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@LAPS @J_Szwarga i updated config file finder and pushed new version of module. You can update your module ! Please let me know if you have same issue.

@bernhard i updated finder https://github.com/trk/FieldtypeFontIconPicker/blob/master/FieldtypeFontIconPicker.module#L46 as your recommend, if it success on this module. i will apply same function for my Mystique module.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay of my response @ukyo as I was away from my computer taking care of some bizarre health issues. I can tell it is a bit too late, however for the purpose of the knowledge my LAB Server is running Windows Server 2019 with local Apache 2.4, PHP 7.3 and MySQL 8.0 x64

Will test the module to see if the issue is going to get resolved, however I have no doubt that it would after reading @LAPS happy note about that ? Thanks from me for the great module and the efforts of fixing the issue.

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Hello again @LAPS & @ukyo . I just tested the module with the -new version you've shared and am still seeing the same error:

Compile Error:     Cannot declare class MarkupFontIconPicker, because the name is already in use (line 10 of C:\domains\mywebsite.com\site\assets\cache\FileCompiler\site\modules\FieldtypeFontIconPicker-next\MarkupFontIconPicker.module)  

Could you please advise which version should I be using in order to have the name error resolved?

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  On 3/10/2020 at 11:03 PM, MilenKo said:

Hello again @LAPS & @ukyo . I just tested the module with the -new version you've shared and am still seeing the same error:

Compile Error:     Cannot declare class MarkupFontIconPicker, because the name is already in use (line 10 of C:\domains\mywebsite.com\site\assets\cache\FileCompiler\site\modules\FieldtypeFontIconPicker-next\MarkupFontIconPicker.module)  

Could you please advise which version should I be using in order to have the name error resolved?


Follow these steps for solve duplicate problem : 


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@ukyo Well I did follow all the steps to the last one before writing the message.

What I did so far to try to recover the issue:

1. Clear the /site/assets/cache (entire folder)

2. Remove the module completely and applying a Module refresh to make sure no traces are left (also made sure there are no leftovers as .FieldType / .Markup..

3. Installed the module using the link that @LAPS confirmed is working for him (-new version)

So far the only thing I could do to restore my admin access is either to rename the fieldtype adding dot before the name or changing the class name from MarkupFontIconPickerTest, however I doubt that this would work properly...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Am I the only one getting rather large performance hit when using this module?
According to tracy debugger, outputting just one icon can double the execution time. I have tested it in two different environments, and they both have similiar issue:

  1. local pw 3.0.148 stable / PHP 7.3.1 / from ~500 ms to ~900 ms
  2. remote server pw 3.0.160 dev / PHP 7.2.31 / from ~250 ms to ~600 ms
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  • 1 year later...

Unfortunately the module doesn't seem to work at all for me. Also none of the theme options seem to change anything. Perhaps it's using it inside a RepeaterMatrix field that's the problem? This is PW 3.0.184. Also the above post about performance is a bit disconcerting but I've not gotten far enough to test that


It's a shame because it looks perfect for what I needed otherwise. Including ionicons was a great choice.


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