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Missing API Reference - Fieldgroups


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Today I noticed the Fieldgroups class is missing from the reference, and I wasn't sure why! Does anyone know?

Also, I feel like the docs would be easier to parse/navigate if the API Variables were shown alongside the class they were an instance of.

  • Config ($config)
  • Field
  • Fields ($fields)
  • Fieldgroup
  • Fieldgroups ($fieldgroups)
  • Fieldtype
  • HookEvent
  • Inputfield
  • InputfieldWrapper
  • MarkupPagerNav
  • Module
  • Modules ($modules)
  • ...
  • Page ($page)
  • Pages ($pages)
  • ...

I'm also aware of the API Gen reference page (https://processwire.com/apigen/index.html), which is more robust, but a little harder to parse.

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Is this what you are referring to: http://processwire.com/api/ref/fieldgroups/

Not sure why it isn't linked - must be missing from the API Explorer script that @ryan runs to generate the ref pages.

There actually seems to be the opposite problem with: http://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-database-backup/ - that page 404s, but is linked to under Core Classes > WireDatabaseBackup in the dropdown.

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On 8/7/2017 at 11:17 PM, adrian said:

Is this what you are referring to: http://processwire.com/api/ref/fieldgroups/

Not sure why it isn't linked - must be missing from the API Explorer script that @ryan runs to generate the ref pages.

There actually seems to be the opposite problem with: http://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-database-backup/ - that page 404s, but is linked to under Core Classes > WireDatabaseBackup in the dropdown.



I've been saying for a while that I'd love to help the docs get better. As they are now, I think they're pretty good - but things could always improve, and if there is one thing in development I am uber-passionate about, it's documentation!!

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11 hours ago, ethanbeyer said:



I've been saying for a while that I'd love to help the docs get better. As they are now, I think they're pretty good - but things could always improve, and if there is one thing in development I am uber-passionate about, it's documentation!!

Would mind posting an issue on Github about the two issues noted above so we know that Ryan will see it?

Thank you!

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