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Selector for parent status published

Hari KT

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Hi guys,

I have a category template and articles in different category ( articles template ).

  - articles
  - articles
  - articles
  - articles

I am listing all the articles via the selector "template=articles" . When the category is made as unpublished or hidden then also the articles are displaying. Is there a way other than doing

$category = $pages->find("template=category");
$category_ids = $category->__toString();
$articles = $pages->find("template=articles, parent=$category_ids");

I can get only the articles for published ones?

Thank you

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Try this...quick and dirty...works for me...could be better/smarter/other ways... :-)

$articles = $pages->find('template=articles, parent.status!=2049');

2049  = unpublished status...

Edited by kongondo
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If you want to make it a little cleaner, you can do:

$articles = $pages->find("template=articles, parent.status<".Page::statusUnpublished);

Now you know when looking back on your code, what status you are looking for. Also, I changed the operator from != to < because the numbers that drive these status values are bitwise and are added to together. This way you could also have hidden applied to the category and it would work as expected, but if you use the != you'll get the articles returned again, because the status value will be the addition of unpublished and hidden.

Here are the values:


Note that 2049 is the addition of statusOn and statusUnpublished. Throw statusHidden in there as well and you end up with 3073.

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Just as side note:

$category_ids = $category->__toString();

You never need to do this, toString is a magic method that does automatic if you write:

$category_ids = $category;

Or simply

$categories = $pages->find("template=category");
$articles = $pages->find("template=articles, parent=$categories");
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@Adrian....I am getting unknown selector operator errors with your code (even when I match the ' and ". )

Btw, I have always had problems using these constant statuses within selectors; I can never seem to recall (or find) the right syntax. You are right, they are much easier to read than status numbers!

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