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creating space between text paragraph in textarea field


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I found this problem which I dont know how to solve. I created a field which is a textarea. The client will place her information inside and that will be echoed into the web. Simple and clear. The only thing is that the client has long text so he will create paragraphs. In the box of the textarea in the CMS PW you can create text and with the keyboard ENTER you can make paragraphs. Once saved it still remains with paragraph format as the spaces are respected in processwire.


In the web you only see one block of text. What method has to be done so the client can create spaces between the text?

Thanks Dani

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I'm not sure if I understand 100% what you want to achive, but I think you just need to do this in PHP when "echoing" the text from the textarea:

echo nl2br($text);

You'll have "<br />" Tags and not paragraphs in your html. Maybe that's ok? ;-)

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Well, I thought there could be a solution as such... but I wouldnt like to say to the client she needs to write <br> to make a paragraph separation. I would like she is free to create paragraphs pressing the usual ENTER keyboard. This should be easy to create. I dont know if I explained myself correctly.

With processwire you can create text fields. This is to give the service via CMS to write text in it. The client would like a text as this for example:

Maecenas venenatis pellentesque luctus. Vestibulum nunc dolor, cursus in tempor quis, aliquet at massa. Vivamus varius dapibus egestas. Maecenas nec suscipit sapien. Nam et nibh velit. Aliquam semper dui eu ipsum tristique mollis. Integer et nibh eu magna iaculis adipiscing nec eu odio. Nullam pulvinar viverra gravida.

Curabitur id vehicula diam. Maecenas consectetur aliquet quam sit amet dictum. Duis molestie vestibulum turpis at varius. Curabitur sodales laoreet dui egestas rhoncus. Cras elit risus, ullamcorper et vulputate vitae, placerat vitae purus. Cras at posuere risus. Morbi consequat eleifend libero vel ultricies. Morbi venenatis mattis arcu, et sagittis massa posuere a. Maecenas neque odio, hendrerit sit amet v

Clients can be quite picky with what they want. Most surely she wants to display the text look like this. So I would like that when the client writes text in the textfield it displays exactly what they have written. I put an image of the field I mean, as the chines say... better one image than 1000 words.

open to solutions :)


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Two options: change it to rich text editor (edit the field and then details tab => Inputfield type => tinyMCE) or then add newlines to br textformatter (install it from modules, then edit the field and add the formatter from details tab).

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I was writing a reply yesterday when StopDaddy interfered. You now have all the info you need. but i'll post it anyways. Be sure to read.

I'm assuming that the field is of the type 'textarea' without TinyMCE. This does not actually create html <p> tags. So if you hit 'enter' two times when editing the field contents it visually looks like a paragraph but it are in fact two newline characters.

Newline characters are stored in the database but don't do anything visually when you echo it on the "web".

Wanze's suggestions works. There even is a text formatter already for that. In the PW admin go to "Modules". Scroll to the Textformatter section and install the "Newlines to XHTML Line Breaks" module. Now go to Setup->Fields. In the fields table look for the relevant textarea field. Click on it. Go to the details tab and choose aforementioned Text Formatter. If you now look at "The Web" it should all be good.

If all of this doesn't make sense to you or if your problem is somehow different you should read up on html and learn your tool (PW).


Provide us with a more detailed description of your problem and what you have already tried to solve it yourself. Things like looking at the generated html, corresponding CSS etcetera.

If i speak for myself but guess most of the forum members: We are more than willing to help, also with basic questions, but some effort on your part is required.

ps You should consider using a TinyMCE field because making look-a-like paragraphs generally isn't considered best practice

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Yes you guys were assuming correctly. I had the textarea without tinyMCE. Thank you the new module works smoothly.

Regarding the post of Sinnut. I have to begin asking these questions and learning via forums. This is how I learn any other program. At the begginng there are a lot of things to learn so you are forced to ask a lot of small details. Knowing this I learn everytime a bit more so I can also help others in a future. I think this is normal. For example this post is already converted into a manual, next time somebody has this same problem they will find this post.

Which documentation should I read to have known this answer to this question for example? I'm open to suggestions or kind of bibles I need to know. I like a lot processwire.



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