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Image-based site


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Hey guys, I was wondering if you could answer a few questions of mine...

- Does ProcessWire handle high traffic and large content sites?

- Is PW a suitable choice for building an image-based site? Something like those inspirational Tumblogs we often see, for example: twotimeselliott.tumblr.com and bybuildshop.tumblr.com. If it is, what would be the best practices for building something like that?

- Is it possible to create custom post types with PW? Like in tumblr we have text, link, quote, image, video...

- How do we create "categories" and "tags" with PW pages?

Any guidance will be appreciated!

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i think PW handle much more than i (or maby you) can imagine...

there some good explanations on cat's...

the most important thing is to create a page/content structure that it expandable and fit exactly your needs before creating fields and templates

handle structure:




some posts on categories:





a very usefull gist from soma on image tags:


imagetag module:


and for blog examples check out the blog profile fram ryan


and the blog module from konkondo


so i wish a good reading.... :rolleyes:

regards mr-fan

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Like it was said yes, it can. But if all you want is a simple tumblog have a look at Chyrp http://chyrp.net/

That said, PW can perfectly take care of the task and this is probably how I would approach it in PW:

— Create the blog template and page to hold the articles in the tree

— Create a template for each type of post (image, text, video, quote, whatever...) with the custom fields needed for each

— Limit those templates to have the blog page as parent (this will allow you to have the quick creation of these on the quick button)

— On each of these template files create the PHP for the individual post page ex:

<?php //quote post
  if(!count($options['pageStack'])) include('head.inc'); //render the head only if this page is not being rendered inside another page
    — <cite><a href="<?=$page->cite_source?>/"><?=$page->cite?></a></cite>

  if(!count($options['pageStack'])) include('head.inc'); // same as with head

— and then render them on the blog template:


  foreach($page->children as $post) {
    echo $post->render(); //render all posts


Note: this is minimal code just for example, written directly in the browser and completely untested.

See how to paginate results here https://processwire.com/api/modules/markup-pager-nav/

And read about categorisation here https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/

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A other approach could be the new PageTableExtended module...to get different contenttypes on one post.


here it would be a similar page setting like diogo explained - but the editing of the childpages (image, text, ...) would be easy on the blogpostpage.

But this addon needs a basic understanding of templates, fields, and the api for rendering proper output in your templates.

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