often start to appear. The functionality seemed so promising that a gamble was taken to build the Ray Dale Multimedia website - with very little time now available - to ProcessWire and test how it performed. Building the website Having built the original Ray Dale Multimedia website in Drupal, then converted to WordPress before deciding to gamble on ProcessWire - Ray now had very little time left to build his portfolio website. As a testament to the ease and speed of using ProcessWire - he was able (with a little help from articles in the forum) to rebuild the Ray Dale Multimedia website in two days of effective full time development. This included all of the content creation and learning the new system - with the inevitable (but surprisingly smooth) learning curve. Enabling complete control over output ProcessWire allowed Ray to write HTML and CSS without any of the interference you get from other CMS systems. So, Ray was able to use the following frameworks of his choosing: HTML5 boilerplate jQuery Modernizr Masonry A customised version of the 960 fluid grid system PrettyPhoto for lightbox images Less - to create minified CSS Though it must be said that literally anything can be used as ProcessWire makes no assumptions on the frontend - even on the Javascript framework. Quick and easy API One really pleasant surprise was the jQuery influenced API that ProcessWire offered. For example you can use php queries such as: $pages->find("selector"); $pages->get("selector, path or ID"); to find content in the system - you can even filter your queries by template type, fields attached to that item, etc. You can even use a range of selector operators. The API effectively works as a super powered and infinitely more flexible alternative to the WordPress loop. Cross referencing pages easily Complex cross-linking between portfolio items was needed so that capabilities, technologies and services could be linked to each item. It was easy to create a taxonomy system that worked the exact way required once the fundamental concept of how pages work in ProcessWire was understood. Building navigation that works Unlike a lot of CMSs that work effectively as ‘bucket systems’ - meaning that content is separate from any kind of structure or hierarchy by default in the system - whereas everything in ProcessWire is a page and arranged hierarchically. Whilst this may seem strange and restrictive to some used to the aforementioned ‘bucket systems’ - it works incredibly well and enables you to build navigational structures that are easy to plot a current location in. It is also something easy enough to break away from if you want a more ‘bucket’ type system. For example, in Drupal and WordPress it can be very difficult to highlight the navigation on a website if you are using custom content types. Try using custom post types in WordPress and keeping your navigation tracking which page the user has landed on - it’s extremely difficult without a fair bit of custom development (this is true as of the time of writing - WordPress 3.3.1). Because ProcessWire uses a structure and hierarchy by default - this structure makes building navigation that can track the current page very simple. Easy / flexible admin system The admin system in ProcessWire was easy and fluid to use, logical and stable. The admin system can also be overridden with templates (there are already some great community contributed templates). Modules used Whilst ProcessWire has a number of contributed modules from a thriving and helpful community - absolutely no additional modules were needed. All functionality on the website was achieved from a vanilla version of ProcessWire. Performance Another area of importance was the performance of ProcessWire. Again, Ray found this aspect to be well covered with built in caching capabilities that were thoughtfully included ‘out of the box’. The caching was simple to enable on templates and fields. The memory footprint of the Ray Dale Multimedia website was a third of that of Drupal on the same website without using addon caching plugins. Challenges The only real challenge faced was understanding that ‘pages are everything’ in ProcessWire. You build categories, taxonomy, articles, blog systems with the ‘page’ (and any fields it contains) being the basic building block for all of this. ‘Pages’ in ProcessWire can be attached to templates and injected with fields to enable the creation of literally anything conceivable. However, understanding this concept takes a little work for people used to other CMSs such as Drupal, WordPress and Joomla. However, in context - and compared to other systems - this learning curve is still fairly easy. There are so many other time savers that this learning curve becomes negligible. The other area that Ray had to understand about ProcessWire was that there aren’t any template system paradigms that exist in Drupal and WordPress. Other systems have parent and child templating systems with default parent templates that can be leveraged, however, because ProcessWire makes no assumptions on how you are going to build a project (being a true framework) you currently need to create your own template files. This is made easy by good documentation on the ProcessWire website and a decent set of ‘starter’ template files that come as part of the default install. Conclusion ProcessWire was an absolute dream to work with. Ray found it to be very stable, well thought out and hugely flexible. So much so in fact, that Ray has decided to standardise on using ProcessWire for upcoming web design projects. The flexibility and simplicity of the admin system, combined with power in frontend development that ProcessWire provides is something that Ray found to be liberating and more importantly ‘best in its class’.1 point
Big thanks to Mats for the alltpaoland.com example and his clustering updates to my RCDMap class. With these available, I was able to learn enough (and admittedly copy enough!) to make the map project come together: http://www.synbioproject.org/library/inventories/map/ ... my code is a little messy, but it all works for the deadline, and I can go clean it up later. Beyond Google Maps, tools used here are jQuery Mobile, ProcessWire 2.3, ImportPagesCSV module, and ProcessWire Form Builder (for the add/edit map submissions). Thanks again Mats! I don't think I could have made much progress without your alltpaoland site as an example/guide.1 point
Any modules that extend: Inputfield, Process or ModuleJS will auto-load their CSS/JS files if they have the same name as the module and appear in the same directory. However, in order for that to work, their init() method has to be called. So if your module extends one of those, and has an init() method, then make sure to call the parent init() method: public function init() { parent::init(); // ... then your code }1 point
I will check out that WordPress plugin you mentioned. I think this is a good idea for a ProcessWire module, but probably not something for the core modules just because this seems like more a function of hosting, backup utilities, cron jobs, rsync, etc. The same tools we've always used for this. But one can never have too many backups ... more backups and ways to backup are always good (so long as they are secure).1 point
Maruchan, these are all good suggestions. Also look at the ProcessExportProfile module which includes a PHP native database export function. Perhaps I should repurpose it to module just for doing DB backups.1 point