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New post: Login Register Pro (module)


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This week we’ll take a look at LoginRegisterPro — a new module that provides an all-in-one, self contained module for providing new user registration, secure logins, profile editing, and more. It does this all in a manner that is reliable, efficient, comprehensive and secure.

As we continue preparing the ProcessWire core dev branch to become our new master, I've been trying to stay hands-off on new feature additions there as much as possible (till the new master is out), and instead focusing on finishing up modules I've had in development. Last time I told you about the UserActivity module, and this time we’ll look at LoginRegisterPro, which is another module dealing with users; though significantly larger in scale/scope.

LoginRegisterPro is a module I've been working on for more than a year, and finally this month have it ready to share. While I don't have it available for download today I do expect to have a beta release as soon as early next week. Read this week’s post for more details—


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@ryan, thanks for this new module - really looking forward to getting my hands on it!

One important thing that I think is missing though is support for Image fields (the screenshots say no File fields and I figure this means no Image fields either). It's a really common need to allow avatar/profile images for members. A simple file input would suffice, but of course it would great to have things like preview before upload, front-end image resizing, and progress bar for upload (especially if front-end resizing isn't possible).

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@Robin S I agree and this is already in progress. It's not in the first version but is in the next one—here's the relevant section from the draft documentation:


Regarding file/image fields, support is planned and custom file/image fields are in development for this purpose. We cannot use ProcessWire’s core file/image fields because they are intended only for input use in an admin environment with trusted users. File uploads require special security considerations (like with FormBuilder), especially because they come from users that can register and create their own account. For this reason, I'm taking extra time to focus on that and do it in as secure a manner as possible, but didn't want to delay version 1 of LoginRegisterPro while it was developed. File and image uploads will be available on user profile forms (i.e. confirmed users), but not registration forms (before users are confirmed). 


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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello @ryan thanks for this amazing module. can I ask a doubt  ? 


Guests may register to create a new account. User accounts are not actually created until validated by an email sent to the user. They receive a link containing a confirmation code. When clicked on (or pasted in manually after registration) the user account is then created. (Additional confirmation steps can also be optionally enabled). At this point, the user is now confirmed and can login (or be logged-in automatically).

Can we somehow bypass / disable this sending activation link to Emal step ?  I would need the registration completes once after the submit the form, no need of the activation link sent to email >> then click it.

Please let me know if its possible, then where should I comment out / disable some lines in source code. 



thank you 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to ask (because I've been confused about this for a while) - what exactly is the benefit of this compared to something like Form Builder? Just the fact that the whole register / login flow is already coded for you rather than having to do it yourself?


Main reason I'm asking is because like...while I certainly want both Form Builder and LoginRegisterPro, it seems like Form Builder is the better deal at only $10 more. But maybe I'm missing something.

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1 hour ago, awesomolocity said:

while I certainly want both Form Builder and LoginRegisterPro, it seems like Form Builder is the better deal at only $10 more. But maybe I'm missing something.

These are two completely different modules

Formbuilder: Forms that can be filled out and sent via the frontend (save to page, send an email etc.)

Login register: Users can register and will receive a corresponding e-mail. Users can edit a (customizable) profile themselves in the frontend. There is a forgotten password function

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On 5/10/2020 at 9:32 AM, JeevanisM said:

Once the logout happens, the pahge redirects to http://localhost/pw/admin/   ( to the admin url ) . How do I change this > I want to redirect the page to some other custom page. 


You can create a own logout template/page with this content:



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  • 4 years later...

@ryan In the store, the text on the Login Register Pro product page says: "After 1-year, you can optionally renew your access to the support/upgrades board for a nominal fee".

I noticed that the text of other modules did also change that way. Which means, the renewal fee is not specified anymore.

Could you please add the renewal fee(s) again, to the product pages in the store?
I am not only interested in them myself, but also my clients, which always want to know what the yearly subscribtion fees are.

Thanks in advance!

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@tb76 This stuff is kind of a pain to edit in IP.Board so I've tried to normalize it all to be easier to maintain and reuse. This means maintaining bodycopy and prices separately where possible. But it should state the optional yearly renewal fee once the item is in your cart. 

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@ryan Thanks for the info. I can imagine that the shop in the forum is no fun to edit ...

I tested it and the shop doesn't show the renewal fee in the cart before purchase. But after purchase, one can see the renewal fee, when one clicks on "Manage Purchases" and then on the "Manage" button of the respective module. After that, it shows the renewal fee in the sidebar.

So, the renewal price is unfortunately only shown after purchase.

But for the clients it would be great, if the current renewal fee would be visible anywhere, because they really want to know the fees exactly ...

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @ryan, how would this module work if I for example have two different types of users that require both a different type of registration / profile form. For the sake of conversation, think about the difference for instance on a website that showcases houses for sale, were you will have a registration for house buyers (mainly basic information and preferences) and house sellers or maybe even realtors (mainly maintaining the details around house(s) and capture interest of house buyers). 

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  • 5 months later...

Hello @ryan
How could I change the labels and descriptions to have them in French?

I tried :

'InputfieldSubmit' => [ 'class=' => 'bg-red-400 p-2 border-yellow-300 border-2 rounded-lg' ],
  'Inputfield_profile_pass' => array(
    'item' => "<fieldset {attrs}>{out}</fieldset>", // i.e. InputfieldFieldset.item
    'item_label' => "<legend>Entrez un mot de passe</legend>",
    'item_label_hidden' => "<legend style='display:none'>{out}</legend>",
    'item_content' => "<div class='InputfieldContent'>{out}</div>",
    'item_description' => "<p class='description'>Requiert au minimum 6 lettres ou chiffres</p>",
    'item_notes' => "<p class='notes'><small>{out}</small></p>",
echo $loginRegister->execute();

I tried to change label and description into French but failed.

How could I do that?

Thank you

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