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Mike Rockett

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@owzim - It's a third-party parser that I chose as it has automatic delimiter detection. I read somewhere that str_getcsv is not RFC-compliant, but more importantly, it doesn't escape quotes correctly. That said, I might look into it and see what workarounds are worth the switch.

Regarding your issue, I'll need to look into it further - I don't know where those dates are even coming from, or why it's even trying to set dates at all (in the first instance); it could be something to do with the SQL defaults. What version of MySQL are you using?

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Interesting, when I use foo;bar, it translates uses that as the source and / as the destination, even though it has been set up to detect the delimiter. Anyways, I've never really liked that parser, so will switch to League\Csv shortly, especially since it will be used in v2. It could well fix the issue you have.

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Bumped to 1.5.48: Now using League\Csv for CSV importing. Note that delimeters are no longer automatically detected, and you need to specify your delimeter and enclosure characters separately. Blank lines are now also ignored.

@owzim - This might fix your issue as the importer now delegates the start and end times to the same method used for the main jumplink editor. If that works for you, then this will as well. If it doesn't fix the problem, then I'll need to investigate further. On my side, however, all looks good.

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Hehe, 404 replies!


(Wonder why the topic tags are stretched out like that...)

Anyways, for those of you who have not seen this yet, here's an update on progress. When v2 is ready for a release of any kind, I'll create a new thread for it. v1 will continue to be supported for those who still use PW 2.7- (for everyone using 2.8+, there will be no reason to stay on v1). v2 will have it's own repo (or perhaps I'll have v1 have it's own branch, and v2 will be dev/master -- maybe that's better).

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What's the best way to handle spaces in the original URL? (and whitespace in general)

I found that if the requested URL contains spaces, the plugin won't start at all, i.e. there's also no debug screen on matches or compiled jumplinks even when debug mode is turned on. It doesn't seem to make a difference if the links are requested with spaces intact or by directly typing in %20 instead. Also, the pattern itself doesn't make a difference. I tried:

  • GEORGIA{space:any}GARDNER{space:any}GRAY.html

Is there a preferred way of handling this or am I missing something obvious?

Thanks :)

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@d'Hinnisdaël - The htaccess ruleset doesn't allow spaces in URIs as ProcessWire doesn't use them. However, this can easily be modified. Open the htaccess file and go to rules 16a and 16b. The default installation uses 16a by default, and you should switch to 16b if you require UTF-8 URIs. At the beginning of each character class (inside the square brackets), add \s to allow spaces. So, if you are using 16a:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "^/~?[\s-_.a-zA-Z0-9/]*$"

(This assumes you are using the latest versions of PW - that is, 2.8 or 3.0.)

You can then just use normal spaces in your jumplinks, and they will be detected just fine, provided the correct wildcard type is used.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/25/2017 at 5:42 PM, quickjeff said:

Hi Mike, any progress in the export functionality, I installed the latest version of Jumplinks on a site that was already using your older version. however the jump links got all wiped out. I need to get the old ones back in. :-)


Hi Jeff - it's been a busy while for me, so dev is paused at this stage. Exporting will definitely be in v2, as well as a v1 to v2 migrator; no plans to add an exporter to v1. Hoping to get back into it soon, though I can already see the next few weeks being quite busy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @kater, you're most welcome.

A plain query string request to the root of the site won't get caught by Jumplinks. You would be better off using htaccess to convert these to request URIs and then having Jumplinks process them.

RewriteEngine on

# These should go directly after the above
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^q=(.+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ /%1 [R,L]

(Haven't actually tested it, but it should redirect /?q=something/else to /something/else with a 302 status code.)

Then omit ?q= from the source.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 11:17 AM, Mike Rockett said:



RewriteEngine on

# These should go directly after the above
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^q=(.+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^$ /%1? [R,L]



Works perfectly (little adjustment "?" to avoid passing through of query).
I've seen this solution in your former post but hoped there is a more direct way :)

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@kater - Yeah, I thought I'd said it before, just wasn't going to go find it. Thanks for pointing that out. I might find a way to resolve this with v2 (when I get back into its development). I could probably use an early hook (instead of the pageNotFound hook) for jumplinks that require it. Just a thought from the top of my head.

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  • 1 month later...

I have resolved my case with nginx maps, maybe someone finds this usefull.

Put all redirects to site-redirect.map

map $request_uri $redirect_uri {
    /index.php?id=1     /page/;
    /index.php?id=53    /another/page/;
    /index.php?id=62    /and/so/on/;

Nginx looks thru the list, and if it finds $request_uri match line in left column - it set $redirect_uri = value of right side of line ($redirect_uri var can be named as you want).

Then include site-redirect.map in http section of nginx config.
Now we must check for $redirect_uri in server section and if it is set - redirect to new URI, just like that:

include site-redirect.map;
server {
    # …
    if ( $redirect_uri ) {
        return 301 $redirect_uri;

If map is big enought you may need to set map_hash_bucket_size to bigger value (in http section).

Here is some more examples to play with:

map $request_uri $redirect_uri {
    # ...
    ~/post-(?<id>\d+)\.html            /post/$id/;
    ~*/catalog/(?<page>.+)\.html?$     /goods/$page/;


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Hi All,

I know I've been distant, but work has kept creeping up on me and I simply haven't been able to commit time to continue work on Jumplinks 2. At this stage, it's difficult to tell when I'll be able to continue, but I do hope it will be soon as I'd like to deprecate v1 as v2 is already so much better.

Again, truly sorry for the delays...

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Mike, appreciate your work, even with tight time budget, thank you so much!

I'd like to leave a comment on your suggestion to focus module development on PW V3 for future releases.

As long as new PW versions are being released in the 2.8 branch, module support for this branch would be desireable, IMHO.

Thanks for considering!

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  On 6/15/2017 at 8:59 AM, HerTha said:

Hi Mike, appreciate your work, even with tight time budget, thank you so much!

I'd like to leave a comment on your suggestion to focus module development on PW V3 for future releases.

As long as new PW versions are being released in the 2.8 branch, module support for this branch would be desireable, IMHO.

Thanks for considering!


You're welcome. :) I can do that, considering that it is already implemented. It's a workaround that I'm not particularly fond of though (from a namespace point of view). I'll keep it in until an alpha release, at which point maybe someone has a better alternative that can be used instead - so we can take it from there.

Are you using the legacy branch?

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I have installed this on one site with no issues, but running into a problems on another:

 Module reported error during install (ProcessJumplinks): SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1293 Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause

 Failed to init module: ProcessJumplinks - SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'db-name.process_jumplinks' doesn't exist

I uninstalled and reinstalled and no joy.

I am on PW 3.0.64

I had redirects installed previously, but uninstalled first.

Any thoughts?

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