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Well-known sites/brands that use ProcessWire?


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34 minutes ago, bernhard said:

What tells you that this is PW? The /site/templates/ urls?

  1. /site/assets/files/1234/photo.jpg style image urls.
  2. /site/assets/pwpc/pwpc-(longmd5typehash).css tells us ProCache is being used.
  3. /site/assets/aiom/css_(longmd5typehash).css is the same, but for AllInOneMinify.

1 alone is a pretty good indication. 2 or 3 in all honesty are probably definitive. 1 + 2|3 and you can be 99.999% certain.

Anyone got any other tells?

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6 minutes ago, DaveP said:
  • /site/assets/files/1234/photo.jpg style image urls.
  • /site/assets/pwpc/pwpc-(longmd5typehash).css tells us ProCache is being used.
  • /site/assets/aiom/css_(longmd5typehash).css is the same, but for AllInOneMinify.

Agree, but I can't see any of them on the linked site.

5 minutes ago, DaveP said:

Anyone got any other tells?

Yes :)

Thanks for the discussion but I don't want to bring us too far offtopic :) 

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2 hours ago, bernhard said:

What tells you that this is PW? The /site/templates/ urls?

I don't ever trust site/templates. I figure that site/assets/files makes it pretty definite, but as @kongondo mentioned, I always test via: isit.pw

The other thing that isit.pw checks (I think), is the "it" url parameter that PW uses for all page requests.


2 hours ago, kongondo said:

I don't know how @adrian got there in the first place

I got there from: https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/cm-processwire/all/all


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