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Github + new text editor (+ mac talk)


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André is teasing me to tell that the Linux freak here just bought a Mac (my last mac was this one, by the way http://km.support.apple.com/library/APPLE/APPLECARE_ALLGEOS/HT1772/88039_9.gif). Yep that's true, couldn't convince my team to drop all the Adobe rubbish and the collaboration was becoming far from ideal :P

So, if anyone has some advices for the newbie, bring them in!

And yes, I installed Atom as soon as the wireless connected ;)

But also TextMate 2.0, nice surprise!

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Here's a few things to play with - I am a relatively new Mac guy too and the first few keep me sane :)

http://binarynights.com/forklift/ and/or http://www.trankynam.com/xtrafinder/ if you can't stand folders mixed in with files alphabetically)





http://jumpcut.sourceforge.net/ (might be a newer alternative, but I use this all day long)

http://www.mirovideoconverter.com/ (not Mac specific, but so convenient and easy)



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Hey Marty,

I don't actually like the dual pane functionality in XtraFinder, which I why I use Forklift. XtraFinder is really just on my list as a free alternative to deal with Mac's stupid (IMHO) folder/file ordering. I actually think I would literally go insane without Forklift.

But if you do want the quasi dual pane thingy in XtraFinder, you have to click on the new face icon in your menu bar and choose vertical or horizontal from there.

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Thanks guys! Here are some things that I found already:

https://www.foundapp.com/ (wow! looks for files in the disk, gmail, evernote, dropbox, just name it...)


http://www.clipmenu.com/ (seems to be better than jumpcut)


http://lifehacker.com/182657/how-to-turn-mac-os-x-dashboard-off (great!! :D)

https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-us/download/ (srsly, the only from the "big ones" that lets you choose the folders to sync)


http://kapeli.com/dash (lots of documentation for languages)

http://koala-app.com/ ( gui compiler for preprocessing languages)

http://www.allvu.com/index.php/products/startninja.html (very important!!)

http://gimp.lisanet.de/Website/Download.html (try to make "color to alpha" in photoshop :P)



Ok, enough!

By the way, Atom is looking pretty nice ;)


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One more trick I learned:

ctrl+f3 (or ctrl+fn+f3) to use the dock with the keyboard and the same with f2 for the top bar.

I must say that Gnome is much more intuitive and faster to learn for keyboard freaks than macOS. I'm making an honest effort here, since this will be my production machine for a long time (hopefully), but I keep thinking that the Gnome team is doing a hell of a job in Gnome 3.

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@cstevensjr, congrats.

- The most used app on my mac: Quicksilver. (I mainly use it as app loader/switcher)

- I love this web environment.

AppTrap (Remove useless settings & stuff from apps you trash)

- Sip (Pick & bookmark your colors to use it everywhere )

- Hex Color Picker (Add a hex color picker to every application. )

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on windows go to the task bar, right click the gdrive icon, choose seetings and tick the box for selective sync. on mac i don't know but assume once you found settings it's the same.

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I bought a Macbook Pro last winter and would love to love it. Unfortunately I can only report ambivalent experiences. The device is fancy, no doubt, but wrapping you head around keybindings for window management is a long way to go. In addition, I have frequent annoyances: Sometimes the lock screen doesn't kick in and upon opening the lid the Mac doesn't ask for a password (spent hours with Apple care but it still isn't completely fixed). Furthermore from time to time I'm unable to load paid software from the app store because my ID doesn't work. I than have to contact support and they unlock it somehow, but it never lasts forever.

I must say, in matters of productivity my desktop Win 8.1 machine makes a superior impression ... But maybe I'm not yet skilled enough with a Mac.

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