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Wuppermann Group | Corporate Website | Relaunch


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A week ago the new website of the wuppermann group went online. The Wupperman group is a EU-wide operating company with several locations in different countries. Their portfolio is all about steel fabrication. This includes flat producs, tubes & profiles.

The technical production is developed by me, Olaf Gleba. The grafic design is supplied by C&G: Strategische Kommunikation GmbH.

Homepage: https://www.wuppermann.com

Some Impressions:


462034284_Blechfertigung-bei-Wuppermann-in-Altmunster.thumb.png.3aa725a3fb56c164ecb7baf475962d41.png Non-scaled-black-steel-tubes-from-Wuppermann.thumb.png.c6d90d3d0f377a6a087925162f3729bb.pngTechnical-product-advice-We-are-happy-to-help-you-menu.thumb.png.270561b7949e1df68e16d4b4912d9cfd.png




(Secured) Shareholder portal, only available in german language

Former screens deleted on behalf of the client.



Technical notes:

1. All contents are populated by provided (i name them) content modules (e.g. Repeater Matrix Types) which gets the client what he needs and either prevent him from doing weird stuff. In nearly all textareas formatting is limited to a absolute minimum. For example, image insertion in CKEditor is generally prohibited. Instead there are dedicated fields for modules which holds media contents.



2. This and that..

- vCards are build on the fly with a admin hook on page save.
- PrivacyWire as CCM (just a few cookies to handle Matomo and external movie content)
- Uses the SearchEngine Module to handle (multilanguage) site search
- Email Obfuscation Module for frontend e-mail addresses
- Wire Mail Smtp to deliver automated e-mails
- Multilingual (german, english, hungerian, polish, dutch)
- Ajax driven content (for example on the contact page)
- Heavy use of Fieldtype AssistedURL (Fork by @adrian) to provide language dependend, local file linking (fieldname_[de|en] approach)
- Login area (closed shareholder portal) with secured file downloads ($config->pagefileSecure = true)
- Email New User, Admin Action (create users batcher), Force Password Change for functionality like adding new users with specific roles, Password reset, Change Passwort a.s.o.
- Distribution of concatenate/minified css and javascript is cachebusted (happens within my developement environment,- no modules (like AIOM etc.) involved).
- Thanks to @ryan* all images are delivered in WEBP format (with fallback). *) s. https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1497
- The site uses a bunch of modules provided by the ProFields Package (for example Repeater Matrix and Table Fieldtypes).


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  On 5/19/2022 at 9:36 AM, Stefanowitsch said:

Really cool design! I love the content module solution.

I build something like that my own by using nested repeater fields... but can you tell me how you realized that good looking "Select type to add..." popup?


Thx. The latest ProField Repeater Matrix has the option (input tab) to define the method for adding items. When you choose Images you get the overlay. By default, the image of the matrix type have the same name and is placed along with the type file location (for example: /site/templates/fields/modules_page/matrix_type.php => site/templates/fields/modules_page/matrix_type.svg). Preparing a good looking Image is just up to you then ?

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  On 5/19/2022 at 10:10 AM, olafgleba said:
  On 5/19/2022 at 6:25 AM, zoeck said:

Nice Page!

But why didn't you just adapt the admin theme to the CI?
Thanks to @bernhard this is now very simple ? 



Just because there is no need for this extra. The client is happy what he got. Coming from Typo3...


That extra would be 1 module to install and 2 settings to populate... Just saying ? 

The site looks great - congratulations ? 

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  On 5/19/2022 at 10:22 AM, olafgleba said:

Thx. The latest ProField Repeater Matrix has the option (input tab) to define the method for adding items. When you choose Images you get the overlay. By default, the image of the matrix type having the same name and be placed along with the the type file location (for example: /site/templates/fields/modules_page/matrix_type.php => site/templates/fields/modules_page/matrix_type.svg). Preparing a good looking Image is just up to you then ?


Ah okay. I do not use the ProField Modules. That's a really cool feature, though.

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  On 5/19/2022 at 10:22 AM, olafgleba said:

The latest ProField Repeater Matrix has the option (input tab) to define the method for adding items. When you choose Images you get the overlay.


@ryan Have you considered putting some new screenshots here? It’s a very popular feature judging from showcase threads, developers here love to show off their images to great effect (it was also asked about in this recent thread, for instance), but it gets almost no love in the public docs/store page, and even in the introductory blog post it can only be seen for a split second in the video. The images in the video are also kind of grey in comparison to @olafgleba’s beautiful display ? I’m sure showing it off on the store page would boost sales some!

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