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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/5/2015 at 7:55 PM, joer80 said:

My dot does not seem to be in the correct spot.  I am in northeast Texas but there is no dot on the map in this area.  How can I fix that?


Well, you only supplied "United States" as your location. You can go in and edit your profile and change it to be more specific.

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  • 3 months later...

Yours should be approved now so you can make further edits as required.

I've changed the text after a submission from "within 24-48 hours we will review your profile" to "7 days" though I'm aware some have been sitting there longer - I'll work on that so people don't have to wait as long in future, but also so I'm giving myself a more reasonable timescale.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My developers profile is not editable. Uploaded image not displayed. :( Any chance to get access to edit area, to see the image within a reasonable timescale? Thanks ...

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@kixe - should be up to date now, apologies for the delay.

@Peter - Bernhard is correct. It does use MapMarker in the backend though to Geocode the "address" (sometimes just a city and country) to a latitude and longitude for use on my map.

Leafletjs is pretty awesome - I used it on a much more complicated project recently however I need to do a full write-ups for that and get approval from the client before I can share too much, but it has routes on the map and tens of thousands of coordinates and doesn't take all day to load :)

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Yup, technically Google Maps can't be used behind logins (so intranets are out) and over a certain number of tile views you're supposed to pay. Openstreetmap gets better every day - I've not used it for driver ng directions or anything like that but I imagine that works okay since there are so many contributors of information to it.

I also used the light version of this tileset in a recent project as I needed something minimal to overlay onto: https://cartodb.com/basemaps/ -they're free basemaps and there are lots of others.

Google however does let you set colours on the maps so to my mind that's the main advantage they have. For everything else Leaflet JS just seems easier to use to me.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi folks

There is an issue with the profile form not saving locations at the moment, and I'm not sure it's saving photos either for some reason. I will do some testing tomorrow and then notify those of you who are affected by this by the end of the week, but it seems to be profiles submitted in the last couple of weeks.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi folks

There are quite a few approvals awaiting processing - I'm aware of these and will get to them over the course of the next week. There are still a few bugs cropping up in the system that I need to deal with first to prevent anyone having to add their info again and again.

Bear with me a little longer.

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