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This page was designed and programmed for Typo3 but then I decided to give Processwire a chance. It was quick and easy to transfer the html-template (which was made by friend) to the Processwire template folder. We kept the Processwireversion because we liked the clean and "simple" administration interface. http://kjr-hdh.de/ The site itself is about a german club for young political parties in our town. (Yes I know, the font rendering is kinda bad on windows) Retrospectively it was the best move to switch to Processwire. I can create templates and fields to fit my needs and most of my sites are not that complex to use Typo3 or another bloated CMS.2 points
I'd definitely buy processwire merchandise. And maybe ryan could set up a store with these items to help him with the costs.2 points
Normally they are voting contests yes but as I mentioned, I'm doing this in two ways .. One for People's Choice in which case, voting counts and another which is Critic's Choice in which the judges will decide and votes won't matter. I'm not looking to become another Packt Open Source Awards type deal. That's one of the reasons I started these, so smaller systems or communities have equal chances.2 points
Ryan; not trying to be pushy here (I'm sure you know that), in case it was of some help I knocked up this draft letter that you/ProcessWire could edit and/or send to ask the owners if they could help answer this question. The link is editable so right now (2012-10-12-1733 EST) it's showing my draft, apologies if someone on the interwebs goes and hacks it before you see it, if so let me know and I'll message it to you. I left it editable so anyone could improve it (I'm no lawyer so I'm sure it could be improved on). Hope it's of some help and no worries if you ignore this due to other priorities or for any other reason, happy to do it on the off chance it could be of some help.2 points
Thanks to Ryan, I've managed to knock my next module into usable shape. The URL Shortener adds a link shortening feature to ProcessWire, so you can host your own short URL service from a PW site now. You can create as many bins for short links as you need & the module sets up an example bin when you install it. Each bin is a PW page that uses the LinkShortenerHome template. This template allows you to set the length of the shortened links that will reside in it. Shortened links are simply child pages that automatically use the LinkShortener template. As these links are normal PW pages you can manipulate them from the admin page tree just like any other page. Anytime you create a new short-link page in any of your bins, it will automatically be named with a random string that is not already in use in that bin. You get the chance to review this short string before adding the full URL and saving the page. Once the page is saved any visit to the short link's URL will be redirected to the full URL.1 point
Here it is: The delete link in the page list Download: https://github.com/N...ocessPageDelete1 point
A few days ago some of us discussed the philosophy behind the action links in the contao/pw-tree (http://processwire.c...-love-pws-tree/). Sometimes i found it useful in contao to have a shortlink to publish/unpublish a page. So i came up with the idea to make a module for this task. I wouldn't call me a programmer so i take the code from ryan's pageprocessclone (http://modules.proce...ess-page-clone/) an nico's pageprocessdelete (http://modules.proce...ss-page-delete/) as a starting point. thank you for your great work. Both modules adding a link to the page list. ProcessPageHidden adding a "hidden" link to the list and changes the status of a page to hidden/unhidden. https://github.com/g...ocessPageHidden ProcessPagePublish adding a "publish" link to the list and changes the status of a page to publish/unpublish. https://github.com/g...cessPagePublish Maybe someone would find it useful too and there are not so much bugs in the code.1 point
Just installed Processwire on shared hosting using IIS on windows. Only problem I had was with the .htaccess file not doing the url rewrite. The hoster told me they use ISAPI_REWRITE 3 for IIS. Finally got it working by commenting out line 113 "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "^/~?[-_.a-zA-Z0-9/]*$"", and now it's all working fine. I don't understand the possible negative consequences by commenting out this line?1 point
Personally, I have to say I'm quite surprised as to how many votes everyone is getting, but we've got lots of time. Something worth pointing out is that some people are voting multiple times using different accounts (they might vote once with facebook, once with linkedin, once with twitter and once with google+) and it will make the votes look padded but when I do the final tally, those 4 votes will only count for 1. You can see who votes and the duplicates by clicking on the number beside the thumbs up. So regardless of what the numbers really look like, there will be some corrections. This is one of the reasons I am using list.ly is it makes people log in to vote. I think everyone will find it fair in the long run.1 point
Version 0.1.6 is actually the latest, but the differences between 0.1.4 and 0.1.6 are just specific feature additions rather than bugfixes or the like. I've updated your access so you can download it from the Form Builder support board (thanks for your order!). The error you got occurs if a form render is called and there's nothing there. Check to make sure you have at least one field in that form. If that still doesn't do it, let me know what your form builder easy embed code is? Double check that the form name in your embed code matches up exactly with the one in your form settings (must be all lowercase too).1 point
