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Modifying tabs & moving fields to another tab in Page Editor


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There's native `Fieldset in Tab` for creating editor tabs, but sometimes it could make more sense to put a field that's not directly related to `Content` into `Settings` or `Children` tab (such as for body class or some toggles that I see being used often). You can use the hook below to move fields between the tabs.




// site/ready.php

wire()->addHookAfter('ProcessPageEdit::buildForm', function (HookEvent $e) {
    // make sure we're editing a page and not a user
    if ($e->process != 'ProcessPageEdit') return;

    // $page = $e->object->getPage();
    // if ($page->template != 'home') return;

    // $user = $e->user;
    // if (!$user->hasRole('editor')) return;

    $form = $e->return;

    $contentTab = $form->children->get('id=ProcessPageEditContent');
    $settingsTab = $form->children->get('id=ProcessPageEditSettings');
    // $childrenTab = $form->children->get('id=ProcessPageEditChildren');

    // if page template is set noSettings = true, $settings will not exist
    if (!$settingsTab) return;

    $title = $contentTab->get('title');
    if (!$title) return;



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  On 10/12/2017 at 6:15 PM, maxf5 said:

Great tip! it is also possible to add new tabs? Like a tab called SEO where i put my seo fields.


There's Fieldset in Tab (Open) for that. Create one, add to a template and move fields that you want to show in the tab between tabField and tabfield_END fields



Which gives you a tab like this


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Cool stuff! But in the example you would definitely want that template check at the top of the hook (or check the current process with $this->process) or you will get an error when creating or editing a user (no Settings tab exists).

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  On 10/12/2017 at 9:37 PM, Robin S said:

Cool stuff! But in the example you would definitely want that template check at the top of the hook (or check the current process with $this->process) or you will get an error when creating or editing a user (no Settings tab exists).


Good point. I left page template optional (but it's really encouraged), but I didn't consider user pages at all.

Updated the OP.

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