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MarkupSEO - The all-in-one SEO solution for ProcessWire.

Nico Knoll

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Thanks for adding it. I'll take a look.


Select a custom field with a fallback to title?

You can use multiple smart titles. So the first one will be used if filled (https://github.com/NicoKnoll/MarkupSEO/blob/master/MarkupSEO.module#L182-L187). If not the second one is used and so on. "Smart title" will be used in case you leave the "Title" field in the SEO tab empty.



Yes it's $page->httpUrl by default (https://github.com/NicoKnoll/MarkupSEO/blob/master/MarkupSEO.module#L233). But you're right. I should add a comment.

URL Segments

I'm not sure either how to handle them. But as they are not "real" pages I guess this module isn't able to handle them anyway (you can't add SEO fields to non existing pages...)

link rel="alternate" hreflang

I'll add an option to include this :)

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Hi Nico,

Thanks for this module! Love it much :)

I think I may have found a conflicting issue when this module is installed along side with ProcessBackup (DB Backup module). There is an error when you try to view the Database Backup detail and I believe it may be caused by the following line:

$editedPage = wire('pages')->get($this->config->input->get->id);

The SEO module kicks in when trying to view the database backup page because there is a querystring id in the url.


The fix is pretty simple:

    public function ready() {
      // backend hooks
      if(@$this->page->process == 'ProcessPageEdit') {
        $editedPage = wire('pages')->get($this->config->input->get->id);

        if(in_array($editedPage->template->name, $this->includeTemplates)) {
          $this->addHookAfter("ProcessPageEdit::buildFormContent", $this, 'hookCustomizeSeoTab');

      // frontend hooks
      if($this->page->template != 'admin' && in_array($this->page->template->name, $this->includeTemplates)) {
        $this->addHookProperty("Page::seo", $this, 'hookFrontendPage');
        $this->addHookProperty("Config::seo", $this, 'hookFrontendConfig');

Check the ProcessEditPage first before look for the edited page object. But anyway, I thought I let you know :) Thanks much again!

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Hi Nico,


>Yes it's $page->httpUrl

I see a potential double content problem here:

A page can exist in http and in https mode. Especially after a https page was called (admin area, or a form in the frontend for example) a user stays in https mode until a next page which is set as http-only was opened.

Do you agree that a double content issue is possible?

If so, my idea would be using this checking order:

1. is the whole site https only (the brand new setting option in the latest dev) ->https

2. fallback: is there a strict setting in the URL part of the template for https? ->https

3. fallback: use the common way to display a website ->http

What Do you think?

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  On 1/26/2015 at 11:03 AM, ceberlin said:

If so, my idea would be using this checking order:

1. is the whole site https only (the brand new setting option in the latest dev) ->https

2. fallback: is there a strict setting in the URL part of the template for https? ->https

3. fallback: use the common way to display a website ->http

I would support such a process, as google is suggesting webmasters to use https. I don't know for sure about the state of improved rankings from https, but as it's a possible factor, it should be taken care of as best as possible.

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  On 1/24/2015 at 2:16 PM, Nico Knoll said:

URL Segments

I'm not sure either how to handle them. But as they are not "real" pages I guess this module isn't able to handle them anyway (you can't add SEO fields to non existing pages...)

Personally I'm not using the SEO module, I set it up in my _init.php, and when using URL Segments I add it in my templates.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but using URLSegments you actually have to edit the template, since it's not an actual page and doesn't have a title and/or meta_descriptions can't you create some default fall-back when URL Segments are used?

Then in the template itself:

SeoModule->fallback_string(__('%1$s is part of %2$s and contains %3$s subpages'),$URLSegment1, $page->parent->title, count($page->children));

or as matter as fact any default outcome when a $page->name/$page->core.title doesn't exist at all...?

BTW above "code" is just fiction, but I guess you know where I'm going...

Now we're at it, URL Segments aren't included in the current sitmap xml module either, which is not ideal on a SEO point of view.

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  On 1/29/2015 at 5:39 PM, Nico Knoll said:

@makari: You now have to define which templates should get a SEO-tab in the module's settings :)

I did it. But no SEO-tab anywere... :mellow:

I guess, some of the old versions data is left in the database - but how can I find that - and where?

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Version 0.7.0:

Hey, I added the https option you asked for:


$config->https will be set to true in runtime I guess if the template is set to use https, too. So all of the fallbacks should be covered.

And I added the fix by @peterfoeng.

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I'm not getting an SEO tab appear on my publish/edit pages. I'm also not seeing any seo_xxxx fields in my fields list. So I thought I should maybe uninstall and reinstall, but when I try to uninstall I get:

Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Fields::___delete() must implement interface Saveable, null given (line 265 of /wire/core/Fields.php) 
This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged.

And yes, I have specified templates to get the tab in the module's settings.

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Thanks for this module.