I think it might be a fairly major change to the PW core to make it work with uppercase characters in URLs built on page names (though not 100% certain). But I think there are a lot of good reasons to normalize the case for URLs, so it's a change that might not be ideal for the larger system. Obviously those reasons don't apply to a URL shortener, and I can totally see the benefits for the URL shortener. The best way may be to have some kind of translation system in place where an underscore preceding a page name means the following character is uppercase, or something like that. Then your module's __construct() method could modify the value of $_GET['it'] before PW gets to it, i.e. if(strpos($_GET['it'], '/r/') === 0) { // if URL matches the format you are looking for // replace uppercase character with the lowercase version preceded by an underscore $_GET['it'] = strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z])/', '_$1', $_GET['it'])); } Btw, that $_GET['it'] is set by your htaccess file and it's where ProcessWire looks for the URL from Apache's RewriteEngine. It's nothing more than the currently requested URL. Another thing I want to mention is that there is no lowercase restriction with URL segments. So if you had your LinkShortenerHome.php template allowing URL segments, you could do something like this: if($input->urlSegment1) { $name = strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z])/', '_$1', $input->urlSegment1); $p = $page->child("name=$name"); if($p->id) $session->redirect($p->full_link); else throw new Wire404Exception(); } Also using URL segments, Another alternative is that you could just use your own custom text field to hold the short link (using upper and lower), and just let the page name take on the page's ID or something that wouldn't crossover with your short link names. Another idea, but maybe for a future version. If you wanted to handle short links right from your homepage rather than /r/ (which would further shorten the URL), you could hook in before Page::render when the $page->id is 1 and have your module check if there is an $input->urlSegment1 present.1 point
hm, I can be wrong here, but the problem is that pages are not translated, only fields are. You could check if one field is translated and assume that it means that the others are also. You can't check that directly because it will give you the default language value, it it doesn't exist. But you can do this (taken from here): $page->setOutputformatting(false); // turn off outputFormatting (if it's not already) $dutch = $languages->get('dutch'); // get the language we want $body = $page->body->getLanguageValue($dutch); // get the unformatted value in Dutch If $body is not empty, the translation exists... should work, no?1 point
This is in no way urgent. With the link shortener I just wanted to give the administrator the option of conveniently removing all the short-links at uninstall time in case there were a lot of them. However, it would be pretty easy for them just to delete the parent page containing the links anyway.1 point
I think it was 1999. Then as we reached 2000 and nothing happened, someone did the calculation again and found it really was 2012. But in case we reach 2013 safe, they are already working on refining their parameters to get a new estimation ASAP.1 point
Thank you my friends. I will consider this forum builder with Processwire to see. Let me tell you more what want to do. We want to have "new media" and "interactive". Customer will go to website and see menu: Then customer click on item to drag to sombrero: Customer click "check out" once fill sombrero with selecions. They put in email and submit. After submit, as special promotion, customer see "after hours" photo of Maryla as thank you screen. Customer pick up food in 30 minutos. Can forum builder handle this new media interactive? Jeffry says "flash" to use, but I read EXML is best and I know Processwire is good? Thank you, Roderigo Sosa1 point
Do you get paid for the sites that you would with PW? When you come to the forums to get help, do you limit your questions purely to development work that you are doing for free? I originally developed PW to help us all create better sites in less time, and with more fun. I'm hoping that PW is helping others to be more competitive in all ways, including financially. But recognize that PW did not come into existence on its own. Years worth of time and money has gone into making ProcessWire happen. If you are using ProcessWire to develop sites you get paid for, then you are profiting from ProcessWire. And that's fine with me, no ROI is expected or wanted--I've never asked anyone for anything. But it is disheartening to hear a user make a statement with the implications yours makes. Form Builder is not about making a profit. I don't expect that I will ever make enough on it to offset the actual time investment on it. My hope is that eventually it will be something where the community and myself have split the cost to create. If I wanted a profit, I would go make a Form Builder for WordPress or Drupal where the user base is large enough for that potential to exist. Form Builder is a tool that wouldn't exist if I had to fully self fund it. It's also an experiment to determine if I can reduce my client workload and substitute some of it with ProcessWire-related development that benefits all of us. But I can't substitute something that supports my family with something that doesn't. Form Builder is here to benefit you, not me. If you build sites for a living (or even a hobby) it's going to pay for itself the first time you use it. If you previously spent half a day building a form, now you can spend minutes and get a better, more secure and capable result that can do all sorts of things with the results it collects. Also want to note that Form Builder is something completely different from the original subject of this thread and I don't view them as similar products at all. Likewise, Form Builder is completely different from something like Zend Form or others like it. One does not preclude the use of the other and we should all keep more than one tool in our forms toolbox. I fully support Clinton's project and any others that benefit forms in ProcessWire. Forms are one of the most diverse and important aspects of web development. I feel very confident about the value of Form Builder in your toolbox, so have made it 100% refundable if you find it isn't for you (this type of return policy is pretty rare with digital products).1 point
@ClintonSkakun, thankyou for posting. @AnotherAndrew, ryan is helping users whenever he can. Sometimes I think there are 2 of them. There's a lot of time spend on building the cms, community & modules. PW without formbuilder is fantastic on its own. You don't have to use it. It's good that there are more possibilities. For me buying formbuilder is next to the usefulness also a way to say thank you to ryan.1 point
slightly ot but whenever i get a chance i like to hotlink this xkcd classic1 point
1 point