I use smart fields and got a little bit trouble using the description field. Because I chose fields which include html tags. Even if if I check "Strip Tags" in the field settings for seo_description. I guess that this setting doesn't take effect if the field was left blank. This results in:

<meta name="og:description" content="<h2>KF Interactive GmbH</h2>
	D-04107 Leipzig</p>
	<p>Tel.: +<br />
	Fax: +<br />
	Mail: <a href=" mailto:info@kf-interactive.com"="">
<p><strong>Konzeption und Gestaltung der Website:</strong><br>
	<a href=""></a> & KF Interactive</p>

.. and breaks the layout.

I changed line 206:

-             $pageData['description'] = $page->get(implode('|', $configData['descriptionSmart']));
+             $pageData['description'] = strip_tags($page->get(implode('|', $configData['descriptionSmart']))); 

.. and everything works  :)

Maybe you could include this litte fix in a later version?

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Regarding the HTTPS option:

$pageData['canonical'] = preg_replace('%^http%Uis', 'https', $page->httpUrl);

should be

$pageData['canonical'] = preg_replace('%^https?%i', 'https', $page->httpUrl);

This way the regex will capture all of the protocol string regardless of whether it is http or https at this stage. In my case I got a httpss in the resulting links from the first one as it matched the http, when the input was https.

Tried a few other regexes (e.g. https?, etc.) as well which logically should've worked, but preg_replace in its true self proved to be inconsistent.

Scratch that - read over the U modifier.

Fix returns https for both http and https as input, so covers both eventualities in the context of where it's called in the codebase.

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Had to add a character counter with limiting functionality for one of my projects. Take a look and let me know what you think for now https://github.com/pjguk/MarkupSEO

No guarantees given - this was "hacked" straight into a production environment which already utilises the module and therefore uninstalling and reinstalling was not an option for the time being.

Particulars that are most likely not working as expected for now (Couldn't reliably test yet):

  • Default character limits are not set on install
  • Default character limits do not set should the limit field be empty when the page is saved
  • Hard character limits do not apply to pages unless the fields are being edited and the page subsequently saved (requirement for my project, may not be the behaviour everybody wants/needs)

So still some teething problems with the config on that part, but works well enough for me for the time being.

The modifications allow the following:


Counter added to the title and description fields in the SEO tab. Counting down from the limit to 0 - and beyond to show how many characters you are over.


Config options in the module settings to set the character limits for title and description as well as toggling hard limits. Hard limits disable the ability to enter more than the limit number of characters. Useful if multiple authors work with the SEO tabs and you want to ensure nobody goes over the limits.


With hard limiting disabled the character counter simply goes into the negative and ignores the limit for the actual input and render.


With hard limiting enabled the input cuts off at 0 characters left.

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  On 2/9/2015 at 3:33 PM, Nico Knoll said:

@pjg: Hey, I implemented the counter you suggested. It's a little bit different from your version but it has the same settings :)

Very nice implementation. Works a charm.

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@tyssen: if you can't delete it go to fields and delete all of the (remaining) seo fields manually. Then go to the modules code and delete the whole ___delete() function. Then uninstall the module and delete the .module file. Then download the most recent version (0.8.1), install it and let me now if it works better afterwards :)

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This module cause a conflict with pages on the front end that use the id variable.

"../json_pages/?id=234|434"  will crash processwire. 

this seems to be the caused by: LINE: 92.

$editedPage = wire('pages')->get($this->config->input->get->id)

I think checking that you are in the backend before running the above query might solve the issue.

btw, great plugin. 

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All good now, thanks. And very nice module, previewing feature especially.

Just one small request: it would be useful to have a way to override the Title Format on certain pages, e.g. the home page. For most pages I'll want to have Page Name – Site Name, but on the home page I'll want to have Site Name – Site Description, but with title format enabled I get Site Name – Site Description – Site Name.

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Thanks for adding strip_tags for smart fields  :)

I got a little bit of trouble regarding the new piwik including. Still after re-saving the module settings I get the following error:

Notice: Undefined index: piwikAnalyticsUrl in /.../public/site/modules/MarkupSEO/MarkupSEO.module on line 311

On line 311 you need to check first if this array key exists because in the database there is just an entry for "piwikAnalytics":"" initially. As a quick fix I added ,"piwikAnalyticsUrl":"" manually.

Changing line 311 to

if (array_key_exists('piwikAnalyticsUrl', $configData) && $configData['piwikAnalyticsUrl']) 

or  check if piwikAnalytics is not empty

if (!empty($configData['piwikAnalytics']) && $configData['piwikAnalyticsUrl'])

should solve this issue.

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You corrected the names and therefore an empty entry will be saved. That's on line 767  ;) So you don't have to extend the if condition I suggested (on line 311) because you know that there is always an entry with this key.  ;) Thanks for the quick fix.

(I've been waiting for the strip_tags fix to be able to reset my deployment script because your module is included as a git submodule and I didn't want to change this. So I was quite sure to use the latest master version.)

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